I knew I shouldn't have barged out, but I felt on fire, and I just needed to leave. I felt I could have burnt the whole place down if I hadn't.
After I had walked for a while, I started to calm down. My hands felt warm, and when I looked, I could see I had been squeezing so much that they had gone all red and had many nail marks covering them. I wasn't entirely calm, but I tried some breathing exercises to help.
While walking, I saw many people in dresses and suits walking into a room currently closed by a massive double door. As I didn't know my way back to my room, I decided to follow everyone in. I assumed that was where I was supposed to go in this dress anyway.
I was almost at the front door when I heard my name being called by a rather deep voice in the hallway. I turned around; after all, It was only really a feminine voice I didn't want to turn for.
Standing in the hallway was a very tall, dark figure. I didn't walk straight to them. I only walked close enough to see them.
Once I saw him, I took a few steps back. He was breath-taking. He looked like the description of every romantic interest I had ever read about in a book. Clean shaven with short, dark locks that didn't cover any part of his chiselled face. The more I looked at him, the more beautiful he became with his piercing blue eyes and dimpled cheeks. I didn't move forward even though every inch of me wanted to; instead, I decided I should know who the person was first. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"
"You don't recognise my voice? Bit offended that I didn't make that much of an impression. I am Jacob." The minute he said it, I remembered his voice in the neighbouring cell.
"I've heard a rumour that you're a princess?" I shrugged; it was still a touchy subject to me.
"If you don't mind shaking my hand, I would be very grateful. I don't know if you remember, but I can know for sure if you are a royal."
I held my hand out, and he took it. The minute we touched, I could feel it. The feeling he must not have known how to describe. It made my pulse race, and every part of me stood straighter. He became brighter and shinier. I felt like I was near royalty. The feeling of grandeur emanated from him. I quickly pulled away, but the feeling didn't disappear. Just being near him set off this sensor he had been talking about in the cell. But why didn't I feel it before we shook hands?
"So you felt it too? Guess that confirms the rumours."
"You said you never felt this with the Queen?" He gave me a grin and gestured to a small closet behind him. I nodded, checking to see if the two guards who had followed me from my room were looking away, they weren't, but I still followed him in. The closet was bigger than it looked, but we were still very tightly packed together.
"Well, you never feel the exact same thing with every royal. It varies, but one thing that sticks is the feeling of grandeur from the other person. You get used to the feeling, but it is always there, and the more powerful the royal, the stronger it is. Which explains why yours is so strong. You are obviously the last of your line."
"When you say it differs from person to person, what do you mean?" I didn't understand this feeling, but I knew that it wasn't something you would want to feel for your family.
He laughed and moved a little closer. "Well, it's hard to explain, but the feeling I have with my family and relatives is just grandeur and some admiration, but for you, it's something different. I have met other royals outside my family, but the only other feeling I had was a small amount of rivalry. But with you, it's something completely different. I've heard about it but only in books." He looked down at me, smiling sweetly. He obviously knew what it was, but I think he liked the fact only he knew what it meant.
The feeling I was getting was overwhelming; I felt like I couldn't breathe. He tried to get even closer, but I reached over and grabbed the door handle opening the room up. We tumbled out, but luckily, nobody saw; when I stood up, I did it so quickly that I almost gave myself whiplash.
I turned my back on him and walked back to the door I was going to enter earlier. I wanted to look back and ask more questions, but I just couldn't. The feeling he gave me was unnerving; I had never felt it before, and it had confused me.
Once I'd made it back to the doors, I composed myself before making my way through the majestic hall filled with many beautiful people in elegant clothing swaying to a live band who was playing a slow, calm song. The hall was classically elegant. It wasn't filled with decorations; it had been left in its original state. Marble and stone flooring with long windows that fell underneath majestic ceiling art.
I suddenly realised I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know anybody here. I was curious to know what the party was for and if they had them every night. There was recently a fight in this place, and I can imagine there is probably fighting all across this planet, so I'm a bit surprised they are celebrating.
I was walking around the edge of the room, looking at all the detail. You could see the chipped stone and the slight cracking. It just made me think about how old this place had been standing here and its history. What would my life have been like if I had been brought up here. Would I have been happy? Would I have grown up spoilt?
But it didn't happen, so I will never know what it would be like to wake up every morning and have a whole castle to explore. No, I got a cell decorated to look like a bedroom.
The place was almost full when a wine glass clinked, and everyone's attention was pulled to the back of the room by the Queen and King. The Queen smiled at her husband and then faced the room. "Before we start anything, may we have a few minutes of silence for our fallen soldiers who we lost to a war that was never needed. We will fight to save our planet, but I don't take any pleasure in the loss of life on either side."
The room went silent, and I saw a few people close their eyes. The feeling in the room was overwhelmingly sad. I could hear a few hidden sniffles, and I felt for them. I felt so guilty I was with the people who killed their loved ones not too long ago. They brought me here. I am their enemy.
I don't know if the sudden feeling of guilt caused it, but I felt a few eyes on me, and I could feel the hatred focused on me. I myself didn't pull the trigger, but I did come with them. The fact I'm here must be hard on the loved ones of those lost. I am a constant reminder that they will never see them again.
"This gathering is to celebrate the lives of our people. I don't want to distract anything from that. But after almost twenty-one years, our stolen princess has returned." I now had the attention of everyone on me, and I could feel myself reddening. "I don't want anyone to feel anything none towards her. She was captured and has been a prisoner her whole life. She was used by them and had no choice. Please don't hold this against her. Let's not forget she saved both me, the King, and our prince." She was getting louder as people started to rumble. She tried to quieten the crowd but was failing. I looked around, trying to see if I could slip out, when there was a loud cough, and a feeling of grandeur fell over the room. I could tell that the people around me felt it too, but from the look in their eyes, it was something else they felt, maybe power?
I moved my eyes to the voice and saw Jacob standing straight and proud. I now understood what he meant. The Queen held no real authority; I knew her people respected her. But the minute Jacob cleared his throat, he radiated power. There could be more power to a bloodline than I first thought.
Jacob moved aside, and the Queen spoke again. "Her name is Daisy, and she will be treated with respect and dignity. After all, she was born here and would have been raised here if she had not been taken." She gestured for me to come up to her.
I slowly waded through the crowd and made my way up, standing right next to her. I got a small smile, but I ignored it and faced the crowd. Even though I felt very nervous, I stood straight and didn't let anyone know how scared I was. I hoped I was giving off the same feeling Jacob had given, but I very much doubted it. But I am powerful, and I have been told I belong here no matter how much I feel I don't.
Someone in the crowd shouted out. "Why should we trust her? She could be a spy. She looks nothing like us. She isn't one of us." I don't know why this annoyed me so much. They had a point, they have no reason to trust me, but I'm fed up and exhausted. So, I stepped out and moved towards the King, placing myself just a bit closer to the crowd.
"I may not have been raised here in the clean, fresh air or in a nice big castle. But this is where I was born. This is where I was supposed to be. You may think that I am a spy, but I can tell you that's not true. I didn't live in luxury, but I don't need to prove myself. You can either accept me or not. Either way, I am here for a little while." I didn't shout; I just spoke powerfully and in my firmest voice. I expected some backlash, but I saw people give me the look I had just seen them giving Jacob. I had engaged them when I spoke; they were hanging on to each word. I didn't show them how much it had affected me; I just stepped back into my original position, but people's eyes were still on me even after the King started speaking.
I wasn't the only one who had noticed this, as I could feel my new sister's eyes on me. I didn't look to see what she was thinking; instead, I just looked ahead and waited for her husband to stop addressing the crowd. I didn't listen as he spoke. I'm not even sure what he was talking about; I was too distracted by the reaction I had received from the crowd. Did I hold that royal power! Am I more important than I initially thought? This idea made me want to start my mind opening immediately and understand if there is even more to me.
Once the King had stopped talking, the crowd disbursed, and people either left or started to go back to listening to the band and swaying. I felt a tap on my shoulder and faced the Queen. "So, I was thinking you could start the mind opening tomorrow. Unfortunately, we had to get an outsider's help with this as we don't have much knowledge in the brain sector, but his kingdom has a lot of experience in it."
She gestured behind her husband, and out came Jacob. The minute I saw him, I stood straighter and felt my heart racing.
"This is Jacob. He will be helping to unlock your memories. We have also put him in the room a couple of doors down from you, so you guys can just stick to that area of the castle until we know more about you, Daisy."
I pulled my eyes away from Jacob and nodded. I still didn't really fancy talking to her. I also didn't miss that they want me separated as I think they still believe I'm a threat no matter what they tell their people. "Why don't you make it up to bed? Today has been a long day for you, and you'll need to be as well rested as possible before your mind is poked at."
I turned around and started to walk out of the room. As I was walking, I could hear running legs behind me. His footsteps lightened as he approached, pulling up to the right of me. Even though I knew he wanted to talk, I made sure not to acknowledge him. We instead silently made our way to our rooms. It wasn't a long walk, but it took a lot of willpower not to ask him the hundreds of questions I had.
Once we got to his room, he gave me a small wave and said, "Meet you outside my room at seven AM sharp." I nodded and carried on walking.
The minute I opened my bedroom door, I slipped out of my dress and collapsed on the bed. Today had been very eventful, and I was exhausted.
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