Anuj Kapadia's fiancé struggles for her day to day existence.
It had been three days since the first news article had appeared in the media. Since then, Anupama had consistently graced Page 3 of all major English and Gujarati newspapers. Today's paper had a full-fledged colour picture of Anupama carrying a bucket full of water up the stairs to her second-floor apartment.
Anuj continued reading, his anger increasing with every printed word. The only saving grace was that they apparently still hadn't managed to figure out Anupama's name.
It seems that India's Golden Boy Anuj Kapadia's fiancé's life isn't all chocolates and roses. The woman was spotted filling a bucket of water from a communal tap and lugging it up two floors all by herself in the wee hours of the morning, inviting speculations about her deteriorating relationship with Anuj Kapadia.
While Kapadia has still been spotted visiting his fiancé every day, them maintaining separate residences clearly points to a discord between the couple. Is the romance already on troubled waters? Rumour has it that the reason for this rift is none other than model Shweta Malwani, who was seen posing with Kapadia at the Seagull After Launch Party last night.
It was also noted that Kapadia had attended the party by himself with his fiancé conspicuously missing from the celebrations. Our correspondents tried to reach Anuj Kapadia for comments. Sadly he was unavailable.
Anuj walked up to GK and threw the paper in front of him. Looking at Anuj's expressions, GK realized that the publication had taken things too far.
"Your PR team is useless," GK stated after merely glancing at the headlines. Then as an afterthought, he added: "Ask Anupama to move in here with us until this thing dies down."
"You ask her," Anuj spat out. "After all that you told her the other day...," he took a deep breath to calm down lest he say something to GK that he shouldn't. "I had everything under control but I have no way of talking to her about this anymore. Anything I say will feel like I am pressuring her to make a decision in my favour, something I don't want to do." He was still mad at GK for having interfered in his plan.
GK got up and placed his hand on Anuj's shoulders. "You think you had things under control, Anuj. If you're this upset about this, I don't think you'd have been able to deal with the garbage that would've been thrown at her after the "breaking" of the engagement. Right now, at least you're here to support her. Then, she would've been all by herself."
"Fine," said Anuj irritatedly. "Deal with it whichever way you see fit. You have a day to get an answer from Anupama. I'm calling a press conference tomorrow to put an end to this nonsense, one way or another."
"Why don't you start by paying Anupama a visit and asking her to stay here for the evening?" GK yelled, as Anuj walked into his room and closed the door.
Anupama had called in sick once again. It had been the third day in a row. While the school management sympathized with her situation, they had made it clear that this could not go on forever. The school administrator had suggested that Anupama apply for a leave of absence for a week. If her situation didn't improve by then, tough choices lay ahead of her.
Although nothing had been said explicitly, the writing on the wall was clear. Either Anupama comes back to work within a week, or she look for another job.
While she thought of what she could do next, her eyes kept going back to the newspaper, wracking her brains thinking about when that photo was clicked. This was from yesterday. She didn't remember anyone following her to the communal tap. She didn't recollect anyone around when she filled her bucket. She didn't remember anyone following her back home. Her head hurt. She sat back on her plastic chair, gently massaging her temples when her doorbell rang.
"Open the door Anupama, it's me!"
She knew that voice by now. She got up and opened the door. She looked tired and haggard.
"I'm guessing you didn't get much sleep last night," Anuj spoke without a preamble.
She shook her head. He pursed his lips as he made his way inside her house and turned around and closed the door. He then sat her down on the divaan and made his way into her kitchen. A few minutes later, he was back with two piping hot cups of tea.
"Anuj Ji, you didn't have to!" She was embarrassed that her guest had made tea for her.
"I know I didn't have to. I wanted to."
When she looked at him in confusion, he elaborated: "How else did you want me to apologize for having gone to that party without you?"
She smiled at that. Anuj had a quirky sense of humour.
"You didn't."
"Yes, I did. Now keep drinking while I say what I came to.
"Your life is a mess, because of me. You're making headlines every day since you crossed paths with me. People have started talking behind your back. People seem to be extremely interested in your personal life. All of a sudden all of Gujarat knows your face. It's only a matter of time before they know your name.
"Your professional situation is no better. The school has threatened to fire you if you don't clean up your act within a week. Are you with me so far?"
She kept nodding while sipping on her tea. This was the first time someone had made tea for her. It tasted heavenly.
"I know GK has some funny ideas about what life for you might be like after six months IF we break off the engagement, but I don't think like that. I think about now.
"And while I love and respect GK, I also believe I have a responsibility towards you. I owe it to you to ensure that you're free of this daily nightmare. So I'm calling a press conference tomorrow to clear the misunderstandings surrounding our relationship. But until that happens, I don't want to keep worrying about you. I won't be able to sleep and we don't want the press to get any wrong ideas tomorrow, do we?"
Anupama smiled some more. She was beginning to enjoy Anuj's sense of humour. Vanraj had never considered her worthy enough of conversation, forget jokes.
Anuj smiled at that. Anupama was still a fighter.
"So for the sake of my peace of mind, please come and stay with GK and me tonight. At least then I can ensure that you're not getting constantly harassed."
She nodded understanding where he came from and tenderness burst inside her. Up until now, people had only blamed her for things that had gone wrong in their lives. No one had come forward and cared for her or offered to shield her.
"Anuj Ji it's not your mistake.."
"Believe me it is. GK is right about one thing. After coming to India, I seem to have lost my mind. I know who I am and what my life has been like Anupama, and so the onus of this fiasco lies solely on me."
Anupama had finished her cup of tea, while Anuj's was untouched. She took the cup from his hands, warmed it up and handed it back to him.
"Take your time and enjoy the tea, while I quickly pack a bag for the night. It's just for a night right?"
Anuj nodded smiling. Anupama smiled as well.
"Anupama," he interrupted her gait to her bedroom. "I know you haven't decided as yet and I wish I could give you more time. But this situation is even out of my control. You will have to make up your mind, one way or the other by tomorrow morning."
She nodded, fully understanding what he was trying to say. Once again life had placed her in a predicament, where she needed to decide if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with a stranger within a day. Thankfully, this time, only her decision counted.
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