Chapter 6
New chapter :) This one's got some romance in it yaaay ;) Hope you like it! Vote and all that jazz!
As soon as the sound of the school bell shook the school to signify that it was the end of a long and a drama-filled day, Olivia was out of her last period class as fast as possible. She rushed to her locker, quickly swapped her textbooks over for the ones she needed at home and was out of the main doors in just a few moments. It would’ve been a lot easier if the hallways weren’t heaving with students all heading in different directions, but she was soon outside, feeling the warmth of the afternoon air on her skin.
The school grounds seemed smaller now, but maybe that was just because she was beginning to get used to the extent of the place. Before long, she would probably barely remember her old high school back in New York, with its crumbling buildings and shabby décor. Being in there had an element of danger – you never knew if you were going to get hit on the head by a broken ceiling tile or something. That was definitely not the case with this school. Everything was brand new and pristine.
But that wasn’t the case with the people inside it. She paused for a second, smoothing down her hair and trying to hitch up her skirt in an effort to look cooler before she heard a voice behind her that startled her slightly and caused her to spin round.
"Hello, Olivia."
It was Aaron. He was leaning against a pillar that held up the porch entrance and had an entrancing smile fixed to his face that seemed to make Olivia’s heart melt inside her chest.
"Wait… how did you… but school only just…" Olivia’s speech broke off as a wider smile spread through his face.
"You know, we cannot all be as good and obedient as you. There are some classes I do not really have the desire to attend." He lifted a hand up to his head and ran it through his messy black locks. Some of it flopped over his face.
"So you had a good day, hmm?"
Olivia nodded uneasily in reply. "Yeah, it was kind of… weird."
"Welcome to Serenity Falls, then," he said, taking his weight off the pillar and standing up straight. He approached Olivia, who had been standing a few metres away, and looked intently at her. His gaze seemed to penetrate her, like it was reaching right inside her and staring her soul in the face. She tried to focus, but his deep green eyes were overpowering and she ended up looking down at the floor, feeling shy.
"And what about me? Do you think I am weird?" He enquired, looking intrigued to hear her answer.
She drew in breath, about to answer, but she could only manage a "N…" sound before Aaron’s arms were round her back, gently pulling her body closer to his, his supple lips feeling as soft as a cloud as they moved slowly up her neck and onto her face. Adrenaline pumped through her body. The slight impact sent shivers down her spine and made her legs feel weak, as if they could not properly support her weight. He felt her lean against him slightly and strengthened his grip as their lips properly touched. His touch on her arms made her skin feel tingly and warm and she let herself melt into him, melt into the kiss as she rested her arms around his neck, subconsciously playing with his hair. It was as if they were in their own little world, as though Olivia was completely oblivious to the sounds and jeers of other students passing as they made their way out of school. They were on their own little cloud, far up in the sky, where the only thing that could reach them was the slight breeze that caressed her skin. Isolated. Undisturbed.
But this feeling was short lived as they broke apart eventually, his lips parting from hers slowly and his head gradually pulling away from hers. She drew in breath, unable to speak as a smile crept across Aaron’s face.
"I like you, Olivia," he said, his hand reaching up to brush back a strand of hair from her face that had fallen forwards. "You are very special."
A feeling of complete ecstasy washed over her as she tried to come to terms with what was happening. She was so stunned, unable to speak, and she could not help but smile back at him.
Just at that moment, the loud tapping of high heels could be heard on the pavement behind them. Then, a loud voice could be heard, shouting, "Oh look at that. The nerd’s become a little slut!" followed by familiar obedient laughter.
Olivia turned round to see Alyssa standing just outside of the entrance, one hand on her hip, an amused smile on her face with Kayla and Courtney standing behind her. A fresh layer of make-up had obviously been applied after the swimming pool incident and her blonde curls where looking bouncier than before.
"I wasn’t…" Olivia started to say, but she felt a hand rest on her shoulder and Aaron’s breath in her ear.
"Don’t worry about it, babe. Just ignore her."
Alyssa rolled her eyes and laughed. "Right. That relationship’s going to last." She gestured for Kayla and Courtney to follow her."Come on. Let’s not waste any time. We’ve actually got to be somewhere."
She strode forward, making sure to give Olivia the evil eye, her high heels slamming on the pavement with the amount of force, in the direction of the parking lot. Inside the parking lot was her brand new black Jaguar convertible, which had been a present from her Dad. She climbed inside, Kayla and Courtney hopping into the back after her. She then turned the music on the car stereo up so loud it could be heard throughout the whole of the school grounds and reversed out of the car park, calling out "Bye, bitches!"
Olivia turned back to Aaron, who had also been watching after Alyssa as she had left the school. Then his green eyes met her gaze and he shrugged.
"Don’t take notice of her," he said, stepping closer to Olivia once more until there was hardly any gap in between their bodies, a fact that didn’t fail to make Olivia feel slightly giddy with excitement. "She’s not worth it. Got more money than sense, you know."
"Yeah… I kind of figured that out." Olivia sighed.
"Well, I personally like you much, much better than her." There went Aaron’s gorgeous eyes again, looking straight at her.
"Thanks. Same goes for you, too."
Aaron chuckled at her response before answering, "I’m glad to hear it." He smiled as he rested his hand on her upper arm and leaned forward again, his lips gently touching hers for no more than a few moments. It was shorter, less passionate than before, but it was still meaningful and left Olivia yearning for more. Were all the guys in this school just generally gorgeous and amazing?
As he broke away and slowly drew in a breath, he said, "I must go."
Olivia looked down at the floor. "Oh, okay…"
"But don’t worry, babe. We will see each other tomorrow, yes? If you haven’t decided to get the hell away from this school by then." He grinned.
"No chance," she laughed. "It may be weird, but I worked way too hard to get in here to leave now."
"And what about me? You wouldn’t leave me, would you?"
"No, no. Of course I wouldn’t. That would be rude of me, wouldn’t it?"
He smiled. "Goodbye, Olivia." He started in the direction of the school gates, following the other students who were all leaving, giving Olivia a little wave as he left. Some of the other girls were staring at her, but Olivia didn’t really mind. It was only jealousy. They just couldn’t get an amazing guy like Aaron to like them.
As she approached the car park, she quickly scanned the area for the familiar old Nissan in between the expensive Porsches, BMWs and Jaguars. They all looked brand new, as if their owners bought a brand new one every other week – which was probably the case. Was she being blind or was it really not there? Suddenly, a loud beep filled the air and her head turned sharply to the direction of the noise. Her Dad was parked up at the other end of the car park, sat in the driver’s seat, waving in her direction. The noise drew a lot of attention to him from the other students, too, and many of them could be seem sniggering or whispering to their friends.
She hurried over, somewhat embarrassed. It didn’t usually bother her that much that her family couldn’t afford an expensive house or car, but that was when everyone she knew didn’t really have a lot of cash either. When surrounded by other vehicles all costing over fifty thousand dollars, it was slightly more intimidating.
"You look happy," her Dad said as she climbed into the car and shut the door. She had a big smile on her face and she was still buzzing with excitement from a few minutes ago. She put her seatbelt on and he started up the engine, keen to get out of the school as quickly as possible to avoid any further embarrassment associated with their lack of finances compared to everyone else. "Good first day?"
"Yeah, actually," she answered him, smiling. "I guess it was pretty good."
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