MCYT Role-players: Owen's Christmas Party
Owen's Perspective-
"Do you think there's gonna be a snow storm tonight?" Owen asked his boyfriend as they set up for the party.
"I doubt it. It's not that bad at there." Scott said, peeking out the window. "I'm sure they'll be fine on the drive here."
"That'd be a Christmas miracle." Owen twirled, his hands clasped together.
Scott smiled admiringly, enjoying the site of Owen's happiness that seemed to be brighter than the Christmas tree.
The doorbell rang and Owen strolled over, opening the door to see Piper and Maddie.
"Hey guys!" Piper smiled, pulling down her scarf a bit to reveal her rosy cheeks. "Am I late?"
"First one here, actually." Owen smiled, letting the two inside.
Piper put down her wrapped gift by the tree, adjusting the bow so it wasn't tilted.
"Who's the gift for?" Scott asked.
"I just got a little something for the two of you as thanks." Piper smiled, taking off her coat and folding it neatly into her bag.
"Aw, you didn't have to do that." Owen said, though he felt a warmth in his heart at her kindness.
"I don't mind, really." Piper shrugged.
She glanced around and pursed her lips as she saw Maddie had practically disappeared.
"Where did she..."
"Maddie-!!! Stop dumping red sprinkles onto the gingerbread cookies!" The trio heard someone shout from the kitchen and Scott sighed, face palming.
Piper and Owen peeked in the kitchen to see Pearl shouting at Maddie.
"What?! It says I can decorate." Maddie pointed at the paper sign that had colorful letters spelling out 'Cookie Decoration Station'.
"Yeah, but dumping a bunch of red sprinkles onto my gingerbread dinosaurs to make them look like they have a disease isn't decorating." Pearl stuck out his tongue.
"Psh, you just don't know true art when you see it." Maddie rolled her eyes, looking at the other cookie cutters.
Over the next half hour, more and more people started to show up, each one bringing more smiles and love.
Piper and Sausage were doing karaoke in the living room with a small audience cheering them on while Maddie and Lizzie were making a gingerbread house.
"What if we paint it?" Maddie asked.
"What? No that's an awful idea." Lizzie tried to laugh, helping hold up the wall to the home.
"Yeah but like...some of this icing is expired and it's not able to get squeezed out of the bag." Maddie said, putting down the white icing pipe.
"Hmmm..." Lizzie glanced around. "I guess that would work."
"Let's just try it!" Maddie smiled, walking over to the art cabinet in the laundry room and taking out acrylic paints.
The two started painting the gingerbread house and Pearl walked in.
"Oooo, more cookies?" Pearl broke some off and took a bite, confused at why Lizzie looked so shocked.
"What? Why are you...ew what the heck did you put in this?!" Pearl spit it out in his hand and Maddie laughed.
"It's paint you dummy, not icing." Maddie pointed out and Pearl winced.
"Why would you do that?! Do you have no respect for the spirit of Christmas?"
"We do! That's why we're painting it to make this ginger bread house come to life!" Lizzie giggled.
Pearl was about to snap back when a lightbulb went off in his head.
He left and brought back Joel, dragging him by the wrist.
"What did you wanna show me?" Joel asked, following his friend.
"Here, try this." Pearl broke off some of the chimney and handed it to Joel.
Joel raised an eyebrow and Pearl nodded.
"Okay...if this is poison I'm actually gonna kill you though."
"How would you kill me if you're dead?" Pearl raised an eyebrow.
"I...Etho can do it for me." Joel muttered, waving him off.
Pearl snickered and watched as Joel snacked on the cookie.
He chewed it before swallowing.
"Well? What do you think?" Pearl asked.
"It tastes normal." Joel said, not understanding why Pearl looked so confused.
"What- what do you mean it tastes normal?" Pearl asked.
"Joel...have you ever eaten paint before?" Lizzie grinned, trying to hold in her laughter.
"I mean maybe on accident." Joel shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"JOEL YOU JUST ATE PAINT!" Maddie shouted and the three burst out in laughter.
Joel stood there confused before his eyes widened.
"YOU FED ME PAINT?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Joel shouted and Pearl snorted.
"Why did you not notice it?! How much paint have you chugged?"
"None of your business!!" Joel blushed from embarrassment and Pearl snickered.
Scott glanced up from his book as he heard the bedroom door shut.
"We can clean up tomorrow." Owen sighed, stretching his arms above his head. "They all left already but I'm too tired to take care of it."
Scott chuckled and gently shut his book before patting the spot on the bed next to him.
Owen smiled and laid down, feeling warmth around him as Scott hugged him.
"You work too hard on these parties, you know that?" Scott asked, his voice muffled against Owen's neck.
"I know...but people like them." Owen said, his face a faint red hue.
"You know what else they like?" Scott asked, smiling as he leaned back a bit.
"What?" Owen tilted his head, looking at his boyfriend.
"Seeing you happy. So treat yourself right, don't be overworking that beautiful brain of yours." Scott booped his nose before kissing his cheek.
Owen smiled and cuddled close.
"I love you, you know that?"
Scott blushed and he nodded.
"I love you too, Owen."
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