someone just voted on my old and cringey haikyuu book, and it coincidentally was this kind of chapter. so hi.
SERVAMP ft. zombie apocalypse (no vampires)
- survives to the end of the movie because he's the main character. reason why everyone fought as he inspired them. has some "answer" or antidote for the zombie virus thing he somehow found hidden in the most unusual place.
- you were correct in assuming he would probably, indeed, be the only survivor. which is honestly fucking sad. witnessed or lived through the deaths of all his friends and he will forever remember them.
- standing on top of a building as the sun rises, the sound of walkie-talkies and choppers in the background.
- that one character who literally doesn't care about anything and just happens to be in the gang because mahiru rescued him.
- "i didn't ask to be saved, so i'm not obligated to cooperate."
- very, very nearly close to surviving. he was with mahiru to the final "battle", and just when he got his want for survival back, tragedy ensues. pushes mahiru away from the chaos as he grows to learn the importance of camaraderie and wishes he lived longer to really see the light of a peaceful day he'd been told to look forward to.
- that one "brains" character in the group who plans and stuff, inducing fights with others because they say he's merciless and has god complex (i'm sure y'all know what i mean in this regard). was the one who told mahiru he had the antidote and made it their mission to get it to the military base.
- sick person whose house was used as a base after a nasty zombie extermination.
- when the base gets invaded, he does an act of self-sacrifice: lures zombies inside (ridden with bombs or flammable substance in advance). detonates bombs or sets fire to everything, because he knew he wouldn't last running away.
- that one person who stood by misono when everyone was starting to think he was just being selfish, like the usual guys behind tech and plans.
- also was the one who gathered all the survivors he found, and enforced trust among each other in their base. basically the peacemaker. eases psychological burden.
- that character who fought like a badass when he was cornered, acting as bait when their escape in the sewers got messy. this is after promising the others he would meet them outside, but ofc, they all knew that would be impossible.
- handy man of the group who nailed floorboards to the main door, the windows, etc in the base. surprisingly knew how to hijack a vehicle they'd used after misono's mansion went up in smoke/splinters
- guy in charge of lookouts and defense. you never know what he's thinking.
- that one character you mourned, thinking he died after he held up a gate or something for the others. ends up a "traitor" in a revelation arc or sth.
- the person whom no one really is fond of entertaining since he rambles about the possibilities of the virus and complains about how dumb the military is.
- "tetsu and i found each other in an open garage and since then we've been killing zombies together!"
- knows more than anyone else. almost got them killed when he approached a horde of zombies claiming he had the truth. gets saved, but looks back and walks to the horde anyways. dies there.
- that one guy they meet after the base was ruined. already infected, a torn pant leg and a crude weapon. tourniquet present, which they presumed had slowed the transformation.
- everyone is wary of him, but he fights the zombies alongside them claiming he needed to atleast purge the world of these demons before he went.
- a loony with an angel complex, but in the short time he was with them, he helped a lot, and solved hyde's eternal crisis or something.
- the guy in the group who almost always goes into hysterics claiming they'll all die. has to be shut up ocasionally. loved to pick fights with misono claiming he was the most suspicious and that he might be selling them out.
- issues incarnate. no one can really understand him, until some licht guy joined the group. pretty sure everyone gets the picture.
- serves as bait for when licht turned into a zombie. he fought him while everyone ran to escape. imagine their final scene in ruins and rain infront of a wrecked music store or some poetic shit.
- that one guy at the beginning of a movie who decides to play it solo. meets mahiru and kuro somewhere, but leaves their temporary base that time all of a sudden, claiming he had "a friend to find".
- some shady asshole we don't exactly see anymore all throughout.
- appears at the end at the edge of mahiru's vision as he collapses, finally safe inside the border. and yes, we don't see him again.
- seen meeting up with mikuni at some point. obviously, he was the "friend to find". they have a muted conversation.
- disappears with mikuni and never seen again, except by hyde one night when he was having another fit, on top of a tall building with his clothes flapping in the wind. the cliché scenario.
- also appears with mikuni at the end through mahiru's blurry vision.
- leader of that one group of mad people that makes everything harder than it already is. hunts everyone down in the zombie-ridden streets claiming no one should attempt to "cure" the blight that was beneficial for the world entire.
- believes that the earth should be free of human beings and that this incident is nothing but a sort of "divine intervention". basically that one guy in every novel or movie whose quest is misguided.
- dies anyways later on. loses all his companions and runs to an isolated building with a serious injury, believing he had served his purpose to whichever higher power was responsible for all of this.
- the one evil henchman who never seems to die. fights alongside the "mad" people and deifies tsubaki.
- killed finally by tetsu in an isolated sewer or something, who whispers he was no longer useful to the cause of their "group".
- the first one to find out that tetsu isn't exactly who he seems, and that he's being controlled by the government rather than doing it of his own volition.
- that one rare hybrid zombie creature who has a blank stare and doesn't speak, but is sane enough to not eat people. travels with tsubaki's group but was separated from mahiru at the beginning when the zombie outbreak happened. basically, you thought he died at first.
- has this dramatic reunion with mahiru one time, but he doesn't exactly recognize him. he knows mahiru from the deepest recesses of his memory, but he can't exactly place a finger on it since he his technically dead.
- we never know where he went at the end, but he was probably killed by the military that had released a "cleanup mission" before they destroyed the borders that separated military bases from the rest of the world.
- tsubaki gang's best killer. the people scattered dead but uninfected was her handiwork.
- escaped when her group got exterminated, but goes back hours later after mahiru and the rest have surely left. finds tsubaki's corpse in the middle of a very isolated building and finally gets a time to show emotions. rages and kills the zombies outside.
- goes back in and commits suicide after this act.
- the member of the misguided group who never does anything major and simply is there to deliver the killing blow.
- you thought he was dead, but he's the reason why kuro and mahiru get trapped in chaos just before finally managing to flee to safety.
- kuro had to fight him as the zombies closed in on the two of them and mahiru ran away. higan planned to chase after mahiru after dealing with kuro, but the latter's last words woke something in him (his humanity most likely, because you get the cliché here: guy whose hope got handed back to him restores other guy's hope when he kills him) and he just leans on the wall, smiling. we presume he fights the zombies to death after this.
in case that was confusing, basically, the story goes this way.
mahiru and sakuya are in highschool, yay! cliche as shit teacher gets bitten, wave of zombies happen, and sakuya gets separated from mahiru, who manages to escape death by such a thin margin. goes to his house to find the neighborhood isolated. for now. packs and shit. sees tv. hears news. has a hysterical moment and the "answer" or antidote (up to you to imagine if it's a formula or a vial of purple liquid or what) falls from a shelf. or something. yes, maybe tooru has an involvement with that. takes it bc it seems important. finds kuro in a grocery store barely trying to fight the zombies. mahimahi kills them. drags kuro even tho he doesn't want to and they fight a lot.
they come across mikuni in a train station. they are companions for a day but mikuni leaves suddenly. then in a near-death situation, mahi and kuro are saved by lily, who takes them to a mansion. they meet tetsu and hugh, hyde, misono, and eventually learn that lily helped exterminate the zombies in the building before. mahiru shows misono the thing he found back at home. misono says it's the antidote. hyde startd a fight about everything. tetsu does nothing. hugh intervenes, saying the only way they could get this to the government was to get to the nearest military base. amazing cliché. so they start doing scouting and stuff, better routes, restocking, until some evening when the mansion's gates and doors come crashing, the zombies somehow destroying tetsu's handiwork. they have to leave. misono stays. dies there. they escape through a sewer and that's where lily dies.
this is where the tsubaki gang appears. they chase everyone all over trying to kill them.
they find a bus and tetsu hijacks it. they use it to drive and stuff while avoiding zombies. they find licht in a red danger zone. he was killing zombies. they take him in before realizing he was bitten. when they find out, it causes a huge ruckus, but they keep him with them anyways. stuff goes on like this and licht and hyde just somehow sat down to talk one night without getting violent. after this, licht turns finally into a zombie and hyde has to kill him because stuff. the rest of the group go on.
tsubaki gang still hot on their heels. they lured them to a zone full of zombies, and planned to exterminate them there. unfortunately for them, they have good fighters, and yes, tetsu wasn't who they thought he was. this is the end of their misadventures and stuff. they also blow up the bus in the middle of it all.
they now have to go on foot because no vehicle. this is where hugh gets them in trouble. tetsu saves them by holding up the doors or gate for them then barricading himself inside with the zombies. hugh ends up looking back at the chaos and going back anyways, probably because of conscience and his unstable mentality. or something else entirely. mahimahi and kuro are determined to get to military base. kuro is nearly back to "i'm human and i care about my life" mentality. shit happens, they finally get to the border where there are a lot more zombies at the base of it. they meet higan and tetsu there, who tries to "finish what the others started". he lets mahiru go knowing an injured kuro can't exactly fight against him. tetsu goes after mahimahi. before he kills kuro there's the "holy shit you're right we should end this catastrophe" click in higan's brain. mahmahi gets to the border after fighting tetsu (wow). bam. stuff happens. then the ending. mikuni and jeje will forever remain a mystery.
and that stuff ig. i'm too hurried to give it an actual concrete plot but aye i might do so one day.
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