Chapter 3
As three years have passed y/n and John have gotten along that you now share the same last name, and both of you have gotten stronger than you were before but John is another case.
Name John L/n
Age: 13
Lvl: 49
Race: Potato
Title: Brother of Y/n
Hp: 19000000000
Mp: 18646000000
STR: 9900000000
AGI: 999900000
INT: 8000
END: 999999999999
LUK: 9800
Skill Points: 490
Name: Y/n L/n
Lvl: 48
Age: 9
Race: Half Demon/Half Angel/Half Fallen Angel/Half Werewolf
Title: Monster, Orphan, Big brother
Hp: 15623
Mp: 25000
STR: 2595
AGL: 5000
INT: 9890
END: 9900
LUK: 50
Skill Points: 480
Money: $100000000000000000000
Gamer's mind Lvl: Max
Gamer's body Lvl: Max
Id Creat Lvl: Max
Id Escape Lvl: Max
BloodRage: Stats double and go in to rage like state
Demon Abilities: Power of Darkness, Purgatory Fire, Soul Stealing, Indura Transformation
Werewolf Transformation Level: 10/10
Goddess Abilities: Invigorate, Breath of Bless, Ark
As you and John went to find an inn to rest you told John that you were going to take a midnight walk and you probably be late as you left the inn you went to the dark alleyway then you went into your demon form and flew all the way back to your old family seen in them been happy like you were nonexistent like your life wasn't worth there time that just makes what to forgive them.
Y/n: Fuck this fuck them I just make them "disappear!"
As you make purgatory Flame you send to hit your old family as you hear them start to scream was music to your ears than you start to laugh like a maniac
As you went back to the in you saw that John has already fallen asleep as you woke over to him that you notice that he was asleep as a log.
Y/n: There, there John I won't let anything bad happened to you even if you're stronger than me and older. You would all ways be my little brother and if anyone tries to harm you they will pay with there lives.
The Next day
In a bar
You could hear the scream and cheer Inside of the bar and the inside you could see some eating food and throw up after taking a bit of there food and you could see a pig eating the leftovers while the bartender had yellow hair, green eyes.
Drunk man1: Hey did you hear that (Hic) family died last night.
Drunk man2: That normal (Hic) why do you bother talking about it?
Drunk man1: Well some people that were there said (Hic) they saw purple flames and that (Hic) laughter.
Bartender: Can you not talk about that in here your scaring my customers!
Back to Y/n
When you opened your eyes the light hit your eyes that you cover them with your arm when you looked to were John had slept you see that he is still asleep.
as you got up you felt someone hand as you look at hows hand, as you look back to find out hows hand that belongs to see.
The Inn owner daughter!
A/n: I hope you guys like this chapter and please comment if you like it.
Words count: 559
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