- 1.04 -
What makes a place feel like home? Is it warmth and familiarity? Some idealized, make-believe version of the American dream? Is it love and acceptance? Or is it simple safety? Or none of those things. And it's place where the captain of the football team is murdered. Or maybe it's just a forgotten closet under a well-trod staircase, where it's just you and the mice and the spiders, like an extra in a Wes Craven movie.
"My mom and dad don't want to get the police involved. They don't want anyone to know she ran away or about her shameful condition" Betty tells their friends as Angel enters the students lounge. "Please what decade is this?" Veronica comments, rolling her eyes. "Well, since she knew where Jason's car was, they're afraid people might think that she burned it and that if she did-" "She could be the murderer covering her tracks" Jughead continues for her.
"Wait" Angel speaks up as she didn't hear the beginning as everyone turns to her. "What shameful condition?" she asks, not knowing what they're talking about in the beginning. "Polly's pregnant" Betty tells her. "Polly's what? No she..." Angel is shocked, more than shocked actually. "I... I have to go" she mumbles, getting up and rushing out of the room and the school, driving to Pop's to clear her head, not caring about the lessons she'll miss.
"Shouldn't you be in school?" Pop asks as Angel walks into the Diner. She only shrugs her shoulders. "Can I have a-" "Double chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and two cherries" the man interrupts her, knowing all the girls orders. "Give me a minute and I'll have it done." "Thanks Pop" she smiles gratefully, walking to a booth to sit down. Putting her headphones in she turns on her favorite songs, while playing with the rings on her fingers. Not a minute later Pop's puts her milkshake down, thanking him she takes a sip, enjoying the taste and the happy feeling it gives her. That's how she spends a couple of hours, drinking her milkshake, listening to music and thinking about her life since she's been in Riverdale, which isn't a long time at all.
"I knew I would find you here" a voice rings through her music, as the person sits down in front of her, stealing a fry off of her plate. "What are you doing here, Jug?" she asks the boy, not really in the mood to see or interact with anyone right now. Taking her earphones out, she waits for his answer. "I was looking for you" he says but she doesn't believe him, looking at him skeptical he sighs.
"I just talked to my dad and it didn't went well" he replies, looking at the table before looking back at her. "But I still kind of looked for you" he adds. "Why?" she wants to know. "Why did you just leave earlier? I mean, I get it, you and Polly had a fallout when you last saw each other but I honestly thought you'd react differently to knowing she's pregnant. It's Jasons baby after all."
"He cheated on me with her" she blurts out, surprising the boy. "He what?" he asks, not believing his ears. Sighing the girl stirs her almost empty milkshake as she starts telling him what happened a couple of months back.
"It was the weekend before the last football game last year" she starts. "There was a party at Reggies house and Jason got really drunk and probably high too, I mean he sold drugs who knows if he didn't take them too... anyways, Polly was there and she always liked him, we all knew about it but I didn't thinks she would take advantage of him in a situation like this because she knew he didn't like her like that. She was a good friend for him, nothing more. Long story short, they ended up having sex and Reggie caught them but neither told me. The week after I flew in as a surprise, I came too all of his big games, and everything seemed fine. We spent an amazing weekend together until Sunday morning when I got a text telling me he cheated on me. Of course I didn't believe it at first but when I asked him and saw that look in his eyes, I knew it was true. It took me a while to forgive him and we agreed to stay friends. But getting told he proposed to her? And that she's pregnant with his baby? I'm sorry but that's just too much" she tells him, crying a bit while doing so.
Jughead heard her conversation on her first day with Reggie, he heard when Reggie talked about a breakup, but this is the first time he hears about what caused the breakup and seeing how hurt the girl is, he understands her reaction earlier and why she didn't want to come with them as they first went to visit Polly.
Taking her hand in his, he squeezes it lightly, showing her that he's there for her and she's more than grateful for it.
"So, what happened with your dad?" she asks, changing the subject. "Archie's dad offered him a job but he won't take it, says there's no honor in that after Mr. Andrews fired him." "I'm sure he'll come around. He wants his family back so there's no way around taking up that offer." "How do you... Do you know my dad?" he asks her. He never said anything about his family situation, so how does she know about it?
Before she can answer, their phones light up, alarming them of a message. It's Betty, asking them to help her look for Polly. "Come on, we should help her" Angel states, laying some money on the table before getting up. "You're okay with helping in finding Polly?" he asks. After what she just told him, he didn't think she would want to help find the girl who literally stole her boyfriend. "What happened is in the past. And Polly needs to be found, before the Blossoms do" she tells him as the two get into her car driving off to the woods.
"Okay, the Sisters of Quiet Mercy are due north" Betty begins as everyone is gathered. "The getaway car was west on the old Route 40." "Closest bus station is east, headed towards Sweetwater. If Polly wanted to leave Riverdale without being seen, she probably would've left through right-" "Right here. Eversgreen Forest" Betty interrupts Jughead.
With that the search for the girl starts. Walking through the woods, the group calls out for the missing girl as they run upon the Blossoms and their search group.
"Alice Cooper. Where is she? Where's Polly?" Penelope asks the mother as Cheryl locks eyes with her best friend, silently asking her why she's helping the Coopers instead of them. The girl just shrugs, standing next to the boy with the beanie.
"You think if I knew that I would be out here with the mosquitoes?" Mrs. Cooper replies, stepping up to the other woman. "Face facts, Mommy Dearest, Polly killed Jason." "We both know she could never hurt Jason" Angel replies to her best friend. "She escaped from the asylum once. Who's to say she didn't before?" Clifford inputs. "Say, the day Jason got murdered?" "The noose is tightening around your murdering daughter's neck. I know it, Sheriff Keller knows it-" "Hold on, now" the Sheriff interrupts Penelope only to get ignored by the woman. "And I promise you, when we find her, and we will find her, the entire town of Riverdale will know too."
Not even two hours later, the news-stations of the town and a couple of people are gathered in front of the church as the three Cooper's stand next to each other.
"There's been a swirl of rumors today about our daughter Polly" Mrs. Cooper begins. "And we're standing here to tell you that they're all false. Yes, Polly was seeking treatment in a private-care facility, and she was under strict observation, even at the time of Jason Blossom's death. When she found out about the murder, she was beside herself with grief. You see, my daughter Polly is pregnant with Jason Blossom's baby" she announces to the crowd. "Polly wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone the father of her unborn child. Polly, darling, if you're watching this, please come home."
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