demon race second prince estarossa x human witch reader
genre: fluff, angst, smut
(some scenes may be inappropriate for younger viewers, warning alerts for, cheating, abuse and murder, sex)
Story idea: so you are a human living in lionas. Well you were initially, but not anymore you're actually living quite nicely in camelot. With your husband, and expecting a child btw. So to help you. Your previous relationship was crap. Your ex-bf cheated on you with your ex-best friend (miya agari) so yeah. So you met your husband when they invaded lionas, he was actually quite sweet for a race that just invaded and had a grudge on one of their own kinda but still he might have gotten rid of them for you.
So we are going to start at the beginning. You met your ex-bf Touya when you were 15, it was through a friend of yours. You started dating instally. After 5 years together you had enough of his lying and his abuse. When it was a good day he would cook, kiss and maybe take you out on a date. But if it was dad day you better run and hide cause he would smoke, drink and yell at you. When you found out that your best friend miya had been sleeping with him on the side lines. Your were broken cause he was your first bf and you thought that it would be the last until. You met him. The guy that is your husband today. It was just a normal sunny day in lionas. Smiley faces all around where you live.
Well until two things happened that day one better than the other. Well in your eyes. 1) you had your suspicions about this for awhile now and well your instinct served you well cause you caught your bf of 5 sleeping with your now ex bf. 2) the demon race came back to britannia. So lionas was pretty scared. You were a mess with the recent breakup and betrayal. You walked around outside seeing people running away from the demons that were trying to eat them. You were walking towards them. Not caring about your life at this point. You were so depressed you could have ended your life.
But you got stopped by someone. You thought it was a girl or some other random name holy knight of lionas stopping you from ending your life in the middle of the chaos. You looked up to see sir Dreyfus. "Sir dr-eyfus, I didn't see you?" back to him. For a moment the demon marks on his face disappeared for a split second "y/n what are you doing ? Are you ok?" He asked you. He was worried because he knew you were saved by Merlin and to you she was like a mother or a big sister.
You looked back up at him. Tears running down your face. He wiped them away "I'm depressed and my life's falling apart with the chaos of this war so yeah I'm not ok" you said back to him crying. "It's all going to be ok? Y/n can you just stay here out of sight from the demons I will be back" he said to you. As Dreyfus brought you to a closed off area of the village in lionas and then went back to being demon Dreyfus. You saw him flew off while you stayed in the corner away from the red and grey demons that were trying to eat the human souls.
You waited for him to come back. When you saw him coming back. He brought you with him to someone he worked for now. "So this is the girl you want to keep alive?" he asked him "yes I'm good friends with her foster mom" he said back to him. "Oh this is prince Zeldris, third son of the demon king" he said to you "hello prince Zeldris" you said back. So Zeldris gave the one exception for you. So with the permission. You told Dreyfus everything. "I Want them dead. I want to see the cold lifeless body's. I don't care how you do it. I hate them. I want them to burn to a crisp." You cried to him. Dreyfus comforted you. He asked you who they were, "Touya and miya agari" you replied.
"Get your brother estarossa. He would love this" he commented "good point" Zeldris said to him "older brother estarossa come here" he ordered someone down. You were still in the arms of Dreyfus. When a tall, very rugged, but very handsome, dreamy demon with fluffy grey hair came down. You were in awe of him. You couldn't stop staring at him. You wanted to say something l. But couldn't cause you were just shielded away from him by Dreyfus.
Estarossa looked at Dreyfus and then back at his little brother. "What is, it, Zeldris? Why did you call me down?" He asked him. Zeldris just signed "Dreyfus do you want to explain this, I'm out, this is all yours now" he said to him, as he walked away from the drama. Dreyfus sighed heavily, and looked back at the second son for the demon king. "So why was I called down? I see a human with you? Dreyfus" He asked him as he stared back at the girl that was behind Dreyfus.
You saw him staring at you. He looked hungry to you. Dreyfus hid you behind him. "She is not for eating or sacrificing. If that's what you're thinking" he said to him "then what?" He asked "my friend, here is in need of a sadistic killer and well we need you to kill a few people for us" he said to him "why would I do that?" he asked "she will give you anything but her soul as an award" he said to him "ok that seems fair" he said back but he paused in sentence "but who do I have to kill?" he asked him "y/n tell him" Dreyfus said to you. "My ex-bf touya and my ex- bff miya agari, cheating lying scumbags" you said to him still hurt over what they did. "Hmm that's interesting ok I'll kill them for you" he said with a you. He went off and found them.
He brought you back from behind him. To back into his arms. You looked up at him and signed "Why did you say I'll give an award for killing them? I just want them dead so I can get some closure" you muttered to Dreyfus "well do you want me to tell him that y/n?" He asked you "no no, I suppose not, just forget what I said" you said to him. "That's what I thought, I know you were staring at him" he said to you "I wasn't, you have no proof of that happening" you said back to him. What he said was true, but with the fact that one of them that could tell if you were lying or not wasn't around anymore.
So yah for you I guess. Anyway when you saw Estarossa came back. He brought their heads back to confirm the kill. You smiled so big. The glee was writing all over your face. You ran out of Dreyfus' arms and into Estarossa. Throwing your arms at the second demon prince. "Thank, Estarossa, thank you so much, now I can get closure" you said to him. After hugging him, you tried to return back to Dreyfus. But before that could happen. Zeldris came back to them when the drama had finished. He saw you in the arms of his brother "Is she coming back with us to Camelot?" Estarossa asked them.
It was like he was excited or something. You didn't say anything. But you saw that Dreyfus and Zeldris looked at each other then back at him before replying to his question. Zeldris just sighed and Dreyfus didn't answer but he just nodded. Estarossa let go of you, and flew off back to the castle of lionas. Where he went up against the lion sin of pride escanor of the 7 deadly sins.
Dreyfus sighed, and looked back at you "y/n go pack anything that you want to bring along with you, before I come and get you to bring you to Camelot" he said to you. There was a moment where they felt an extraordinary surge of power coming from the castle, so Dreyfus and Zeldris went to see what it was. They flew off while you walked back to the house where you once lived in. You packed a few essentials. Like a plushie, and a photo of biological your parents (from the you spent in Belialuin), and a photo of Merlin ( your foster mom or sister "*it's up to you"*).
You left after that. You saw Dreyfus outside the house. "Are you ready to go?" He asked " yeah I'm ready to leave here" you said back. As you and Dreyfus left for Camelot. You arrived at the castle, ready for a new life. Not that you were surprised about this. But the other demons of the ten commandments were confused on why there was a human that they couldn't kill or use the girl as a part of breaking the seal from the goddess amber. They started to gossip. They thought it was a bit stupid. So you hid behind Dreyfus.
Well you were frightened. They're demons after all. Tho two of them did saved you so yeah it's a tricky situation 🤷♀️. Zeldris signed and looked at Dreyfus. "Dreyfus want to explain this to them, I'm out," Zeldris said. You heard Dreyfus sigh "she the adoptive daughter/ sister of an old friend of mine, she was in an abusive relationship before this so me and estarossa saved her, so she is living here in Camelot'' he said to them "so her ex partner abused her, is he gone now?" the girl in pink asked. Dreyfus didn't reply so you did. You nodded "etsa killed them" you said to her. They were shocked even prince Zeldris was shocked that you would call him that. Like no one ever called him that. So it was a first. After the intro's were done.
You were a bit scared of them. But only a bit. One of the maids brought you down the hallway to your new room. You began your new life with the demons. After a few weeks of being settled in at camelot. One night you snuck out of your room. Your long flowy nightdress hitting against the back of your ankle shoes. You slip out to the garden. y/n thought she was being sneaky but no. It didn't work. It didn't go un- noticed. Yeap someone was watching you from afar. The person continued to watch you run to the balcony where the flower garden is. They didn't know you had a love for flowers until he saw you in the garden.
Estarossa pov
Weeks later of being in coma thanks to that good for nothing escanor power of sunshine my power had faded. I need, to eat more souls so I went hunting. After I came back I saw y/n that human girl I saved from lionas. She was running away. So I followed her down the hall- way.
I saw her running towards the balcony of the flower garden. Her dress flowing in the wind as she ran down the staircase. I had to follow her if she goes something cause apparently I the second son of the demon king was in charge of her 🙄. So I walked down the same hallway. I hid in the shadows. As I watched her walk around the garden. Taking in the cold night air like the air itself was freedom. She got a little jolt of excitement as she started to run around the flowers.
She was having fun and to be fair what I've heard from Dreyfus is that "she hasn't been the same since she her home world which had happened to be Belialuin like another girl I knew that was from there who betrayed both the demon king and supreme deity, she hasn't smiled or been happy" it was cute to see this tho ..... wait cute .... Did I just say cute when talking about her? A human girl I just saved for no real reason when I like someone else. Right yeah I like someone else. I don't like that new girl.
I shuck my thoughts away. I mean I haven't said a word to her since that day. It has been weeks so maybe I should get to know her. As I turned my head to see that she was about to trip over her feet. I jumped out of the shadows. At that moment she reminded me of someone I knew from the past but that doesn't matter. Really I think it doesn't. As I caught her in my arms, y/n looked at me with a surprised look.
She stepped away from me and apologised for not seeing where she was going. I sensed a bit of fear. So I broke the tension "how are you feeling since you moved here? I haven't been able to chat since lionas? I've heard from Zeldris that you have gone out of your room more and made friends with other demons so i was just?'' I asked.''Yeah a bit i'm still timid around them but i'm friends with them regardless'' she said to me. I looked away from her. From her e/c eyes.
Y/n looked at him. With a confused look on why he was looking at her. She tilted her head to the side to see pink on his cheek. She was a bit concerned "'Esta are you ok?'' you asked, your voice sweet. He looked back at you and blushed '' h-mm yeah im fine, i'm glad you're ok with the other commandments'' he said to you ''i'm fine with them thanks to you and dreyfus'' you said to him smiling again. Unbeknown to him in the weeks you have been there in camelot you have been teleporting by accident. You don't know why? What is happening?
So you floated up to him and kissed his cheek, the. You walked away. He looked shocked. You giggled as you made it back to your room. You loved his expression. But you wish for just sec that he would kiss you back. You got to your door. When you immediately pushed into the room. The light was turned on and door locked as you turned to see it was esta. "What's up? You look a bit flustered? Are you ok?" You ask him giggling.
"You little ....(why would this little human girl do that to the demon king's second son? Does she know she will be punished for teasing me?'' he said as he grabbed your waist in his hand. As he pushed you up against the wall of the room, lifting your legs around his waist line. You had no choice but to put your hands around his neck but you couldn't. "Hmm esta what are you doing?" You asked him, as you got red in the face as he placed your hands above your head with his other hand holding them in place.
As he smashed his lips onto yours. Not letting you get used to the strength and dominance of his lips. You moaned out. As grind his crotch against your heat. Gasped he took this chance to shove his tongue into your mouth you just couldn't win. Felt yourself getting wet from the heavily heated make out session. You moaned out his name. When he was to go for your neck you both heard a knock on the door. Esta let go of your lips to answer the knock tho, he wished he didn't. So he decided to tease you a bit by grinding harder against your heat.
You tried to hold in your moans. As you answer it the knock "who is it" you ask "it's your friend, ( random name)" they said back "MGH .... Oh wait sec" you said back. As you looked back at esta thinking of a way to get out of gasp so you could a) hide him and b) answer the door to let your friend in. You told to leave out the window unless he wanted to be caught. But not like you would be since he locked the door. He also took the key sly thief.
You looked flustered and he was loving it. You jumped to get the key from his hand. As he reached it over his head. You were flustered as you ran after him to get the key. Your m/b size) breasts bounced as you jumped to get the keys for your bedroom door. "Esta give the key, and go outside, we can continue this later" you said to him. He gave you the key back as he kissed your head. He left outside the window. Leaving the window open so he could listen in on your conversation with your friend.
You took the keys and unlocked the door. You let them in. It was a female voice. "So why did you not let me in right away? Were you busy I could hear another voice in here with you" she asked "I'm sorry Mel, I don't know what you're talking about another voice in here tho I just got distracted in my thoughts" you said back to her hoping it would ease her questions. You it was a lie and esta who was outside on the roof knew it was a lie. But you were thankful that galand wasn't around anymore cause if he was you would be screwed.
She looked around the room. Her eyes landed on the open window "ok so why is the window open? Is it cold in here? Your only human after all?" She asked "oh that I well I had a bird come to my window so I open the window to say hello and I might have forgotten to close it but I do that later" you said to her. She smiled at you then left. You sigh in relief as the bird in question came back in through the window. He closed it just slightly. He took a hold of your waist. Spinning you around and ripping off your dress as he threw you on the bed sheets. He locked the door once again. As he moved on to the bed.
He whispers in your "now where were we hmmm?" He moved your hands above your head with one hand and the other one moving closer to your heat. You felt his left hand slowly touch heat. Moving a thumb around. You moan at the pressure. He slipped his finger into you as he started to finger you fast, adding another finger as he kissed down your body.
Hearing your moans. He loved the sound of your voice. He bit your neck leaving a hickey all around your neck.. amuse at his work. He took fingers out and replaced them with his own mouth. You were shocked and screamed as he started to devour your p$$$$. "Shhh be quiet there, you don't want anyone to hear us right? Do you want others to know about us? Do you ? Hmmm?" He said as he ate you out. Taking a hand fist of his hair you pushed him into you as he devoured more of you until you organismed all over his face.
He licked his lips. As he saw the mess he put you through until now. Your eyes are filled with lust. You wanted more. He placed your legs around his shoulders. As he shoved his dick into you. He placed his body close to you. He slam into you at a rough pace. You moaned out his name again and again. He sped up the pace. Faster and faster as you cling to his back. You gave him deep marks and scratches.
Eventually his thrusts got sloppy. As the room smelt of sex and heat. You moaned "there esta hit there please ah" he interwinned your hands with his as he hit your g- spot.You moan as you release your last organism. He hit your insides one last time before pulling out. You got your breath back as your sore naked body snuggled into him.
"So back to earlier you called me a bird to your friend hmmm?" He asked ''no .. i - hmm. Shut up'' you said back flustered. He chuckled at your red face "So are you going to tell me when you found the ability to fly?" He asked you "tbh Idk honestly, I started a week ago and well yeah now I fly" you said to him messing with his grey hair. "Maybe you're a witch from the demon race, you see particular humans that have the magic potential are called witches and wizards, so maybe you activate your power" he said to you before falling asleep with you in arms.
The next day you woke up to your head in his chest. Your body was sore from last night. You remember the activities you did with him and your face went red as a tomato. He eventually woke up to see your face red. "Oh realising you can't move huh?" He teased "oh shut up" the door still locked but not for long when your bf kicked down the door to you and him in bed naked. "Mel wtf what are you doing?" You asked her, as you hid your body in the sheets as esta didn't seem to care, just kissed your hair "oh so, you and estarossa are a thing hmmm? that explains the noises that were heard from your room" she asked laughing.
You didn't know that everyone heard you and him last night. "I'm glad, cause he was crazy about you for weeks" she said to you leaving the room. "Is that true esta?" You asked him as he stared at the door. He looked mad for some reason ''Melascula you bitch" esta said back as he got up and left your room before you could stop him. You couldn't move so later that day when you could. You got out of bed and got dressed. You ran after him. You bumped you into a demon that was unknown to you.
So here you are. A human? Maybe a witch? There is still a lot of confusion about that part to be honest. But anyway, back to your situation. You had just bumped into an unknown demon in the hallway. You were scared tbh. ''Who are you?'' You asked ''your not esta are you?'' you said to them. ''You're a smart one aren't you human'' they said back in a taunting manner. You knew this was esta at all, you had to leave. Run away from this hallway. Back to him. If and when you found him.
They started to laugh. You heard footsteps running down this hallway. You wanted to leave. Until you felt a familiar aura. ''Esta'' you called out. They came into view. Taking you away from the stranger. You hugged them tightly. They pass you into the arms of someone else. You wanted them back. The stranger took you back to your room. You did wake up after a while. You saw someone beside you on the bed. You got up to see it was esta ''esta'' you said to him, taking his hand. ''Why did you come after me, when I came back here you were gone and drole had to tell you dumb into another demon, you could have been hurt, yk that right'' he said to you looking away from you. You looked down ''i'm sorry esta i got worried when you ran off like that i thought you were upset from what mel said this mornin' or something'' you said to him
"I wasn't upset y/n, I just felt hungry so I went out to get food" he said back " oh right souls" you said "but you did leave me mad without saying a word so I got worried, I mean we kissed and had sex so yeah maybe I got my hopes up cause I actually like you a bit to much" you said to him. Esta looked at you in shock with a smirk "you like me? y/n, so what I'm hearing is you want us to be a thing right y/n" he said "I mean I do like you back that's what I mean" he admitted " esta, u like me" you said. You jumped on to his back as you kissed his ear, he got flustered and flinched away. "What is it esta you don't like, that's ok?" You said to him. Take his hand in yours.
He moves back into your chest. His fluffy hair sitting on your (m/b size) breasts. He wiggled a bit to make room. You giggle as you stroke his hair. Your back was up against the headboard as he rested his head on your lap. You loved this moment. You bent over and kissed him on the lips. He woke up and trapped your lips with his. Just fooling around in your room. You loved him. For him. Not just because he is a demon. And not just because he saved you back when you lived lionas.
You loved them for him and him alone. You did start dating estarossa. You love every moment with him. Around that time you unlocked your powers more. You got to meet Meliodas and his gf Elizabeth and the plan to save them from a curse. You felt bad for them cause they were torn away from each other every time she died. It was just awful. You were worried about not seeing your bf for this long. But he had a mission from his eldest brother. So there wasn't anything to do about it. You waited in Camelot, but had to move back to lionas. When war broke out.
You saw sir Dreyfus again. After you heard that Esta had been hurt badly. You were scared because another person in your life was going to leave you again. So you ran to the room where he was resting. You opened the door to see him lying there. There was a chair beside his bed. So you walked in and sat beside him as you waited for to wake up. In that moment memories from your past came back to you as you remembered your parents and how they died you never talked them (a/n* I haven't said anything about them*).
You were only 5 so you barely remember it, but what you remember from that time is where you lived before moving to lionas. You're actually from Belialuin. Your parents were witches and wizards. Very highly respected there too. But you were moved, when you were a bit older. Merlin who also lives there actually was the one who saved you when Belialuin, you had to leave your parents behind. You never got to say goodbye to them and so since then you have been nervous about letting people in. Except for Merlin since she saved you that day.
You lived with her for a while, and then that's when you met the SDS. 10 years later. The sins had to go into hiding for a while. So you were basically living on your own for a while. That's when you met Touya, your ex-bf. For 5 years. You were abused and yelled at for complaining or even talking. Your relationship had started like this for the last years until the cheating and death of them both by estarossa at the battle of lionas. You were living a quite nice life with him when you got to know him a bit better.
Back to present
A tear left your face. You took his hand in yours. After a few minutes. You felt his hand move. You jumped a bit. As he slowly opened his eyes. He felt warm tears on his hand. He looked over to see you. Your eyes grew wide as you saw him wake. You jumped into his arms and hugged him. He brought you into his arms. You and him hugged. You're still crying ''i thought i lost you esta'' you said to him, hugging him tightly. (Fastword after the war) when the new king and queen of lionas was established you and your bf estarossa went back to the demon realm to get married and live a peaceful life now that your younger brother in law was now in charge as the new demon king with his gf/wife gelda .
You did visit lionas as you live there once yk. With your husband esta and your 5 year old daughter ophelia. They wanted to meet their uncle and aunt. So why not while there you got to meet the friends you made along the way. A few weeks later you were well ... ill and it was found out that you were pregnant again with baby number two. Your daughter and your husband were shocked and excited . since the demon and queen didnt have children yet they were happy to have another niece or nephew.
The end
Name of child
ophelia - 'help, aid, or advantage'
Unnamed son
Word count:4,959
This story took a while to do because I didn't know if I wanted to keep writing it. The story was a bit cringy and cliche.
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