Wither Husbands Fluff: Elementary School AU
The fun thing about this is that I'm doing ships I never really did before and also doing AU's I don't normally do. I was really worried about this at the beginning because I never wrote about kids much, but I do have experience with kids so I hope I got their little spark. Also thank you for helping me find a new song I like! Much appreciated!
fWhip's Perspective-
fWhip felt his mother kiss his forehead as she dropped him off at his new elementary school.
He had transferred to the new school since his father worked here and it would be easier for him to go there instead of the other school near downtown.
"Have a good day at work." fWhip's father said, kissing his wife's cheek before he and fWhip walked into the building.
"Remember what class you're in, bud?" fWhip's father asked.
fWhip nodded and he followed his father through the school.
Kids walked through the hallway, some were in the music class practicing their instruments, others were in the cafeteria having the school breakfast, but most were out on the playground.
"Do you wanna go on the playground with the other kids?" fWhip's father asked gently.
fWhip shook his head and just sat in his dad's classroom until the bell rang.
Since school had already started about a month ago, fWhip stood out as the new kid.
He just sat down by himself at a table in the corner. He watched as kids flooded in the room, some glancing over at him. Most had already had their little friend groups so they ignored him.
That was until one boy sat down next to fWhip.
fWhip looked up at the boy, who smiled.
fWhip blinked before stuttering.
"Er- h-hi."
"Mi nombre es Sausage." The boy said and fWhip looked confused.
The boy hummed before snapping.
"Me...Sausage." He said slowly.
"I'm fWhip." fWhip said.
"Do you play with me?" Sausage asked, pointing at himself.
"W-we can be friends, yeah." fWhip smiled softly and Sausage looked happy.
Later on in class, when they were doing a short writing assignment, the teacher called Sausage over.
"Sausage, you have speech."
Sausage stood up and grabbed his bag, walking out of the classroom.
fWhip was confused but didn't try and question it.
At recess later, fWhip stood on in the sand court and watched as other kids did the monkey bars.
fWhip looked over his shoulder and saw Sausage. He smiled, his face lighting up.
"Hey! Where were you?"
"Speech." Sausage said, "They help me talk."
"But...can't you already talk?"
Sausage shook his head.
"They teach me your speech." Sausage said.
fWhip was confused and Sausage then pointed at the monkey bars.
"We can play?"
"Sure!" fWhip smiled.
fWhip watched as Sausage did the monkey bars easily and he hesitated.
"Come, come!" Sausage smiled, waving fWhip over.
fWhip nodded and grabbed the first bar before freezing.
He looked up at Sausage, who was pointing at the swings.
fWhip was confused and Sausage then showed him how he had to use his other hand to grab the next bar.
fWhip realized what he meant and swung his body back and forth before grabbing onto the next bar.
He gasped, a smile forming on his face as he continued to the other side.
Sausage cheered and hugged fWhip.
fWhip blushed a bit and smiled.
"We still play?" Sausage asked.
fWhip smiled and touched Sausage's arm.
"TAG!" He shouted and started running.
Sausage gasped and ran after fWhip, laughing.
I hope that work for you, I kinda tried to base it off my second grade experience. I had made a new friend who transferred from a different school and I also knew a kid who only spoke Spanish and had to leave class each day to go to speech. Me and my friend would always do the monkey bars during recess and she taught me how to do them, so fun memories! (she's also the girl that I hung out with when we threw pinecones at cars)
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