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chapter one: a thousand memories
( a/n: here we go ig, the library is based off a library i saw in a museum once )
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Eden Hall's library is enormous.
The bookshelves loom far over his head, adorned with rolling ladders to help students reach the books at the top and little metal plaques that organize things alphabetically. Light fixtures hang down from the ceiling in a continuous pattern, giving the room a soft glow but also enough light to read, and there are small tables sporadically placed- it's something straight out of C.S. Lewis, and Adam can't help but look around in awe.
If there are any seats available at the tables, the people sitting there make it clear they don't want him around. He's all the way toward the back of the room by the time he finds a spot that's mostly empty, and it's occupied by two girls. One of them is sitting down, a bunch of books open in front of her, and she's signing something on a clipboard; the other is standing impatiently beside her, whispering about something.
Unenthusiastically, the seated girl hands over the clipboard, and the standing girl thanks her before walking his way.
"HI! Do you think you could sign-" The brunette gives him a glance over, her faux smile falling from her face. "Oh, never mind."
Adam's left confused, snorting to himself as she stalks off to another table and starts pestering the people there.
"Ignore her." He turns back to the other girl, who's looking down at her textbook. "Linda can be a tad judgemental, she met a few mean athletes and now she thinks she knows them all."
Nodding a bit, he smiles nervously. "Yeah, that makes sense- hey can I sit here?"
She looks up at him then, and there's something incredibly familiar about her. Maybe it's her eyes or the gentle half-smile that makes its way to her lips- either way, he's not sure. But, whatever it is, it strangely makes him ache.
"Sure." She says with a nod, moving some of her stuff so he has room.
Adam sits across from her slowly, his eyes still tracing her face. Is she related to one of the Hawks? A sister, a cousin of someone he once knew?
"What's your name?" The question blurts out before he can stop it, and he cringes.
"Jaime." She says, reaching across the table to shake Adam's hand.
Her name makes the hollow ache in his stomach worse.
"I'm Adam."
Jamie laughs a bit. "I know- everyone knows."
Her admission startles him a bit and he shrinks down in his seat.
It's quiet here in the library, sitting across from Jamie as she does whatever she's doing. He could pull out work of his own, get started before practice, and have some time to himself when he got home- be able to separate himself from everything and think for the first time in weeks- but he just can't. Who the hell is this girl?
"Something on your mind?" Her tone is almost hopeful, and it draws him from his thoughts quickly.
He fidgets under her gaze.
"A lot."
Jamie nods a bit. "Don't blame you- if I had to spend all my time with guys like Rick and Cole I'd have a whole lot on my mind too."
The boy huffs a bit and rolls his eyes.
"They're decent guys..."
Her nose scrunches up and she cocks her head at him.
"Are they, though?"
Adam has to bite back a laugh, which is something that brings a brilliant smile to the girl's face. He runs his tongue along his teeth, crossing his arms over his chest, and narrowing his eyes halfheartedly.
"They are." He doesn't sound very sure of himself, but she puts her hands up in defense and accepts it.
Jamie's eyes glance away from him, looking up over his shoulder, and her face falls sort of flat. She mutters 'speak of the devil' under her breath and, before he can prepare for it, a hand is coming down on his shoulder.
"There you are, Banks," Rick says, grinning like the Devil. "I was wondering where you went."
"Oh, yeah, just wanted to clear my head a bit."
The dark-haired boy nods at his words, hand tightening its grip on Adam's shoulder, and he directs his gaze to the girl.
"You don't have to whip it out and mark your territory, Richard." She snarks. "He sat down with me, feel free to take him when you want."
Adam glances between them, slightly panicked, as Rick half-smiles, half-sneers at Jamie. Vaguely, from behind him, he can hear Scooter sigh and whisper 'it's something dogs do, Cole.'
Ignoring the varsity captain, the girl glances to his left. "Oh, and Cole, try to at least be on time today- and bring your book, please?"
"Yeah, whatever, Johnson."
Johnson? Jamie Johnson?
A thousand memories hit him all at once.
"C'mon, Banks, let's go to practice."
Rick all but drags Adam out of his seat as he sits there, staring at her.
"JJ?" The childhood nickname falls so effortlessly past his lips, and she cringes a little.
"Took you long enough." She jokes lightly, turning back to her books. "It was nice seeing you, Banks. You should really get going."
It's not until they're halfway down the hall, after loads of pressing from his new teammates, does Adam finally find his voice again.
"You know her or somethin?"
"Yeah... I knew her. I knew her well."
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Later that night, after he showers, Adam walks to his window and opens the blinds. The lights in her bedroom are on and he wonders if she's awake, hidden under the covers with a book just as she used to when they were kids.
A part of him, however big, wants to sneak out and go to see her.
"Adam, honey, go to bed!" His mom calls, poking her head into his bedroom and giving him a smile.
Sighing heavily, he reluctantly does as told.
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