- Lee Taeil's POV-
IT WAS ANOTHER LAZY afternoon. My mom just finished her yoga classes at a fitness gym called Aerobica. As my mom was walking her way home, she saw my dad sleeping on the park's bench near our neighbourhood. She tried to wake him up but-
You know what, I'm tired. I'll just stop here. Ask my mom if you wanna hear this cringe-ass love story.
"Taeil, wake up. You have classes today," I heard someone say while patting my shoulder
"Hmmm..." I mumbled as I slowly opened my eyes to see my mother standing in front of me with a wide smile.
"Happy 18th Birthday Taeil," mom greeted this early in the morning before leaning forward so she could kiss my forehead.
"Thanks." I lazily answered as I rub my eyes and wore my glasses.
"Alright. Get ready now so you could eat breakfast," she stated as she finally went out of my room. I stretched my arms and yawned. But just when I was about to stand up, I lied back down on my bed again. I was moments away from falling asleep when suddenly...
"LEE TAEIL! YOU BETTER NOT BE SLEEPING AGAIN!" My mom shouted angrily, making me sit back up again. This time, I really went to take a cold bath so I could at least wake my system up a little.
Afterward I went downstairs and saw my mom making coffee. I went to the table and poured the milk and cereal inside the bowl that was already prepared for me. Usually, I only eat things that are prepared fast and are easy to eat. I get too tired and lazy. Sometimes I even fall asleep on the table.
I've always been a lazy bum. I get too tired and sleepy that my mother got worried. But when she brought me to the hospital, the doctor said I was in perfect condition. There was nothing wrong with me at all.
"Here you go son." My mom said as she placed a cup of black coffee beside me. I drank the coffee and looked at her while she sat on the chair in front of me. Then she took a sip from her cup as well.
"Do you have something to do tonight?" She asked as she placed her own cup down.
"Do you think I would even have the strength to make a plan?" I lazily answered before eating another spoonful of cereal.
"No, but there's no harm in asking Taeil," mom pointed out, and I just shrugged my shoulder as an answer. After that the room was filled with awkward silence. It happens all the time when my mom and I converse with each other.
"So Taeil, what do you want for your birthday?" Mom continued to ask, hoping to break that awkwardness between us.
"I don't know," I honestly answered her.
"Well even though you don't have a gift in mind, your dad took the liberty to give you one," she told me, like mentioning about my father out of nowhere is normal.
"My dad? He's alive?"I asked, and mom nodded her head as an answer. It's been a while since she talked about dad so I'm a little surprised. And the 'surprise' that I'm feeling is once again making me feel tired.
"So where's the gift?" I then asked.
"Later at dinner I'll give it to you." My mom answered as she stood up from the chair.
I didn't have the energy to argue so I just finished my cereal and stood up from my seat as well.
"I'll be going now," I told her as I took my bag from the table in the living room. Before I was completely outside, I turned around and said as loud as I could, "Mom! Don't forget to feed acedia!"
"Sure thing honey!" My mom shouted back.
By the way, Acedia is my pet snail.
While I was walking my way to school, my vision started becoming blurry. My legs felt like noodles, and I wanted to sleep so bad that if I don't find a place to rest, I'll faint and fall asleep on the sidewalk.
"Being absent again won't hurt right?" I tiredly asked myself while yawning
I was already at the park a few blocks away from the university so I guess this would be a better place to sleep than anywhere else.
I sat on the bench and placed my bag beside me. I looked up and stared at the sky as my sleepiness slowly took over. I used my bag as a pillow and lied on the bench. Then I finally closed my eyes and drifted my way to dreamland with no struggle.
"Hey Taeil! Do you have supernatural powers or something? Because you fucking sleep all the time!"
"Leave me alone."
"It's like as soon as you lay down your entire system just stops working. It's crazy."
"Are you even listening to me?"
"By the way, where's Jackson?"
"Don't know."
"Hey Taeil..."
"I like-"
"Lee Taeil!" Someone suddenly shouted just inches away from my ear, making me open my eyes from shock.
I immediately sat up. My chest felt heavy and I was panting like crazy. I gulped and closed my eyes to relax, "Not that dream again," I told myself as I glanced at the guy who had the nerve to shout at me.
"Jackson?" I asked from shock, removing my glasses so I could rub my eyes just to make sure I was looking at the right person. "Why are you here? You should be in school," I told him, and Jackson flicked my forehead and said, "I WAS in school you idiot," he angrily told me.
I massaged my aching forehead and confusingly asked, "Was?"
Jackson sighed as if he had completely given up on me, "Classes are over you lazy bum. Did you seriously sleep here the entire time?" He asked, and I just stretched my arms and yawned again instead of answering him.
By the way this is Wang Jackson. He's my very kind, understanding, and somewhat envious friend. He's also my dear neighbour since I was a kid. He's bigger than me, or I could just be really small, but people say we don't match. But I guess our difference is what makes us close.
"I was worried sick. I looked everywhere for you, and here I find you sleeping at a park near our neighbourhood. Are you fucking crazy?" Jackson asked, and I just scratched the back of my head awkwardly.
"Sorry, I just got sleepy while walking and went here for a little nap," I answered, making Jackson look angry again, "Yeah. Your little nap became a long night's rest."
I pouted and looked at him apologetically. But while Jackson was standing in front of me, I suddenly remembered something.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Happy birthday Jackson. I hope it's not too late," I said, and Jackson finally calmed down.
"You too. Happy Birthday. Now let's go home," he said back, making me give out a small smile.
I took my bag and stood up from the bench. Then we walked back to our house like what we always do after our classes.
"What happened in class today?" I asked Jackson while we were walking.
"Nothing much really. It was hours of lecture, lecture, and oh yeah, more lecture," Jackson answered with a hint of boredom in his voice.
"Good thing I just slept at the park instead of in the classroom then," I told him with a goofy smile so I could at least turn this situation into something positive. But Jackson wasn't buying it. He glared at me again so I didn't try to salvage the situation anymore.
We reached his house first, which was actually just a few meters away from ours.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow," Jackson suddenly said before entering his house.
I raised my right eyebrow and asked, "Why?"
"Because if I don't I might see you sleeping on the sidewalk this time."
Well he does have a point.
"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He declared even though I haven't even agreed to it yet, but I was already too tired to argue with him so I just let him be.
"Yeah, you too Jackson," I answered back instead. Jackson went inside his house, and I went to mine, which was like I said, was only a few meters away from his house.
"Mom I'm home." I lazily stated, trying my best to look like I came back from studying hard in school and not sleeping all day at a park.
I went to the kitchen and saw my mom placing plates on the table.
"Welcome back Taeil," mom greeted back when she saw me.
I placed my bag on an empty seat and sat down beside it. Mom didn't say anything and suddenly placed a small box in the middle of the table, which I presume is the gift from my dad that mom was talking about earlier. Mom then took out a can of beer from the fridge and sat on the chair in front of me. Are we going to talk about something serious that my mom has to prepare alcohol?
"So how was school?" Mom asked as soon as we started eating.
"Uhm..." I hesitated to answer as I took my chopsticks, trying to not look straight at her eyes so she wouldn't be able to catch me red-handed.
"Don't tell me you slept all throughout your class again?!" Mom asked angrily, making me gulp.
"Actually I slept at the bench in the park near our neighbourhood," I mumbled to myself, but mom wasn't able to hear it so she asked again, "Taeil, what did you do?"
There was really no point in lying to her now, "I slept in the park. I'm sorry mom. You know how easily I get sleepy," I defended, and mom sighed in disappointment.
"I know that, but you should have at least went back here when you felt sleepy instead of sleeping there," she said with a worried expression, making me feel guilty.
I looked down at my food and apologized.
Mom took a deep breath, "It's okay. But please refrain from doing that again," she said to me, and I nodded my head as an honest answer.
The two of us finally started eating. Since I was asleep the entire day, I couldn't share anything with her, so mom talked about how her day went instead. And yes, she fed Acedia like what I told her because I always forget about it myself.
The dinner ended quite fast because like I said earlier, I can get sleepy easily.
Mom cleared the table and told me to try to stay awake as much as I can because we have something important to talk about. So I did. With all my might of course.
I was about to doze off again, but my mom quickly sat back down on her chair, surprising me.
"So what do you want to know about your father?" My mom suddenly asked, shocking me again. My sleepiness almost left me when she said that.
"Can I ask who he is first?" I said, and my mom nodded her head. But before answering, she opened the can of beer and took a sip. Then she took a deep breath and finally answered, "Your father is Belphegor, the ruler of the realm Sloth."
Everything became silent. Mom looked at me confusingly and asked, "Son, did you hear me?"
"Yes I did," I answered, still staring at her with a blank expression.
"Taeil, your father's a DEMON," mom said again, almost spelling to word demon for me so I could understand what she's trying to say.
I blinked and told her, "I heard you the first time mom."
"So, no reaction?" She asked. She looked more shocked than I was.
"Can't you see how shocked I am?" I asked back.
Mom drank from the can again and told me, "Honestly son, no."
I tilted my head to the side and looked at her confusingly, "Really? It's pretty obvious that I'm terrified right now."
My mom shook her head and said again, "Nope, I still don't know what you're feeling up to this moment."
Here we go again with the awkward silence.
"So, any more questions?" She finally asked.
My mom looked at me with disbelief and asked again just to make sure, "Are you sure?"
I slowly nodded my head and answered, "Yup."
Mom took a deep breath and awkwardly scratched the back of her head before pushing the small box closer to me, "Then I guess you could just open this."
I lazily took the box and opened it like what my mother said. Inside was a letter and a ring. I opened the letter because that's obviously what I'm supposed to do first.
Happy 18th Birthday Taeil.
I know you're surprised, but what your mom told you about me is true. I am one of the Seven Deadly Demons that rules hell, and you, my son are a demon by blood, but a human by appearance.
I never wanted to leave you two, but I had no choice. But know that I always have my eyes on you. You should be aware by now that I see you through your pet snail's eyes.
I know it's hard for you to not know who your father is, and it is also hard for me not to be able to be by your side. I know how hard it is for you to grow up especially since you are always feeling tired and sleepy. But now that you have reached 18-
"Done," I told my mom as I quickly placed the letter down.
Mom looked at me seriously and crossed her arms together, "You didn't finish it didn't you?" She asked with her right eyebrow raised.
I sighed and didn't even try to fight her, "It's too long," I said instead.
Mom doesn't say anything, but it looked like she wanted to facepalm herself.
"Look mom, this is kinda exciting for me. Can I just wear the ring and go back to sleep?" I told her, and mom sighed again and asked me another question instead, "What does the letter tell you to do?"
I obviously didn't finish the letter so I took the paper again and scanned it.
"I must look for 6 people who are just like me and kill the people who are after us." I lazily answered, totally not freaked out by the part where he said angels are out there to kill us.
My mom nodded her head as an understanding and said, "Then you must do just that."
"But it's too exciting and you know what excitement does to me," I reminded her, making my mom look at me like I was a hopeless cause.
"If your father told you to do it then you must obey his orders," she persistently told me. I let out a heavy sigh and massaged my temple. This is why I hate excitement.
"I know you're still confused about this but please believe your father. This is for your own sake," mom said before standing from her seat.
"You should rest for now. I know how tired you are. And please bring the box with you," she said, and I lazily obliged.
As I arrived at my room, I placed the box on the table beside the container where Acedia is in.
"Hey dad, can you hear me?" I asked as I tapped on Acedia's container
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to believe that you're a demon? It might not look like it but I really am surprised to the point where I could just faint. But even so, I'll do what you want. I'll even try to be enthusiastic about it all." I declared before sighing heavily again.
I took the ring from the box and stared at it, "If I wear this, will shit happen to me?" I asked myself, and surprisingly, the ring lit up like it just answered me. So I took a deep breath and wore the ring. And for the first time in my entire 18 years of existence...
I felt wide awake.
- END -
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