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The Coopers: the Stepfords of Riverdale. High-school sweethearts who got married and had two beautiful daughters, Polly and Betty.
Until Jason Blossom happened. And now we would hear from the person who was closest to him, those days leading up to his disappearance: Polly Cooper.
How a casual conversation turned into an epic forbidden romance. How, for reasons still murky, their respective parents tried to tear them apart. How their break-up was short-lived, because Polly soon learned she was pregnant with Jason's baby. How they became secretly engaged with his grandmother's blessing and her heirloom ring, and made plans to run away together. To start a new life. And how their dreams of escape went up in flames.
"Angel" Kevin calls out to the girl as she's about to walk past the lounge, being too occupied with her phone. Looking up she sees her friends. Holding up a finger to tell them to give her a moment, she turns back to the conversation on her phone. "I have to go, bye, love you" she says into the phone before ending the call and sitting down next to Cherly.
"What's going on?" she asks, putting her phone in her purse. "Who was that and I love your shoes, are those new?" Kevin speaks up. "A friend of mine works for Louis Vuitton and designed them for me, cute, right?" she grins, stretching her leg up a bit so they can see them. "And I talked to my step-sister, Trixi" she adds, answering his first questions.
"Anyway, what are you talking about?" "We're thinking about throwing Polly a baby shower at Veronicas" Betty tells her with a smile. "And you're invited." "Wow, that sounds lovely. I would love to come" she says, smiling softly just as Mrs. Cooper comes into the room, wanting to talk to her daughter and Veronica after finding out that they're hiding her oldest daughter at the Lodge's. Awkwardly the others look at each other as the two girls walk out behind the woman.
"You sure you want to go there?" Jughead asks the girl after a moment, assuming it would be pretty uncomfortable for her to see the girl. She hasn't seen her since the football match before her and Jason broke up. "Yeah, why not? I'm not holding anything against her. I'm over it, really" she tells the boy, waving it off. "Over what?" Archie asks confused, he, Kevin and Valerie don't know about what happened. "Jason and I were together until Polly came along" the girl tells them in a short version. "Wow, that's..." "Awkward" Kevin finishes for Valerie. "It's what it is. Like I said, I'm over it and I'm happy for Polly. I just hope he was happy with her in his last days" Angel states.
The day of the baby shower Angel is nervous but excited to see the pregnant girl. She truly is happy for her, she always knew that Polly loved Jason even if he didn't return those feelings in the beginning, maybe he truly did in the end and all she ever wanted for the boy was him to be happy, so if Polly made him happy, so be it. She rather loose her boyfriend than her best friend.
Walking up to the apartment door isn't as easy as Angel thought it would be. How will Polly react at seeing her? Does she even want her here?
Taking a deep breath she enters the apartment, instantly looking eyes with the pregnant girl, sending her a soft smile as she walks up to her. "Angel" she stutters, clearly surprised to see her. "Hey, Polly. I hope it's okay I came, Betty invited me" Angel tells her. "Yeah, of course." With a sigh of relieve the brunette smiles at her. "It's really good to see you again, Polly. You look great, and I'm happy for you and the baby" she says, taking her hands, squeezing them lightly. "Thank you, I'm having twins" "Really? Wow, congratulations. You're going to be a fantastic mother." "Thank you, and I'm sorry what happened-" Polly begins but gets cut off from the other as she shakes her head. "Don't worry, Polly. It's all in the past, I'm over it. I always wanted Jay-Jay to be happy and I just wasn't the one to do that, not as a girlfriend." Hugging each other, Angel steps away, looking around the room to see who's already there.
In one corner, next to the little foods, there stands an upset and nervous looking Jughead. Walking over to him, after putting Pollys present on the gift table, she asks him what's wrong. "We worked for Archie's dad yesterday and Moose got beaten up" he begins, shocking and worrying the girl. "Is he okay?" "His name is Moose" he comments, continuing what he wants to tell her. "And Archie thinks it's the Serpents, he's going to the Southside and is probably in the Wyrm right now and finding out about my dad" he tells her. "He doesn't know?" "No, of course not" he replies, looking at her as if she's crazy. "You know what everyone thinks about the Southside and the Serpents." "Well, if he's really your best friend he won't have a problem with it. You aren't your dad" she tries to calm him down.
They watch Polly open her gifts as Archie Andrews comes in and walks right up to Jughead. "You were protecting him" he starts, trying to be as silent as possible. "That's why you didn't tell me-" "Relax" Jughead interrupts his friend. "What happened?" he asks as the girl walk up to the two. "Did you know Jughead's father is a Serpent?" Archie asks the girls as Angel looks at Jughead, who doesn't know what to say. "No" Veronica and Betty answer, Angel staying silent. "You knew?" the red head asks her, seeing her reaction as she just shrugs her shoulders.
"That's why he tried to stop me from going. So I wouldn't find out. After everything my dad has done for you-" "Archie, I can explain, okay?" "Not right now. This is Polly's day. Jughead probably had a good reason to not tell you, I mean look at your reaction. But believe me when I tell you, the Serpents didn't have anything to do with what happened to your father or Moose" Angel tells the boy in a whisper. "Are you one of them?" "No but I know FP and I know that he would never do something as low as that. Your fathers were best friends once and no fallout would let to something as low as that. And now I want you to either stay and celebrate with us or go."
With that said the boy walks out of the apartment as the others turn to Polly again, Angel sneezing Jughead's arm before turning toward the pregnant girl as well.
"Oh, Polly. Come stay with us at Thornhill" Cheryl speaks up, earning the attention of everyone. "Cheryl's invitation is genuine" Penelope tells them. "Thornhill's gate will always be open to you" she continues, staring an argument with Mrs. Cooper, getting in each others faces.
"Enough. Both of you" Polly speaks up, getting up as well. "If you believe one lie this woman is saying-" Mrs. Cooper states, getting interrupted from her daughter. "This is why Jason is dead" she states, as Angel chokes up. "Because of this hate. This pointless, stupid fighting. We were supposed to be together. And you didn't let us have that. Neither of you. And you know what? It cost Jason his life" she cries, as some single tears run down Angles face, ending the, what was supposed to be happy, baby shower.
With a big bag of Pop's, Angel enters the trailer that night, looking for FP. "Angel, what are you doing here?" "I actually wanted to have a girls night with Toni after today but she's still working so I thought you probably don't have anything to eat at home and bought us some dinner" she tells the man, holding the paper back up with a smile on her face as she puts her helmet on the kitchen counter.
"You don't have to do that all the time" he reminds her, as she sits down next to him on the couch. "Thanks to you, I learned more about my mom. You're like a second father to me, we look after each other" Angel replies, with a shrug of her shoulders, ripping the bag open to reveal two burgers, two servings of fries, onion rings and a coffee for the man and a coke for the girl. "Thanks, girl." Silently they eat their dinner while watching some football on the TV.
"Archie came to the baby shower earlier" Angel starts after a while, playing with a lettuce leaf that fell out of her burger. "What exactly happened?" "The kid came with his friends, looking for the guys that trashed Fred's machines and went up to Mustang. You know how it is" he states, rubbing his face as he takes a sip of his whiskey. The door opens, startling the two to no end as Jughead and Betty step inside.
"Jughead" FP exclaims, getting up and putting his glass away as Angel stays seated. "Dad, Betty Cooper. Betty, this is my dad" he introduces the two. "Hi, Mr. Jones. Nice to meet you officially" the blond greets the man, shaking his hand. "And you. And you. Why don't you guys sit down?" he asks, as the brunette is already putting the stuff off of the other couch, smiling at the two. "Sorry, we're just eating, I didn't know you two would come or else I would have bought something for you too" she tells them.
"This isn't really a social call" Jughead speaks up, staying where the two stand. "No, I didn't expect it would be after Archie showed up at the bar" FP replies as he turns back to his son. "We know the Serpents had some kind of drug thing going on with Jason Blossom." "What? Where'd you hear that?" "Jason's girlfriend." "My sister." the two say at the same time, while Angel uncomfortably sits back down, not wanting to know where this will lead.
Sighing the man sits back down as he explains them what happened. "The kid needed some money, to get away. A clean-cut kid like that, no one's gonna suspect him of running, so we helped him, he helped us." "Jeez, Dad. Did you tell the cops that?" "What do you think?" he questions back, scoffing. "Well, they know now. Polly told them" the boy informs his father. "So if they haven't been by yet, they will be."
"Did you ever speak to Jason? Personally?" Betty asks the man. "My guys gave him some product. When it wasn't delivered, we figured he took off with out stash, until-" "Until Jason's body was found at Sweetwater River" Angel concludes as silence fills the room, Jughead staring at his father, trying to figure our how to word his next question.
"Anything else you wanna ask?" "Did you have anything to do with Jason Blossom's death?" Shocked he even asks something like that, Angel stares at the boy with an open mouth. "You really think I could do that? Do that you you, my family? To Angel when I know how she feels about that boy?" FP asks his son, hurt he even thinks about it. "It's the Dark Ages, Dad. I don't really know what to think anymore."
"I'm not a perfect father, Jughead. No getting around that, but I'm no killer" he tells him, choking up. Staring at his father for a moment more, the two leave the trailer, leaving the man and their new friend behind.
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