"Happy Thanksgiving Medic." You said happily. "Happy Thanksgiving mein beautiful bride." He said as he pecked your lips. You both got ready and went to the church where you were married. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.
Medic smiled at you as he lifted your veil and crashed his lips onto yours. Nothing mattered to either one of you except for each other. Soon enough air forced the two of you to part.
Time skip to after all the services
Medic was driving the two of you home. "Now no one can take you from me darling." He said with a smile. "I can't think of anyone else that I would rather spend the rest of my life with. I love you Medic." You said.
As soon as you got home you both changed into your casual clothes. Medic then went out to get a turkey and returned shortly with a turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce (I LOVE cranberry sauce) and some drinks.
He then went to start dinner and finished a few hours later. He then went over to you and cuddled with you on the couch as you both watched TV. The show was interrupted by American news.
"This just in! Detective (Y/N) (L/N) and the serial killer Medic have escaped from a police raid on Medic's house. It's unknown where they are. Not much is known only that no blood found in Medic's house belonged to the detective, they tried using a blacklight to try and find cleaned blood but none was found. Indicating that the detective hadn't been harmed at all. Have a happy Thanksgiving and if you see the detective or Medic anywhere call crime stoppers or the police." With that it returned to the show.
"Zey don't know vhere ve are. I told you zat zey vould not find us love. Now ve can finally live freely vithout haffing to worry about zem finding us." Medic said happily.
"Medic, do you think anyone here in Canada will give us away. I mean if we got an American news bulletin, wouldn't the Canadians?" You asked. He paused before checking what the station was.
"Nein. Vhy does it haff to be on zat?" Medic said. "On what?" You asked "On an international news station zat airs all over ze verld." He said. "They don't know where in Canada we are." You said trying to be reassuring.
"Ja. You are right! Zey haff no idea vhere ve are! For all zey know ve could be in some other country." He said happily.
Time skip to later
You and Medic sat down to eat at five in the evening. But before either one of you touched the food you both prayed. Once you were done you both began to eat.
After dinner you went to call your family. "(Y/N)?! Thank God you're alive! Are you hurt?! Did that killer hurt you in any way?!" (Family member) asked worriedly. "I'm fine. Medic hasn't hurt me at all, he doesn't want to hurt me. He would never hurt me, he loves me. And I love him, we're married now. We're talking about having a child." You said
"WHAT?! ABSOLUTELY NOT! YOU DIVORCE HIM AND COME HOME! I WILL NOT HAVE A KILLER AS MY (son/brother,etc) IN LAW!" (Family member) said. "He's not a bad guy when you meet him. He's polite, a gentleman, protective, loving. He loves me and I love him." You said.
(Family member) then hung up on you. "Are you alright darling?" Medic asked softly. You hugged him and he hugged you back "They want me to divorce you because they don't want you in the family." You said.
"It vill be alright dear. Maybe if I met zem zey vould zink differently." He said. "But what if someone sees us? The police will take you away!" You said. Medic kissed your forehead "I vill not allow zem to keep me from you. But for now ve haff to convince your family zat I haff no intention of harming you." He said softly.
"I have an idea!" You said. You went and got your computer and opened Skype. "We can Skype with them and show them that there aren't any wounds on me." You said. Medic grinned "You are a genius love." He said.
You called your family on Skype and they answered immediately. "Hey guys." You said. "Where's that dirtbag who kidnapped you?! I have some choice words for him!" Your dad said.
"Dad he loves me, he hasn't hurt me at all. See?" You said showing no injuries. "I still want to talk to him." Your dad said.
"Medic can you come here please?" You asked "Coming darling." He said as he walked into the room. "You must be (Y/N)' family. Pleasure to meet you all." He said.
Your dad glared at him "Let me clarify one thing with you, buddy. If I find out that you hurt her in any way... You'll be sorry." He said coldly. "Mr. (L/N) I can assure you zat I mean (Y/N) no harm. I never did, never once did I haff ze thought of harming her. I love her very much und vant to protect her." He said.
"So I heard that you two were talking about having children, right?" Your mom asked. "Ja, ve vere zinking about haffing a child." Medic said. "I'd like to be a Grandmother so snap to it please." Your mom said. You blushed darkly in response.
After a little while of talking it was late so you had to hang up and go to bed. "Vant to try for a child?" Medic asked "Sure, I guess." You said.
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