- Kwon Jiyong's POV -
MY MOM WAS THE manager of the Human Resources Department in a company in Seoul, and my dad was one of the new applicants. Instead of asking about the job, my dad grew an interest in my mother, which eventually led to a romantic route.
Mom said that my dad would sometimes proudly tell others that I'll become a great kid.
I won't lie, he wasn't wrong.
They thought we were going to be a happy family, but my dad left us and disappeared, so I was born in this dangerous world without knowing who my real father is.
My father disappeared without any explanation, so I never talked about him because I knew that it would only be a waste of time to talk about a man who doesn't even want to stay with us.
I grew up to be a person who's full of himself. I have everything that I want, and some people just can't accept that. Others say I have a bad personality and that I should change it, but everyone's got to have a flaw somehow right?
And besides, why would I change who I am? Its fun being a fucking king.
"Wake up Jiyong...Wake up Jiyong."
I woke up from my alarm, which is actually my pet parrot, Superbia.
I stretched my arms and stood up from my bed as my curtains automatically open. Then I went to the bathroom and got ready for class. After that, I went to my walk-in closet and looked for a set of clothes that I haven't worn yet.
"I guess this will do," I said, taking out the clothes that I'll be wearing for today.
"Handsome...handsome," Superbia told me, so I went to her cage, opened it, and poured some bird food on her bowl as a sign of thank you for her amazing yet truthful compliment.
I took my leather briefcase from my desk and went towards my door, but before I could leave, Superbia suddenly said, "Happy Birthday Jiyong."
The greeting was sudden. Mom must have taught her to say that.
"Thanks Superbia," I answered before leaving the room.
As I went downstairs, I went out of the house and head straight to our clubhouse where we usually eat breakfast since it's beside the garden and the ambiance is amazing. There I saw my mom with Charles, my step-father.
"Oh Jiyong, you're up early," my mom said as she placed her cup down. She and my step-dad were sitting on the table while maids served us our breakfast.
"Happy Birthday," she then greeted, so I went to her so I could kiss her head as a reply.
I was about to take a seat, but Charles suddenly stood up and handed me something. "Happy Birthday Jiyong. It's not much but I hope you like my present." He said, and I looked at my palm and saw that it was a car key.
"Are you giving me one of your cars?" I asked confusingly.
I already have a car of my own, a white 2014 Aston Martin Vanquish Coupe. But Charles has three regular cars and five supercars that he barely uses.
(NOTE: This book started in 2014 so anything newer than that will not appear here).
Charles smiled widely and held onto my shoulder, "Why would I give you a secondhand car when I could just buy you a new one?"
My eyes quickly widened on what I just heard, "No...fucking...way."
Well, meet my step-father, Charles Smith. My mom met him when I was eight years old. They met at work and things started going well between them. He even asked me if he could marry her, so I said yes because mom was genuinely happy with him, and who am I to refuse? So they got married right after my approval.
Charles isn't the type of stepdad who makes their step son's life worse than what it already is. It's the exact opposite actually. He made me and my mom's life a dream come true, and I could see that he really loves us.
"So, do you have plans for tonight?" Mom asked while we were eating.
"Why, are we celebrating my birthday? Are we going to eat at a five-star restaurant, or are we eating at the yacht again like last year?" I asked while slicing my waffle.
"Well, we are celebrating, but Charles and I decided to eat dinner with you here," mom answered, surprising me.
"Just at home? Well, it's fine by me but why?" I asked since we never ate here whenever we celebrate my birthday.
"I prepared something special for you," my mother said with a serious tone, making the whole atmosphere change.
I looked at the two of them with a curious expression, so Charles cleared his throat and said, "Will that be okay with you?"
I took a bite of my waffle and nodded my head, "Sure. That's not a problem." I honestly told them.
"Good, you should be here right after your class, okay?"
"Got it," I answered. Then I drank my water in one go, took the keys for my new car, and stood up from my chair so I could leave.
"Mom, Charles, I'll head out. See you tonight." I said as I went outside without waiting for their reply.
I went straight to our underground parking lot to see what the new car was. Our cars were perfectly lined up, but there was one at the far end that had a big bow attached to it.
I smirked and walked my way to the car. It was a beautiful Lamborghini Huracán, and to top it all off, it was white too. I stepped back a little and looked at my two cars side by side. I couldn't help but grin at how good the two looked.
"This baby could be a great way to show off how rich I am," I said to myself as I turned the car on.
I got in, and the engine roared, sending actual chills down my spine. With a prideful grin on my face, I drove off and went to the university, ready to show off my new toy.
When I reached the campus, everyone immediately eyed my car. Some even took out their phones and took a picture of it. It was a reaction that satisfied me. I couldn't ask for anything else.
I parked my new car at my usual spot and got out. I took my bag and started walking towards the bicycle area when I suddenly received a text from one of my friends, Kim Sunggyu.
"Hey rich boy. Don't wait for me in the bicycle area anymore. Let's just meet inside our building." He texted, making me stop.
"Then I'll wait for Suho," I said to myself because Suho might wait at the bicycle area, and I'm a hundred percent sure that Sunggyu didn't message him. Suho's got millions of friends who message him every day, so he doesn't reply to any of them at all.
When I walked back to my car, I suddenly saw someone standing right in front of my car. He must have been too amazed by it because he didn't even notice me standing behind him.
"You like my car?" I asked proudly.
The guy turned around, surprising me since he was actually one of my classmates, Wang Jackson. I wasn't that close to him, but my mother knows his mom. Heard she's a pretty famous designer.
I thought Wang was going to say something, but he suddenly glared at me and walked away.
"What a weird kid. I don't really mind if he even takes a picture with it." I told myself as I leaned on the car so I could wait for my dear friend, Kim Jun-Myeon.
While waiting, I took out my phone to play an addictive game called Infinite Stairs. It was enough to entertain me for the time being. Before I could barely beat my own record, an orange McLaren MP4-12C arrived and parked beside me. Only one person in the entire university drives it, and that's my dear friend Suho.
I hid my phone away as Suho got out of his car, "Happy Birthday Suho," I coolly greeted him.
"Yeah. Happy birthday to you too Jiyong," he greeted back without even commenting about my new car.
"Where's Sunggyu?" Suho asked, standing beside me so we could both look at the students who were just walking in front of us.
I brushed my hair back with my fingers and answered, "He just texted me. He said we should wait for him inside."
"Why?" He asked further, and I shrugged my shoulder as an answer since I too didn't know the reason behind the message.
So the two of us decided to head to our class. When we got there, the same scene played out. People were moving aside to make way for us, some were taking their phones out to take a picture - probably to sell them on the internet - and some just continued to stare.
This is an all-boys university but it doesn't really bother me since I love the attention. And come on, who wouldn't stare at me?
"Watch where you're going you glutton," we suddenly heard from across the hall, making everyone stop on their tracks.
We quickly turned around and saw Sunggyu making a mess in the hallway again, "Seriously, this early in the morning?"
With a grin on his face, Sunggyu approached us and greeted, "Happy Birthday guys."
"Same to you," Suho and I said in unison.
So these are my friends, Kim Suggyu and Kim Jun-Myeon. The three of us are pretty well-known in our year. I don't really like to brag, but we're rich, smart, and handsome. It's literally a triple-kill.
"What's up with that?" I asked as I pointed at the hallway.
"Nothing much. Just accidentally bumped into him." Sunggyu casually answered, making Suho and I chuckle because accidents like that never happen with this asshole.
"Accidentally? Really now?" Suho asked, and Sunggyu just shrugged his shoulder and started walking towards our lecture room.
You know the routine. Class attendance, that Lee Taeil guy was still nowhere to be found, lectures, Sunggyu getting pissed off during our lunch break because a guy was staring at him, more lectures, then finally, the most awaited class dismissal.
I've been doing this every single day, and I won't lie, I'm starting to think that I'm just wasting my life here. I want more, something that would make my already perfect life even better.
"Class is finally over," Sunggyu stated as he stretched his arms wide, almost hitting Suho's face because of it.
"So, you guys got any plans tonight?" Suho asked as we walked out of the room.
"I do. I'm having dinner with my mother." Sunggyu suddenly revealed, shocking us.
Suho and I looked at each other with disbelief. Sunggyu's got bad blood with his mom. She's this famous psychologist that mostly handles celebrities, but she couldn't even make time for her own kid. I don't want to judge her, but I'm just glad she's trying to make it up for Sunggyu.
"Mom said I should just head home because she prepared something," I immediately answered just to change the atmosphere.
"Well it looks like we all have plans," Suho concluded, and everyone nodded and agreed. When we got out of our building, Sunggyu looked at his watch and said, "Hey, I better go."
"Sure, see you tomorrow Sunggyu," Suho said back, and Sunggyu left to head to the bicycle area while Suho and I went to the parking lot.
When we arrived, I leaned on my car and just sat on it while Suho opened his car door. I think I should stay here for a couple more minutes to give my mom more time to prepare what she's supposed to prepare for me.
"Please invite that band that I love." I thought as I looked at the sky.
"Aren't you leaving?" Suho asked as he looked at me.
I looked back at him and answered, "I'll stay here for a couple of minutes."
Suho nodded and went inside his car. Before Suho started his engine, I ran and knocked on his window. Suho pulled it down and looked back at me, then I stated, "Happy Birthday again Suho."
Suho smiled and said back, "You too Jiyong. Happy Birthday."
I stepped back and waved goodbye as Suho drove off. When he was gone, I leaned on my car and waited for something good to at least happen while I wait.
We're an all-boys school so I don't get to be confessed on by girls. It would be nice to brag about it though.
Now that I mentioned it, I remember that guy who's always with Lee Minhyuk, Jang Hyunseung. He gets confessed by students in different years all the time. I don't get it though, he's not that great of a guy anyway. He might be good-looking but he doesn't have much of an impact. But if I was him I'd change schools. It would ruin his image if girls find out that guys like him better than them.
"Well I should just go, nothing exciting will happen anyways, and mom is probably finished with the preparations," I told myself as I got inside my new car and finally went home.
"Welcome back Jiyong," Charles greeted, his eyes still glued on the television when I entered the living room. I walked towards him and sat beside him. Then he finally looked at me and asked, "How was your day?"
"You know...the usual," I answered, now looking at the television as well.
"Don't worry, after this, nothings going to be usual again," Charles suddenly revealed, making me look at him confusingly. I was about to ask what he meant by that, but one of the maids interrupted us and told us that dinner was served.
The two of us stood from the sofa and walked our way towards the dining room. As we reached the dining room, I saw mom sitting at her usual seat, and in the middle of the dishes was a small antique box.
"What's that? Another gift from you?" I asked as I looked at Charles.
"Don't tell me it's another car key," I secretly thought to myself, hoping that it was.
"No Jiyong, that's a gift...from your real father," he suddenly answered as he patted my shoulder. My eyes widened from shock. I couldn't even think of the right words to say. I haven't heard of my father ever since I was born, and suddenly receiving something from him doesn't seem right.
"Aren't you going to sit down Jiyong?" Mom asked as she and Charles looked at me with a worried expression.
Obviously I'd be surprised, but I pretended like I didn't care and just sat down.
Dinner went well. Charles told us about the company, and mom shared about her experience cooking again since she's been so busy with work that she hasn't been able to cook for us. After that, they asked me how my day went, so I told them about it in the most exciting way that I could.
When the table was already cleared, and the only thing on the table was the box, mom looked at me and took a deep breath.
"The mention of your father must have surprised you." Mom suddenly said, and I continued to pretend like I wasn't a bit interested by it.
"It's not a big deal. If he wants to give me a gift after leaving us then I'll accept it for the sake of accepting it." I said with a blank expression. I didn't want to ask about him, I didn't even want to know about him anymore. But Charles suddenly joined the conversation and said, "Do you want to know who he is?"
The question surprised me. I wanted to act like I still didn't care, but something inside me almost forced me to speak up, "If that's the case then who the hell is my real father?" I finally asked, not expecting much about him. I wouldn't even be surprised if he's in jail right now. At least I'd be able to understand why he left.
My mom sighed like she was anxious about answering me.
Hey, I didn't force them to tell me anything. I just wanted to have dinner with them on my birthday. They're the ones who suddenly mentioned him so I don't have to feel burdened.
Charles embraced my mother and squeezed her shoulder to encourage her to speak up.
After gathering her courage, mom finally looked at me and answered, "Your father is Lucifer, the ruler of the realm pride."
I stared at her for a little longer, then I stared at Charles next. The two just kept their serious expression, desperately waiting for my reaction.
"I get it now," I told them, making them look at each other confusingly.
"I'm being pranked right? You invited someone and I'm in a TV show," I concluded, but the two of them didn't say a word.
"Come on, I got you, no need to act dumb. And here I thought we were finally going to talk about my real dad. But nice try though, I appreciate the effort. Where did you guys even hide the cameras? I don't even see them," I continued, impressed that they did this so cleanly.
"J-Jiyong..." my mother suddenly called out, now looking flustered.
"What? Should I have acted dumb instead?" I asked, now feeling guilty because my mom looked really troubled. They could have prepared this for months and I just ruined it.
"No son, please listen to me."
"But I am already listening," I seriously said back.
"N-No...look, your father...what I'm telling you now isn't some kind of joke. There are no TV shows, or cameras, or anything. What I'm telling you now is the truth. Your father is a Demon named Lucifer," my mother cleared out, now making me feel nervous and confused.
"You're lying," I quickly fired back.
"Haven't you realized that I've been trying to avoid questions about your father? It's because you weren't ready to know the truth." She explained further, but I wasn't going to believe it.
"Mom, you know that's bullshit. There's no such thing as demons or realms in hell. And there is no way my father is what you claim him to be. I'm fucking 18! Did you really expect me to believe this crap?" I told her, but now I was starting to feel angry.
"Please calm down Jiyong," Mom tried to say.
"Calm down? You throw me this shit and you expect me to calm down?" I answered back, making Charles look at me angrily this time.
"Watch your words Jiyong. Don't talk to your mother like that," Charles suddenly butted in.
"And you believe this crap Charles?" I asked as I looked at him too, but Charles didn't even answer.
"Did someone tell you about me? Did they say that I'm not nice, or that I'm hurting people? Or have I been bad to you guys? Is this a way to make us even? Well if you think I'll suddenly breakdown just because you throw me this fucking-"
I was suddenly cut off when my mom stood up from her seat to slap me.
"W-What the hell did you..."
"I know it's hard to understand, and I know I might sound crazy, but won't you at least sound like your interested in understanding more of it, even for a little? I'm your own mother for god's sake. Do I look like I have the time to make jokes with you?!" My mother shouted angrily.
I quickly stood up as well and looked at her back, "You throw me this "Your father's a demon" shit and you expect me to understand it? You expect me to TRY and understand it? I've been asking about him ever since I was a fucking kid, and you'd just brush it off. Now that I'm older you tell me he's a ruler of some realm in hell, like it's the same as you telling me he's some guy locked up in prison? Well, it would have been better if you told me he's locked up in prison. I would have understood THAT. But to this extent?"
I stopped and took a deep breath to calm myself because I knew that I was inches away from shouting at them now.
"I get it now. You don't want me to ask about him anymore. Just tell me honestly mom, you didn't have to do all this. I'll never ask about my father again. Happy now?" I honestly tell her.
Mom doesn't say anything, but suddenly, a tear fell from her eyes, surprising me.
"I'm sorry...but there was nothing else that I could have done," she suddenly told me, making my chest feel heavy because I could clearly see the pain in her eyes when she said those words to me.
"I know you're confused now, but if you don't want to listen to your own mother, then at least listen to me," Charles suddenly said as he stood up as well. He then takes the box that was placed in the middle of the table and handed it over to me.
"Like what I said, that's from your father. Open it and cool yourself down. If you're feeling better, go ahead and go talk to us again. We'll answer any question that you throw at us," Charles calmly explained.
I didn't say anything and just held onto the box. Then I nodded my head and went straight to my room.
When I got there, I threw the box at my bed and quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face just so I could calm down a bit. After that, I went back to my bed and I looked at the box.
"Demon my ass. I'm never going to believe that shit unless I see one." I declared to myself.
"Then wait," I suddenly heard my parrot - Superbia - say.
I smirked and looked back at her, "Well, I've waited this long...so bring it on."
- END -
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