13 July 1982, 6 months later
The dementors of Azkaban prison heard the screams of witches and wizards daily. Whether it was the dying screams as they administered their deadly kiss or shocked screams upon entering the prison, the cloaked guards were used to the sound.
The screams of childbirth were fresh in their heads. What limited minds they had held the echoes of a witch becoming a mother early that morning.
After a month of being imprisoned, Serenity Rier had been a name each dementor grew to despise. They had been ordered by the Minister for Magic, Millicent Bagnold, to keep their distance from her cell upon discovering that she was pregnant. Somehow, the news had spread from the inner circle of the ministry and, soon, the entire wizarding world knew that they would soon be cursed with the spawn of a witch evil enough to use unforgivable curses. That day, once the healers had left, Bagnold had looked down at Serenity. She was a stout woman, her stature dwarfed more so as she stood on one end of the cell and watched Serenity squeeze into the corner of the room by the bed, struggling to hug her knees around the already prominent bump.
"Who's the father?" Serenity did not look up. She knew who the father was and, once upon a time, she would have been proud to scream his name at the top of her lungs. But now... now if she so much as thought the name her heart ached and the sneers of the council flashed across her vision. No, she couldn't say it. Especially not to the Minister for Magic. Bagnold scowled. "It's Malfoy's isn't it?"
So she didn't have to say it. All she had to do was suffer with the implications of the accusations against her.
Now, the dementors hovered near the cell, knowing that the dreaded child would soon be dealt with, and they could feast on Serenity's happiest of memories.
Her hands gripped onto the bed sheet, screaming through the pain and protesting. For the first time, Serenity prayed. It wasn't something a witch was taught, but Andromeda had once told her about muggle religions. The letter had included a passage from her husband, Ted, explaining that muggles often spoke to a higher being and asked for things no living person could grant. Serenity had originally dismissed such a thing for muggle trivia, but now, with her child now entering the world, she prayed for more time. Whoever is out there, please, don't let them take my child.
Soon, the room was filled with a different type of scream. The wail of a newborn infant joined the sobs of their mother and the muttering of the healers. Throwing her head back, beads of sweat running down her cheeks, Serenity closed her eyes and tried to shut out the sound. It was a reminder of what she can't have, of the future that had been stolen from her.
The cell door opened and Millicent Bagnold entered the room, a familiar shadow hovered in the doorway.
"A girl?" Her gravelly voice scratched at Serenity's subconscious. A girl. Serenity blinked away the tears and looked up. The healers were attending to the infant, she was swaddled in one of their arms and hidden from view. She cleared her throat, scolding herself for trying to avoid such a precious creature.
"Can I- Can I see her?" The healers hesitate, looking over at the Minister who sighed and nodded. Cradling her daughter carefully, Serenity began to cry again as she looked down at her. A thin layer of dark hair covered her head, it was barely visible, but upon seeing it Serenity knew that she was as much a Rier as she was. Her face, though, was long and her lips were thin. The child was very much a Malfoy as well.
As if one cue, Lucius entered the room tentatively. He suppressed a shiver as a breeze entered through the barred window and clutched his cane. His eyes did not meet Serenity's when she looked up. Instinctively, she drew the child closer to her chest and shrank further into her bed.
Bagnold looked between the two and nodded for the healers to leave the room.
"I think we best be leaving." Eyes wide, Serenity curled around her daughter.
"No, please," Serenity looked between her daughter and up to Lucius. For the first time, he met her eyes. For the first time in six months he felt the weight of his actions. It was too late now, he couldn't confess otherwise Narcissa would be distraught and Draco wouldn't have a father, "at least let me name her!" Lucius and Bagnold looked at each other and then at Serenity expectantly. Her chest was heaving, her eyes wide and glistening. "Circini. Her name is Circini."
"Like the star?" She narrowed her eyes at Bagnold.
"Like the constellation. So she knows that I will come home to her." Serenity went back to staring at her daughter, whispering Circini over and over under her breath.
A shadow fell over them, and she looked up to find Lucius staring at Circini as well. With his back to Bagnold, he attempted a solemn smile. The sight froze Serenity. Her blood boiled momentarily, angry that he had the audacity to smile at her, but then she recognised that smile. It was a promise, a promise to look after their daughter and to never let her forget who her mother is.
Lucius took Circini from Serenity, turned back to Bagnold and attempted a troubled scowl. They turned to leave the room, Bagnold muttering under her breath about the dementors having waited long enough, but Serenity called out to them again.
"Wait!" They turned back to the room. "Her eyes, what colour are her eyes?" Lucius met her eyes, taking one last look at the desperate longing, mixing with the hazel of her irises. He glanced down, dragging a finger gently along Circini's cheek. She scrunched up her nose and opened her eyes for the first time. With a soft smile, Lucius whispered his answer before walking away.
Oh boy, that's Act 1 complete. Gah! This has been a wild ride and it's still got a while to go. I will be going on a hiatus for a bit now to catch up on school work so... yeah :)
Act 2 dives more into the events in the books/movies, but Harry and the gang will only really make minor appearances.
What house do you think Circi will be in?
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