"I Have My Family"
October 1970, 2 months later
Leaving her potions class, books sitting loosely between her hip and fingertips, Serenity held her head high. Her dark hair swung behind her head in the messy ponytail that the class required with each step she took, and the stony look in her eyes parted the students around her. Behind her trailed Lakita and Juliet.
Lakita's hair had darkened to a dirty blonde colour and her eyes had sunken into her face. The way her eyebrows hooded her hazel eyes made the mischievous glint in them even more threatening. Juliet, on the other hand, had brightened. She vowed not to brood over her parents' falsehood and was embracing the legacy she had created for herself. The grin on her face was ever-present even when she shoved a second-year to the floor to move them from her path.
The students in the corridors were whispering as the three of them passed by. Professors scowled in their direction when they were met with a fresh wave of fourth-years, leaving the greenhouse corridor. Unseen forces were pushing the students every which way and chaos ensued. Laughter and screams intermingled as Professors were soon wrestling to calm the students.
With a grin settled on her face, Serenity slipped through the final group of students and came face to face with Lucius. Throwing her arms around his neck, she captured him in a quick kiss before taking his hand and dragging him away from the madness.
"Serenity Rier!" Pausing, she turned to find Professor Sprout storming up to them. The deep scowl on the herbology professor's face seemed out of place compared to her usual calm demeanour. While this forced the smile from Lakita and Juliet's face and the two shrunk behind the couple, Serenity hardly moved as she looked up at the professor through hooded eyes. "What is the meaning of this?"
"The meaning of what?" The unfaltering smirk on her face made the professor grit her teeth.
"This chaos. We have spoken about using your gifts in outside of class."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Lucius's fingers linked with hers as he urged her to leave the conversation. Professor Sprout raised an eyebrow and positioned her hands on her hips.
"Come on," Lucius mumbled and wrapped his arm around Serenity and began to guide her away.
They were nearing the library when Merritt rounded the corner, followed by a Gryffindor student. She halted as they neared her, she hardly recognised Serenity next to Lucius and took a step back. The chaos she had been caught in the past month had distracted her from the early preparations for her O.W.L.S, worry and confusion keeping her awake late at night. Seeing her sister for the first time since the start of the year was a shock nonetheless. Erin and Dexter had told her tales of the chaos the twins caused in the common room, but only now did she see the girl that was most definitely not Serenity Rier.
This was Serenity Senate. The girl their father worried she would become, a concern he had only shared with Merritt through their regular letters.
Turning to the Gryffindor behind her, Merritt grasped his hand and began to tug him back the way they had come. He protested, paying no attention to her flustered cheeks or the colour returning to her lips when she opened her mouth to speak.
"We have to go, I need to-"
"Merritt!" The two fifth years fell into silence and Merritt's shoulders hunched up around her shoulders, she turned slowly and crossed her arms. Lakita was smiling at her, yet it didn't seem to reach her eyes. "Who's your boyfriend?" The other three turned their attention to her and Merritt released his hand.
"He's not my boyfriend," she muttered, "this is Phillip." Serenity separated from Lucius and sauntered up to Merritt, running her hands over her arms.
"Come on, sis, you should have told me." She flashed a smile to the boy whose cheeks flushed as he looked at the ground. Merritt stepped out of her grasp and shook her head.
"He's our cousin, Serenity, not my boyfriend." The teasing grin on Serenity's face dropped as she dragged her gaze over Phillip. His dirty blonde hair and well-kept Gryffindor uniform. He was nothing like them- there was no way he was family.
"Don't lie to me, it's not nice."
"I'm not, Grandma had a brother-" Serenity shook her head, her hands shaking as she covered her ears.
"Stop lying to me! You're meant to be my sister, why would you lie?"
"Stop, stop, you're just like them. We don't have any more family. They're the worst, Merritt, stop fooling yourself. These... these lies can't help us." Merritt backed away as Serenity became more of a stranger. Her face had contorted and flushed with varying shades of red. Eyes wide and fingers fidgeting with her tie, Merritt fell into place beside Phillip. He nudged her and nodded down the corridor. She didn't have to say anything before the two of them broke into a run. As they ran, Serenity's scream chased after them. "You're a liar, Merritt, a lying, dependent fool. You'll see!"
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