Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 2
Wow! I can't believe how many votes the first chapter has already gotten! :D I'm quite amazed haha! Thanks guys! I'm so glad you like Stwf already :D
Oh, before I forget, a few of you have been asking me when this is set, and how long Ashley has been gone for.
Well, if you'd READ THE DESCRIPTION, you'd see that it's set two and a half years after Ashley left the Leaf Village ;P You silly billies! xD
Pic of Ashley in her new Shippuden outfit :D --->
I tried to make it similar to her old one, and I personally like it better lol.
Third Person’s POV
The masked woman darts out of the forest, the sun slowly climbing up into the sky and casting its warm early morning light on the small Village just ahead of her.
The woman sighs, adjusting the heavy sack on her shoulder.
She didn’t have a lot of time….
The woman nimbly leaps up onto the roof of a building, not wanting to push her way through the streets, which are slowly beginning to fill with early morning goers.
Peering back over her shoulder, the woman sees a small butterfly following her, making her chuckle.
No matter how fast she went, it always seemed to be able to keep up with her.
Spotting a familiar building, the woman grins.
She takes a running leap from the roof tops, placing her chakra in her feet and running up the wall of her hotel.
Counting in her head, the woman finds the window of her room.
Finding it open, she swings down into the room, landing gracefully on the floor.
She rolls her eyes, as she feels the small butterfly crash into her back, before it shakes itself and begins doing laps of the small room.
The woman sets the heavy sack down on the floor, before stretching her arms above her head and yawning.
She was so tired. She almost couldn’t remember the least time she’d actually slept.
“Uggghhhh……” an irritated voice grumbles from another room. “Yes, greetings insect…..”
The woman chuckles, as a large, navy blue Wolf stalks into her bedroom, an unimpressed look on his face.
His ears are laid back, the small butterfly sitting happily in the middle of his head.
“Hey Ace” the masked woman says tightly, trying not to laugh at the Wolf.
“Yes, hello Milady” he sighs, before shaking his head vigorously, sending the butterfly flying across the room. “I see that my assumption was correct.”
“Your assumption?” the woman asks, walking over to a set of drawers.
“That you would not use the door” Ace says roughly. “I opened the window in anticipation of your arrival.”
“Good call” the blonde woman says, pulling her Wolf mask off and revealing two bright fuchsia eyes.
With her mask now off, anyone could now see that the woman couldn’t possibly be any older than eighteen.
“Lady Ashley” a bright voice greets, making the blonde turn around. “I’m glad you’re back!”
“Hi Rei” Ashley smiles, squatting down and capturing the pretty, white Wolf in a hug. “How have you been?”
Rei jumps back out of Ashley’s grip and blinks her lavender eyes.
“I’m well Milady” she replies, tail wagging happily. “We looked after your room for you!”
Ashley glances around, seeing a small layer of dust beginning to gather on her things, the bed’s blankets strewn across the floor in a messy fashion.
“Yeah” she says dryly. “Thanks guys. Great job.”
“Your sarcasm never did amuse me Milady” Ace offers, chuckling when Ashley pokes her tongue out at him. “But your immaturity sometimes does.”
“Never mind that!” Rei barks, jumping up onto Ashley’s bed and staring at her with anticipation. “Tell us how you went Milady!”
Ace nods in agreement, rubbing his head against Ashley’s shoulder.
“Yes, did you find out any more information?” he asks.
Ashley nods, climbing onto her bed beside Rei.
“Before I begin” she says tiredly, motioning towards the drawers with her hand. “Can one of you please get me my medication?”
“Of course Milady” Ace sighs, turning around and pulling a drawer open.
After rifling around for awhile, he picks something up in his jaws and trots back over to the bed, dropping the something into Ashley’s lap.
“Thanks” she says gratefully, spinning the lid of the large container open and tipping out three small pills.
Ace and Rei watch as Ashley quickly swallows the pills, worry in their eyes.
“Your insomnia is still a problem then Milady?” Rei asks softly, placing a paw on Ashley’s knee.
“I’m afraid so” the blonde replies shortly, not wanting to get into the subject again.
She knew Ace didn’t approve of her taking pills to compensate for her not sleeping, but she didn’t see any other option.
The only way she could sleep, was if she was with-
Ashley shakes her head, the familiar feeling of longing and sadness filling her heart.
Sure, she missed her Leaf Village friends terribly, but now wasn’t the time for reminiscing.
“Anyway” Ashley says pointedly, as Ace sighs quietly. “I’m sure you both know that I found two more Akatsuki members at the start of last week.”
“Yes, they were unfamiliar to you correct?” Ace asks, making Ashley nod.
“Right” she agrees. “I’d never seen them before, but seeing their coats, it was obvious they were Akatsuki members as well.”
“Did you figure out their names?” Rei asks, looking intrigued.
“Yep” Ashley confirms with a grin. “One of them is called Hidan. He has silver hair and purple eyes, and I think he’s a Jashinist….Which is really creepy.”
“Jashinist?” Rei asks, tilting her head in confusion.
“It is a religion Rei dear” Ace growls, before shaking his head. “But I will explain it to you later. It is not important right now. Please continue Milady.”
“The other guy’s name is Kakuzu” Ashley explains, brushing her long fringe back from her eye. “He seemed a lot more serious than Hidan. He was creepy too though, and he seems to have a strange obsession with money……..Anyway, I think he had sensed me a few days after I started tailing them. When he finally confronted me, he was really quick. Nearly caught me off guard.”
“He engaged you in battle Milady?!” Ace exclaims, leaping to his feet and searching his partner for any injuries.
“No” she sighs, shoving the worried Wolf’s face away from her. “They tried to, but I assured them I had no interest in fighting, and then left. I couldn’t resist stealing Kakuzu’s money though.”
Rei and Ace both look over at the heavy sack in the middle of the room, the butterfly sitting happily on top of it.
“Is that all money Milady?” Rei asks incredulously, making the girl nod.
“Yep!” she grins evilly. “Kakuzu and the rest of the Akatsuki have generously just paid for our stay in this hotel. Keiji was a big help in getting the money too.”
Keiji, the butterfly, hops up and down at the recognition.
“That bug……” Ace mumbles, shaking his head.
“Is there anything else Milady?” Rei asks, stretching out her front legs.
“Yes, something very interesting actually” Ashley says, turning serious. “I heard Hidan and Kakuzu discussing, well, complaining about a mission they didn’t get to go on.”
“What kind of mission Milady?” Ace asks, watching Ashley intently.
Ashley regards her two Wolves grimly.
“You know how there are other Jinchuuriki right?” she asks, making Ace and Rei nod. “Well, two of the Akatsuki are heading to the Hidden Stone Village to confront one of the Jinchuuriki. They want to capture him and remove his Tailed Beast.”
Rei gasps, eyes wide.
“But…..Won’t he die if they do that?” she asks sadly.
“Yes” Ashley replies darkly. “A Jinchuuriki dies when their beast is removed. That’s why I want to go after them and stop them from killing the Jinchuuriki.”
“You want to what?!” Ace explodes, narrowing his eyes at his beloved partner. “Milady, with all due respect, that is crazy! You cannot fight against two Akatsuki members, just to save a person you know nothing about!”
Rei nods her agreement, not wanting Ashley to get hurt, or worse.
“Besides Milady” she speaks up softly. “You too are a Jinchuuriki. What if the Akatsuki find that out? They might try to take you as well, to get two Jinchuuriki instead of just one.”
“From what I’ve heard in the last year, I think the Akatsuki are planning on capturing all of the nine Tailed Beasts they know about” Ashley growls, eyes narrowing at the floor angrily. “They don’t realise there’s a tenth, let alone that it’s sealed inside of me.”
“Even so!” Ace says sternly. “You will be putting yourself in harms way for no reason!”
“No reason?” Ashley asks quietly, giving her Guardian a sad look. “Ace, I’m a Jinchuuriki. I can’t explain it, but I feel a kind of……connection to this man, even though I don’t know him. How can I, as the host of a Tailed Beast myself, sit by and let the Akatsuki kill a fellow Jinchuuriki? I understand him, because he’s just like me. He’s got a powerful monster inside of him, and there are people who fear him, people who hate him, and people like the Akatsuki. People who want his power. What if it were Naruto they were going after? I’d help him in a heartbeat. This is no different.”
Ace scowls, knowing Ashley’s words to be right.
He should be happy. Her sense of honour had returned since she’d lived in the Leaf Village, and it was now stronger than ever.
Despite her traumatic past, she’d turned into a wonderful young woman, and Ace was proud to call himself her Guardian.
“I feel that since I’m aware of the Akatsuki’s plans, I should go and try to help him” Ashley finishes, looking up at Ace, hoping for his approval.
Ace stares at the floor for another minute, before sighing in defeat and glancing up at Ashley.
“How many tails does this man’s beast have?” he asks roughly.
Ashley’s face brightens.
“It’s the Five Tails” she informs him, happy that he’d come around to her idea.
“So we have to go to the Land of Earth then?” Rei asks, sliding down from the bed.
“Yeah, it shouldn’t take too long to get there” Ashley says determinedly. “We’re on the very edge of the Land of Wind after all. It’ll only take a day to get to the border. Then two or three more to reach the Hidden Stone Village.”
“You make it all sound very simple Milady” Ace says dryly. “But the Land of Earth is a large place. It is even larger than the Land of Fire. It will take a long time to find this one man.”
“Maybe so” Ashley agrees, winking cheekily. “But we only have to search the Hidden Stone Village and spot the two Akatsuki members. We don’t need to search the whole Land of Earth.”
“And if the Jinchuuriki is not home?” Ace asks, raising an eyebrow as Ashley sweat drops.
“Well, then we have a slight problem” she laughs sheepishly. “But if I just tail the Akatsuki, I’ll eventually find him.”
“And how’re you going to get into the Village Milady? Rei asks curiously, tilting her head. “Hidden Villages don’t just let other Ninja traipse in so easily.”
“Don’t you think I realise that Rei?” Ashley complains, wondering why her Wolves question her so much.
Back when she lived with Orochimaru, they never questioned her, due to her quick temper and willingness to inflict pain on them as punishment.
Not that she would ever go back to treating any of them so horribly though.
Ashley quite enjoyed how close she and her Wolves were these days.
Though they all still looked to Ashley as their Pack Leader and had great respect for her, they weren’t afraid to tease her, correct her and, like right now, question her motives.
In other words, they were her friends.
“The Hidden Stone Village is located in a mountain range” Ashley explains to her Wolves. “They have security of course, but they mainly rely on the huge cliffs that surround their Village for protection. In theory, it’s a very good defence. But, it won’t really keep out a Katsuryoku user that can control earth.”
Rei’s face suddenly lights up.
“You can tunnel through the mountains Milady?” she asks, tail beginning to wag again.
“Well, I’ll only need to tunnel through the wall of rock outside of the Village” Ashley informs her. “There won’t be any need for me to tunnel through a whole heap of mountains.”
“Very well then” Ace grunts, turning towards the door. “We had best get a move on then, if we wish to catch up to these Akatsuki members.”
“Right!” Ashley agrees, jumping down from the bed and scurrying around the room, packing her few belongings up. “And thanks to Kakuzu, we have plenty of money!”
Ashley’s POV
I grin to myself, watching the two familiar men as they make their way towards the mountain that surrounds the Hidden Stone Village.
‘I can’t believe it’s them again’ I think with amusement, adjusting my Wolf mask on my face. ‘This ought to be an interesting day.’
From the cliff I’m hiding on, I can’t hear what the two men are saying, but I have no doubt they’re arguing.
They always seem to be going at each other. I’m not too sure how they ever manage to get anything done.
I suppress a shiver, the crisp mountain air breezing against the exposed part of my back.
‘Should have brought a coat’ I complain in my head.
I pause, watching as the two men in Akatsuki coats approach the Ninja guarding the underground tunnel that leads into the Hidden Stone Village.
Apart from risking going over the top of the mountains, there’s no other way into the Village.
That’s probably why the Hidden Stone never gets attacked.
No one can be bothered trying to scale the mountains, and even if they did, they’d be faced with a line of Shinobi on the other side.
It’s hardly worth the effort, but I’m interested to see what these guys will do.
I see a few of the guards calling out to the men, obviously not recognising the red clouds on the strangers’ black cloaks.
As the guards seem to realise that the men aren’t going to stop, they fling handfuls of kunai at them.
My eyes narrow, as a large tail shoots out from one of the men’s cloaks, easily blocking the knives and flicking them away.
Noticing the other man fiddling with the pouches on his hips, I shake my head.
Those guards won’t be going home tonight, if he’s about to do what I think he is.
I’ve seen him do it before.
Sure enough, as the guards suddenly charge at the two men, the taller one throws something at them.
It’s hard to tell from my high vantage point, but they look a lot like giant, white spiders to me.
Despite knowing what they are, my eyes still widen when the spiders explode, blowing the guards up and killing them instantly.
The two Akatsuki members walk across the bloodstained ground and head into the tunnel, disappearing into the darkness.
“Right” I say softly, climbing to my feet and leaping over the side of the cliff.
Using my Katsuryoku, I slide easily down the mountain, almost like I’m surfing.
Upon reaching the ground, I dart forwards, swinging my arm up.
I grin as a small part of the mountainous wall opens up, allowing me to vanish inside.
Without having to move my hand, the hole closes back up, looking as normal as before.
All the training I did with my friends in the Land of Ambience sure was worth it…
Pushing on, I focus on finding the two Akatsuki’s members footsteps.
I’ve come across them enough to know how they move, what they feel like.
The mountain continues opening for me as I walk forwards, closing behind me and leaving no trace of an intruder behind.
I walk for about ten minutes, feeling quite uneasy about being in such utter darkness.
I can feel slight vibrations all around me, faint sounds travelling through the solid rock.
It’s actually quite unnerving, and I’m beginning to rethink my strategy.
I suddenly break into a run, wanting out of the tiny black hole I’ve created for myself.
I know the mountain wall is very thick, but I didn’t think it would take this long to get through it!
As I feel the edge of the mountain wall coming up, I flick my hand, creating a small hole for me to exit through.
I almost give a cry of relief as light streams through the hole, fresh air flowing in as well.
“Well, I won’t be doing that again in a hurry” I sigh, pausing at the edge of the hole and sweat dropping.
I look down, only just realising that the Village has been carved deep down in the mountain.
I’m at least seven hundred metres above the ground of the Village.
All around me I see stone buildings attached to the mountain walls, walkways and bridges carved out for people to get around the high places easily.
I see an enormous stone building far to my left.
It strikes me as important; making me believe it may be where the Tsuchikage resides.
Taking a deep breath, I pull a small platform of rock from the wall and step onto it.
Closing the wall behind me, I slowly begin lowering the platform down towards the ground, picking up speed as I go.
It might be hard to explain how I got up here if I’m spotted.
As I finally reach the ground, I casually stroll away from the wall, before diving behind a building and hiding in the shadows.
I’m wearing a mask, which people might find a bit suspicious, and I’m following two S Rank criminals who will recognise my mask instantly, so I’m opting for the sneaky approach for now.
I can’t risk taking my mask off. I’ve been ordered to keep my identity a secret from anyone I may come into contact with.
Looking around, I quickly spot the two men I’m following, strolling casually right through the crowds of people.
I frown, annoyed that none of the people in the Stone Village seem to recognise the Akatsuki members yet.
I suppose the Akatsuki have been keeping a very low profile these last two and a half years.
The last place they were really seen was in the Leaf Village, when Itachi-kun and Kisame came after Naruto.
The only reason I’ve been spotting them, is because my mission is to follow them.
I watch as the taller of the men stops and asks a random citizen something.
The man seems uninterested in the question, waving his hand and no doubt giving some off handed answer.
The two Akatsuki members quickly move in the direction the man waved, disappearing from my sight.
I curse under my breath, before jumping out of my hiding place and strolling up to the man who the Akatsuki members had talked to.
“Excuse me” I say, trying to sound casual.
“Huh?” the man asks rudely, before looking down at me.
Sue me. I’m still short.
“You know those two men you just talked to?” I ask, smiling, and then realising that the man can’t see my face anyway. “Please, you have to tell me where they’re going! I’m travelling with them, and I got a bit lost in the crowd…”
The man rolls his eyes.
“Get lost kid” he sneers, crossing his arms. “I don’t give a damn about your problems. And besides, I don’t have to tell a mask wearing weirdo like you anything.”
I tilt my head.
Right. I tried being nice, and it didn’t work. So……
“Hey!” the man shouts as I grab him by the collar and slam his back up against a wall.
“Alright” I say darkly, glaring at the man from underneath my mask. “Unless you wanna end up dead, you’re gonna tell me what I want to know, and you’re gonna do it now!”
“Wh-what?” he asks, shocked that someone as small as me can lift him off the ground. “But you’re j-just a kid!”
“I’m sixteen actually” I say pointedly, before growling and tightening my grip on the man. “Now, what did you tell them?!”
“Th-they were looking for Han” the man wheezes. “I told them to head to the North of the Village! That’s where that good for nothing usually is!”
I release the man, dropping him to the ground in a heap.
“Who’s Han?” I ask roughly, as the man rubs his throat.
“He’s a Jinchuuriki” the man says in a disgusted voice. “That guy carries the Five Tailed monster around inside of him.”
I cast the man a sharp glance, not that he can tell.
“Why do you speak of him in such a tone?” I demand to know, making the man smirk as he rises to his feet.
“Because he’s a monster” he laughs obnoxiously. “He’s a giant, ugly beast and he’s a shame to this Village. I’m not sure why Lord Tsuchikage allows that waste of space to live here. Or live at all.”
I grit my teeth and growl angrily, my hands clenching into fists.
Such stupidity and naivety….
I suddenly slam my fist into the man’s stomach, making him gasp and crumple to the ground, clutching his stomach.
“You’re lucky that he hasn’t killed any of you yet” I snarl down at the man. “You should be grateful that this Han has sacrificed himself to keep the Five Tails from destroying you all. You should be thanking him and bowing at his feet, not mocking and despising him! You make me sick…….”
With that, I turn on my heel and disappear from the man’s view, wanting to catch up to the two Akatsuki members before they find Han.
“Such a brave girl” Uncle Yogetsu grins, scooping me up into a hug and shaking me around playfully.
I squeal, hugging him around the neck tightly, so as not to fall.
My Mother chuckles, as my sister Kiyumi and her Guardian, Keilor, stand beside her silently.
“To give herself as the host” Uncle Yogetsu’s Guardian, Bokiga, speaks up. “A very brave girl indeed.”
“That is Milady for you” Ace barks proudly, wagging his tail slightly. “She is the best!”
Keilor sighs, sitting down and rubbing his head against Kiyumi’s hand, wanting a pat.
Bokiga flicks Ace with his tail, sending him a smirk.
“Don’t get cocky now young one” he teases, as Ace rubs his head and grumbles under his breath.
“How’re you feeling anyway kid?” my Uncle asks, setting me back down on the ground.
“I feel good Uncle!” I exclaim, throwing my arms around Ace lovingly. “That mean old Ten Tails can’t hurt me!”
My Mother and Uncle laugh, as Bokiga shakes his head.
“The naivety of children is a wonderful thing” the huge Wolf mutters, before winking at me. “Well, if anyone can handle that creature, it’s you Ashley.”
Kiyumi’s gaze drops to the floor, a troubled look on her face.
“I know!” I say cheekily, as Mother grabs my hand.
“Alright Brother” she says to my Uncle. “We have to go now. I have a surprise for the girls, and I’m quite sure it will have arrived at our house by now.”
“A surprise?” Kiyumi asks quietly, dark eyes wide.
“A surprise?!” I exclaim, turning to my sister and jumping up and down.
“Come on Kiyu!” I cry, tearing away from my Mother and grabbing my sister’s hand. “We’ve gotta get home! Right now!”
Kiyumi’s face breaks into a grin.
“Okay!” she replies brightly, charging along beside me, the both of us squealing excitedly about what the surprise could be.
I hear my Mother and Uncle exchange good byes, as Keilor and Ace trot along behind us.
Mother eventually catches up to us just outside of the house, holding me back as I dive for the door.
“Hang on Ashley” she chuckles, pulling me close to her.
“Now, you remember what I said about the Ten Tails right?” she whispers in my ear.
I nod, trying to squirm out of her grip.
“Yeah, it’s a Minami secret and I can’t tell anyone” I repeat the words I’ve heard a million times. “Not even Daddy.”
“Good girl” Mother says, kissing the top of my head and releasing me.
I run up to the door and throw it open.
“Where’s our surprise Mother?!” I scream, looking around the room with wide eyes, as everyone marches in behind me. “Aww, there’s nothing special in here……”
“I guess I’m not a good enough surprise then” a deep, smooth voice says from my left, making me whirl around.
“I’m hurt Ashley” a man smiles at me, his shoulder leaning against the doorframe.
My eyes widen as I take in his affectionate dark eyes, his warm smile and the long, ebony hair he has pulled back in a low ponytail, long bangs framing his face.
“Daddy!” I cry excitedly, charging towards him, tears welling up in my eyes.
My Father smiles broader, squatting down and capturing me in a huge bear hug.
“Daddy….” I sob into his shoulder, clutching him tightly.
“Hi honey” he says softly, holding me just as tightly.
“D-Daddy……” a hesitant voice says, making him look up.
“Kiyu” he greets, grinning at my sister and sweeping her up into the hug as well, making her squeal delightedly.
My father stands up, spinning us around and making us laugh.
“My two girls” he chuckles, before eyeing my Mother, who is still in the doorway, watching us with a tiny smile on her face. “But where’s my third one?”
Mother chuckles, as Kiyu and I beckon for her to come over.
“Come on Mother!” I command, wanting her to join in the hug.
“Hurry Mommy” Kiyumi laughs, as Father sends my Mother a wink.
“Alright, if I have to” she sighs, laughing when my Father captures her in a hug as well.
“You make it sound like such a bad thing” Father laughs, eyes sparkling as he looks down at my Mother.
“It’s torture” she informs him, snuggling into his chest and looking up at him cheekily.
“Ewwwww!” Kiyu and I cry, as Father gives my Mother a kiss hello. “Gross!”
Mother and Father start laughing as they break apart, a blush on my Mother’s face.
“We’ll continue this later Aeri” Father says decisively, sending my Mother a mischievous wink, making her blush even brighter. “When we don’t have an audience.”
“Shigeshi….” Mother reprimands him softly, looking both amused and embarrassed.
“Daddy?” Kiyumi asks as he sets us both down. “Why are you here?”
“Don’t you want your old man here honey?” Father asks, pretending to look offended.
“Of course!” Kiyu giggles, poking him in the leg. “I’m just wondering if you’re here for a visit, or because you’re gonna…….take Ashley again….”
I look up at my Father hopefully, as he places a hand on Kiyu’s head.
“I’m here for a visit and to take Ashley back to the Leaf Village for awhile” he informs Kiyumi, making her sigh.
She wasn’t jealous that my Father paid so much attention to me, but she did often wonder why I got so much attention.
She only wanted to please Father as well.
“When are we gonna go?” I ask, tugging on Father’s pants. “I wanna go and see Itachi-kun!”
“We’ll leave tomorrow honey” he promises, making Kiyumi’s face drop further, as I begin dancing around the room.
I loved my cousin Itachi, and I was always more than happy to visit him!
Sasu Chibi-chan, not so much.
“Why does Father like you more than me Ashy-chan?” Kiyumi asks me sadly, as Father wraps his arm around Mother’s shoulders and drags her into the kitchen, no doubt wanting a coffee or something.
“He doesn’t Kiyu-chan” I assure her quietly, patting her on the back. “He just………knows that I want to see Itachi-kun really, really bad!”
Kiyumi nods, accepting my lie.
Well, technically it wasn’t a lie. I really do want to see him, that’s just not the reason Father takes me to the Leaf Village.
He takes me there, so I can mix with the other Uchiha and hone my skills with my Sharingan.
Mother and Kiyu don’t know that I have my Father’s Kekkei Genkai as well as my Minami one, which he prefers.
He knows that my Mother doesn’t like the Sharingan, despite her love for him.
So really, I was keeping two very big secrets from both of my parents, and they were each keeping a big secret from each other.
Not ideal, but as a young child, I was merely doing as my parents told me to.
For the moment the moment, I was too busy being excited about seeing my beloved Itachi again.
“Itachi-kun! Itachi-kun!” I cry, tearing through the Uchiha Compound gates and running towards my cousin’s house. “Itachi-kun!”
My face brightens, when a familiar face peeks out of the door and smiles at me.
“Hello Ashley-chan!” my Aunty Mikoto greets me, hurrying out of her house to meet me.
“Aunty!” I cry, diving towards her and hugging her legs tightly. “I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you too Ashley” the pretty ravenette laughs, kissing my head. “We all have.”
“I haven’t” a dull voice says, making me look up.
I frown, seeing a short boy with black hair and messy bangs.
“Sasu Chibi-chan” I greet him dryly, making an anime vein appear on his head.
“I’M NOT A CHIBI!” he shouts, stomping down the stairs and glaring at me.
“ARE TOO!” I shout back, returning his glare. “BAKA!”
Father sweat drops, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as he walks up to my Aunty.
“As energetic as ever I see” Aunty Mikoto jokes, making my Father chuckle.
“If that’s what you want to call it” he replies, watching as Sasuke and I argue loudly.
“Deep down, you know they like each other” he sighs, shaking his head and making my Aunty laugh.
“I thought I heard yelling….” a soft voice says, making me freeze.
Looking up at Sasuke’s house, I see Itachi standing in the doorway, head tilted as he looks down at me.
“Itachi-kun!” I cry, pushing past Sasuke and running up to my beloved cousin.
Itachi leans down and scoops me up in a hug.
“Ashley-chan” he greets me quietly, eyes trained on my Father. “I have missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too Itachi-kun” I say softly, hugging him tightly.
“Hello Uncle” Itachi greets my Father, walking down some steps and approaching him.
My Father nods.
“Itachi” he replies indifferently, hands in his pockets.
They always acted so stiff and formal around each other, but I’m not sure why.
Father was always praising Itachi and telling me that I could learn a lot from him.
“Shigeshi” a rough voice says, making my Father narrow his eyes slightly.
“Fugaku” he replies coldly, watching as my Uncle appears in the doorway of his house.
“I see you’ve brought your daughter here again” he sighs, making Father’s hands clench into fists in his pockets.
“Hello Uncle Fugaku” I say politely, earning a nod in reply.
“Of course I brought my daughter” Father says pointedly, trying not to snap at his younger brother. “She’s an Uchiha, and needs someone to help train her Sharingan.”
My Uncle’s jaw sets, his eyes narrowed at me.
“Don’t you look at her with such malevolence” Father growls, his Sharingan suddenly activating. “You will pay for it….”
Uncle Fugaku glares back at my Father, before turning away.
“Do what you want with her” he mutters, heading back into his house. “I really don’t care anymore. Non Uchiha’s are not my concern.”
I hear my Aunty Mikoto let out a sigh, as Itachi’s grip on me tightens.
Looking up, I see Itachi-kun and Father staring at each other, Sharingans blazing.
“Itachi” Father suddenly says, closing his eyes. “Later on……I need to have a talk with you.”
Father re opens his eyes, Sharingan gone.
“Of course Uncle” Itachi-kun says softly, his Sharingan now also deactivated.
“Father?” I ask hesitantly. “Is Itachi-kun going to help train me again today?”
Father turns to me with a smile.
“Not today my dear” he says. “It’s just gonna be you and me today.”
“Okay” I nod, turning back to Itachi. “I have to go now Itachi-kun!”
“I understand Ashley-chan” he replies, sounding very distant.
“Good luck with your training sweety” Aunty Mikoto says kindly, before ushering Sasuke inside the house.
I scowl as he pokes his tongue out at me, before we both start giggling.
We wave to each other as he disappears back into his house.
“Love you Itachi-kun” I whisper, jumping down from his arms and grabbing my Father’s hand.
“Train hard little cousin” he replies, sending me the tiniest hint of a smile.
“Look at me Ashley!” Father commands again, as I stubbornly stare at the ground.
“No” I growl, crossing my arms.
“Ashley, I said look at me” Father says seriously.
“I don’t wanna!” I finally cry, throwing my arms in the air and glaring at him with frustration.
Father’s red Sharingan eyes wide, as he looks down at my own Sharingan.
My eyes widen too, realising that I’d accidentally given him what he’d wanted.
“Ashley……” Father begins, kneeling down in front of me and gently holding my head to look at him. “What happened to your Sharingan?”
“I……don’t know” I admit, my lower lip trembling. “I don’t know Daddy……”
“It’s turned black” he says to himself, sounding thoroughly confused. “And the tomoe are red. It used to be the other way around……How could it have changed?”
“I really don’t know Daddy!” I exclaim, beginning to cry. “It just happened one day, but I couldn’t tell anyone coz you don’t want me to!”
Father suddenly pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back comfortingly.
“It’s okay honey” he says softly. “Don’t worry about it. It actually makes you look even more intimidating. Which is always a good thing in battle.”
“Really?” I ask brightly, leaning back and gazing at my Father. “I look super scary then?”
Father laughs, but nods his head.
“You look really, super scary” he tells me seriously, making me grin happily.
“Cool!” I cry, as Father rises to his feet.
“Now that we’ve sorted that out……kind of” he adds sheepishly. “Let’s get some training done. First of all, when you look at me Ashley, what can you see with your Sharingan?”
I narrow my eyes, studying my Father carefully.
“I can see your chakra Daddy” I finally say, watching the colourful aura as it zooms around his body. “It’s all colourful.”
“Excellent!” Father says proudly, giving me a thumbs up.
Suddenly, my Father darts forwards, aiming a kick at me.
I do a quick back flip, dodging his kick, before sending him a strange look.
“Why did you attack me Father?” I ask, confused. “I wasn’t ready yet!”
Father grins down at me.
“I was testing you honey” he explains. “I wanted to see if your Sharingan is developed enough to track fast movement yet.”
My eyes widen.
“Although I wasn’t moving anywhere near my top speed” Father continues. “That was still an attack that any normal kid wouldn’t be able to dodge. Seems that you’ve been training by yourself then.”
I look down at the ground.
“I’ve been practising a little bit with Ace” I admit. “Coz he has chakra, but I didn’t know I could do that! I know how super quick you are Daddy!”
“You told your Wolf?” he asks me darkly.
“Yeah, but he won’t tell anyone!” I assure him hastily. “He’s my Guardian, and I told him not to tell! It’s okay Daddy.”
My Father shrugs, before suddenly launching himself at me again.
“Good night sweety” Father says softly, kissing me on the head.
“Night night Daddy” I reply sleepily, snuggling into my soft blanket.
“You did really well with your training today” Father tells me, pride lacing his voice. “I’m very pleased with how well you’re doing. You’re going to be an incredible Sharingan user when you get older. I’m proud of you, my little Uchiha.”
“Really Daddy?” I ask happily, a warm feeling in my heart at my Father’s words.
My Father nods, patting my cheek.
“Maybe you can help redeem this Clan……” he mutters, more to himself than to me.
I tilt my head, as he rises to his feet and exits the room, leaving me to get some sleep.
What did he mean by that?
I knew my Father wasn’t happy about it, but we were staying at Itachi’s house tonight, since I didn’t get to see my Uchiha family very often, and he had to stay and speak with Itachi-kun anyway.
My eyes suddenly widen.
“Itachi-kun” I whisper, throwing back my blanket and sitting up.
I hadn’t seen him since that morning, and I wanted to say good night.
I silently pull my door open and walk into the hall.
Padding quietly through the house, I search for any signs of Itachi or my Father, listening intently for their voices.
Exiting onto the veranda, I see the moon shining brightly in the sky, the quietness of the night scaring me slightly.
I pick up the pace, not sure whether it was a good idea to go outside anymore.
I suddenly pause, hearing faint voices in the room beside me.
Recognising my Father’s voice, I kneel down beside the door and press my ear against it.
“……fallen so far……”
“Please Uncle………………ust be another way………”
“………nzo and the council have decided………”
“You trust the likes of them? They only……………”
“The plan Itachi…………Don’t forget………”
“I won-”
I frown, only being able to catch small fragments of their conversation.
‘What are they talking about?’ I wonder.
I gasp, as the door is suddenly swung open, making me fall backwards.
“Ashley-chan……what are you doing up?”
I hesitantly look up, seeing Itachi gazing down at me calmly, eyes hooded.
“Ashley!” my Father calls sternly. “Go back to bed! You shouldn’t be up, it’s late!”
“Y-Yes Father” I say quietly. “I’m sorry………”
Itachi sighs, before peering back at my Father.
“I’ll take her back to bed Uncle” he offers.
“Yes, thank you Itachi…” I hear Father sigh.
Itachi slides the door closed, before bending down and scooping me up into his arms.
“You shouldn’t be outside this late little cousin” he says gently, slowly heading back to my room. “It isn’t safe.”
I nod, my lower lip trembling slightly.
“I’m sorry Itachi-kun” I apologise, not wanting him to get mad at me. “I just wanted to say goodnight to you……”
“I see” Itachi responds, stopping at my door and pulling it open. “Well, now you can.”
“Thanks for carrying me back Itachi-kun” I sigh, before smiling up at him and hugging him tightly. “Good night!”
Itachi sets me down on my bed, pulling my blanket up as I get comfy.
“What did you hear us talking about Ashley-chan?” Itachi asks softly, stroking my blonde hair.
“I couldn’t hear anything” I say, frowning. “You guys were talking way too quietly!”
Itachi chuckles, looking down at me thoughtfully.
“Do you love me Ashley-chan?” he asks in a hushed voice, making my eyes widen.
I sit up in bed and nod vigorously.
“Of course I do Itachi-kun!” I assure him firmly, as he tilts his head.
“No matter what happens?” he asks.
“No matter what happens” I confirm, wondering why he’s asking me these questions.
“What about your Father?” Itachi asks in a whisper. “Would you love him? No matter what happens?”
“I love my Daddy very much Itachi-kun” I smile, eyes beginning to close. “No matter what.”
Itachi nods, rising to his feet.
“I’m glad to hear it” he says lowly, pausing in my doorway. “Good night Ashley-chan.”
I shake my head, wondering why I’m thinking of my Father and cousin.
‘Now’s not a good time to get so distracted’ I tell myself sternly, although, I can’t seem to shake them from my mind.
After that night, my Father had taken me back home and stayed with us for a few days.
Mother, Kiyumi and I had enjoyed his visit so much. We rarely got to see him, since he lived so far away, and Mother wasn’t keen on the idea of leaving her home to live in the Leaf Village.
That was the last time I ever saw my Father though.
About three weeks later, we heard of the Uchiha Massacre that had taken place.
When we were told that Itachi had killed everyone, including his parents and my own Father, we all broke down.
We couldn’t believe that we’d never see our kind, generous, loving Father again.
Mother took it the hardest of course.
She always tried to be bright and sunny, but we knew she wasn’t the same after Father was killed.
She had loved him more than she could ever express to us.
Maybe that’s why Itachi had asked me if I’d love him no matter what.
But then, he was always asking me that question, so I could be wrong.
There are so many things I want to ask Itachi, but I don’t think I’ll ever get that chance.
Especially since he’s a member of the Akatsuki and Sasuke is hell bent on killing him.
With a sigh, I leap up onto a high building, racing across the rooftop.
I’ve no doubt lost a bit of ground with my daydreaming, so I really need to pick up the speed and catch up to those Akatsuki guys, before they seriously hurt the Five Tails’ Jinchuuriki.
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