A Situation
Medic had said he was going to go to get some food and would return shortly later. So you put in headphones and started singing along to your playlist. (Song above) while you were singing along Medic walked in and watched you as you sang.
He stood in the doorway and raised an eye brow when you got to the chorus. "Zere is nozing wrong vith you darling, und you know zat I am ein doctor. Zere is no reason to call ein doctor vhen zere is one here und nozing is wrong." He said confused.
It took him a little while before he realized you were singing. "Vell I feel like a dummkopf." He said quietly. After a short time you finished singing and took out your headphones and sighed.
"He said that he would be here shortly, where is he?" You then felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist, so you turned around to see Medic smirking at you.
"You haff a beautiful voice liebling. You should sing more." He said in your ear. He then went to go prepare dinner. You followed him and sat at the table he had prepared for the two of you in the kitchen.
While the two of you conversed your radio went off with an interesting message. "All units report to the briefing room." *footsteps* "Alright! Ladies and gentlemen one of our own is being held prisoner by a sadistic, sociopathic, serial killer. Detective (Y/N) (L/N) is being held prisoner by the infamous serial killer, Medic. She reports that he has no intention of harming her and doesn't appear to be a threat to her. We still need to save her from him! For all we know, he could've forced her to say that he wasn't going to hurt her and that he hasn't hurt her and to call off the search party. We know that she is in a building not too far from her apartment building. Her apartment is only a half mile away from the area that the call was traced to. We move to retrieve the target at midnight tonight! Take both alive! Take the detective to the hospital and take that sadistic b*****d and lock him in a cell where he belongs. Dismissed. *footsteps*" and then the radio went out.
You went over to Medic and he held you trying to comfort you. "Zey vill not keep us separate for long love. I vill find you, it is impossible to prove me innocent. Unless..." He trailed off.
"Unless what?" You asked anxious. "Unless ve leave tonight! Or right now! Come on, pack your stuff und ve can leave! Zey vill never find us, I promise! Ve can live in ze woods und ve can raise our children zere! No one vill ever find us und so ve can live together vithout haffing to worry about those schweinhunds pursuing us! Vat do you say? Do you vant to run avay vith me und finally be free?" Medic asked.
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck he, in turn, wrapped his arms around your waist. He then crashed his lips onto yours, the kiss seemed to last forever before air forced the two of you to separate.
You rested your head against his chest "When do we leave?" You asked "As soon as ve haff everything packed. I can get us a car for ze trip. Ve vill not walk for long love." He replied and pecked your lips.
You went to start packing everything you had. "Are we going to stop by my apartment for the rest of my stuff?" You asked. "But of course! Ve vill need a car first though. I vill be right back love." He said and went off to fetch a car.
It was nine at night so most everything was closed, which included car dealerships. "Please be careful and don't get caught." You said to no one in particular. You then heard cooing so you went to investigate and found a room full of doves.
One perched on your shoulder so you scratched its head. "Hey there buddy, are you guys Medic's?" The dove on your shoulder cooed in response and flew off.
Medic returned fifteen minutes later and carried your stuff to the car, then returning for his stuff, finally returning for his doves. He introduced you to all of his doves "Und finally zis is Archimedes." He said letting you hold the dove.
"Hey there Archimedes." You said gently scratching the dove. "Ve are almost at your apartment. Do you vant to get your stuff or do you vant me to?"
"I'll be recognized instantly, it's better if you go. Here's the key." You said handing him the key. Medic returned ten minutes later with a few suitcases and put them in the van. He then went to fetch the remainders of your stuff.
He returned five minutes later and packed everything and drove off. "So where are we heading off to?" You asked. "Vell, I vas thinking Canada. Ze authorities don't vant us to get to another country so ve haff to hurry und get to ze border und into Canada before zey find out ve escaped."
You fell asleep after a while of driving and after what felt like a short time, you were woken up by Medic. "Ve are about 3 miles avay from ze border." "What time is it?" You asked sleepily. "Eleven at night." Medic said.
"Let's see, it takes about twenty five minutes to get there from here so we'll make it!" You said happily.
Time skip to arrival at the border
Medic pulled up to the gate that checks passports and woke you up. "Passports please, and how long you're planning on staying." The worker said.
"Here you are, und ve vere moving here." Medic said while handing over both passports. "Alrighty then, I'll need you to fill out this form. Then when you get to the town you want to settle in, go to the emigration office and give them this paper." The worker explained.
"Danke. Haff ein gut nacht." Medic said. "What?" The worker asked "Haff a gut night." Medic repeated "Oh, thanks! You too!" The worker said with a smile and let you both into Canada.
After a little while of driving you found a nice town that was near a forest. You then went into the emigration office and became official citizens of Canada.
You then went to the forest and drove into the forest and went to a remote part that was a fair distance from other humans. "Zere! Much better!" Medic said. "Let's wait until morning before we start building our house." You said.
"Alright. Ve begin verking on our house in ze morning. Gut nacht mein love." Medic said.
Time skip to the next morning
You both awoke at 7 in the morning to work on your house. Though when you were both searching for supplies you found a cabin. An empty cabin at that. "Wunderbar!" Medic said happily.
You both moved in quickly "It looks like no one's been here for a few weeks. There isn't much dust here." You said.
Medic nodded in agreement "At least ve haff a place to live. Now zen about earlier." He began. "You mean about how you were talking about raising our kids here?" You asked.
He nodded "Given ze circumstances on vhich ve became a couple. I vould not blame you if you do not vant to haff children vith me." He said.
"I'd like to be married before we have kids. But I'm not against the idea of having a child with you, I think it's a wonderful idea. You would make a wonderful father." You said. He smiled.
"Zank you darling. You vould make a wunderbar mother as vell. Even though our jobs contradict each other, I am truly happy zat you vish to stay vith me. Zank you mein love." He said happily.
"We just have to get married first." You said. "You vant to marry me?! You mean it?!" He asked surprised. You giggled "Of course I do. I love you Medic." You said.
He hugged you gently. "Zen let us go und get married." He said. First Medic went to a jewelry store and bought a ring. He then went back to you and you both went to a priest. He told you that he could marry you on Thanksgiving. You thanked him and went home to patiently wait until Thanksgiving.
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