The headlines of the following day's paper read: Warrior Woman shows society what equality is all about
Beneath the headlines was a picture of Anupama, in her grey cotton sari, her hair neatly tied in a braid waving her finger at something.
The caption underneath the picture read: Anuj Kapadia's fiancé Anupama Joshi files a defamation suit against his ex-employee Kavya Shah.
The article then went on to describe in detail the harassment charges and the incidents that led up to them. The press had been wary and inquisitive.
One of the reporters had asked her how confident she was that Anuj was innocent. And she'd responded saying as confident as she knew she was. The follow-up question had been about faith and foolishness.
Anupama had smiled. And then had proceeded to reveal to the media the highlights of her 26-year long marriage with Vanraj Shah. She told them about how she'd been treated by all, including her children, about how suffered abuse at the hands of her ex-husband and his family, about how she'd walked out of her marriage with no formal education and hope when he'd divorced her and married Kavya.
Why had she stayed silent so long?
The past wasn't worth digging into. Life had taught her a few harsh lessons but she was willing to drop the baggage and move on.
Why was she doing this now?
Because her past was beginning to affect her future, it was beginning to affect the man she loved, the man who'd taught her the true meaning of love, the man who'd helped her discover herself.
It was only after she met Anuj that she realized she was a human being, her wishes mattered, her opinions mattered, that she had a fierce soul, and that she had the right to decide for herself.
"Abusers and manipulators hide in the shadows and pull you along with them. Anuj Kapadia made me stand centerstage and focused the spotlight on me.
"My ex-husband Vanraj Shah cheated on me for 9 years. I knew something was wrong. And yet I chose to ignore my gut instinct and believe the lies he fed me. I was foolish then.
"If I were to punish Anuj for my then foolishness and doubt his loyalty towards me, I would be repeating my mistake.
"I have been foolish once, and I've promised myself never to be foolish again."
The press had walked away with the story of the decade. Fairy tales were being rewritten. Cinderella had rescued Prince Charming.
Anupama smiled as she read the news article. And then sighed. She'd righted one thing and messed up another of her things in the process. She was back in the limelight, this time more prominently than before.
From this point forward, an already complicated adoption case was going to get even trickier.
She looked at the idol of Kanhaji in her temple and prayed for Kinjal. Even though she couldn't see it yet, there had to be a solution.
"Dhyaan raakh jo," she pleaded.
Leela Shah missed her routine morning temple visit. The door to the Shah house, which usually remained open during the daytime for all visitors to come by, was closed.
She turned to look at the idol of Krishna in her temple but even that couldn't quell the feeling of unease that had been running through her for the last two days.
Two days back, Kavya's debacle had been the gossip of their neighbourhood. Her neighbours had talked in front of her in hushed tones, some pitying her for having a daughter in law who didn't care about the family's reputation and others feeling justice had been served appropriately for the way the family had behaved with Anupama.
Then the following day, Anupama's response was published. The whispers became loud voices. As people who didn't know about the nitty-gritty aspects of the divorce found out what had actually transpired, their looks of wariness turned to disdain. While no one was outrightly rude, it was evident that her neighbours and friends were trying to avoid her. The last straw was when the Panditji at the temple asked if the Anupama in the newspaper today was her ex-daughter in law.
That was it. Leela had no peace. Anupama had made her life miserable and now Kavya was hell-bent on pushing her towards insanity.
She sat on her swing, lost in thought when she spotted her husband going out.
"What are you doing?"
Hasmukh turned to look at her, confused.
"What do you mean? I always go out at this time."
Leela looked at him, angry. "I know you're stupid, but this stupid? We are a laughing stock. Our dirty laundry is hanging outside for the public to see and mock, and you want to go out?
"Two days ago, Leela ben was a respected resident of this society. Today, she is the biggest joke."
"Even two days ago you weren't respected, Leela," Hasmukh replied, his voice weary from the weight of years of silence. "You were feared. Your anger and sharp tongue kept people away. When was the last time someone other than a member of our household offered to help you? When did they bring the groceries in? When did they offer you a glass of water?"
When Leela looked at him perplexed, he smiled, a sad wistful smile. "Until two days back, people stayed away because you would say something nasty. Today, they know you've lost your voice."
As Hasmukh opened the door and walked out, Leela pondered on what her husband had just said. She had no friends, no neighbours who, in her recollection had ever offered to help, no one who listened to what she said other than her family members.
Her son was her pride. And his reputation lay in tatters in front of her. People who knew him and people who didn't, judged him. She'd judged people all her life and now her son was paying the price of her actions.
Her husband and daughter had already distanced themselves from her. Her new daughter in law... bile rose in her throat at the thought of the cheap theatrics she had pulled.
Her grandchildren no longer spoke to her unless she needed something. If she were to die today, the only person who would shed a tear would be her son. She'd alienated every other individual from her life. What was she so proud of all along?
"V, please, please listen to me," Kavya begged her husband.
Anupama had been right. The next morning, Kavya and Anuj's picture had been hand-delivered to all houses in Ahmedabad that subscribed to Gujarat Samachar. If that wasn't bad enough, Anupama's press conference had been televised live. She'd stood alone and proud and fought for and exonerated the man she loved. As a result of her diligent efforts, all of India now knew how the Shah family had treated their daughter in law.
While Vanraj had managed to silence his conscience for the last 26 years, it was now coming to bite him back. It wasn't so much that he was ashamed of his actions. His only regret was that everyone now knew about it.
"Would you have cared so much if no one knew?" Kavya asked, echoing his thoughts. He stopped to ponder and then turned, away from her. All of this mess was a result of Kavya's half-baked plan.
When Vanraj didn't respond to her, she asked again. "What are you upset about, that I did what I did, or that it backfired?"
He stopped to close his eyes, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. He was developing a headache.
"Talk to me V," she begged.
"Why?" he asked, still refusing to turn towards her.
"Because we are married."
"Funny you didn't remember that when you had Anuj's picture photoshopped and sent to the newspaper for the world to see."
She had the decency to look chastised.
"What did I do wrong? I did what you did. You wanted someone better than Anupama, who could be your trophy wife at all these high flying parties. That's why you left her and married me.
"I realized I was good at being a trophy wife. Why should I then settle for you, when there are richer, more successful people who can afford my lifestyle?"
Vanraj laughed. "Clearly I'm better at it than you, then. While my divorce with Anupama happened without any unnecessary drama, your stupidity is in front of the world, for all to see."
It was Kavya's turn to laugh. "Says the man who has been begging his mother to have Anupama back in his life. You're 50 years old and you still need your mom to change your dirty diapers."
"ENOUGH!" Vanraj hollered, momentarily scaring Kavya before her eyes grew firm with resolve.
Picking up her purse, she proceeded to walk out of their room. "I wish you had been smart enough to team up with me in my foolhardy plan. But it doesn't matter anymore.
"Vanraj Shah, you want a divorce, you'll get one. But I'm not Anupama. I will bleed you dry financially. You'll rue the day you married me."
"I'm already ruing it," he lamented.
"Well then, get ready, because I'm about to crank up the thermostat."
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