Chapter 43:- Chilling day💞
Sana:finally we got everything we needed
Shehnaaz said while sitting in the car.They had bought their snacks from McDonald's and icecream from the icecream parlour.
Sidhansh:yup.....but why did you bought vanilla icecream naazu?
Sana:ohh just,I wanna try it for once
Sidhansh:okay,good luck
Sidhansh relaxed in the backseat and started eating his icecream. Sidharth sat on the driver seat and started driving.
Sid:Ansh it's your third one now....this much icecream is not good for your health
Sidhansh:it's last icecream dad,please let me eat this
Sid:fine, last one
Sidhansh grinned and again started having his icecream. Sidharth looked at him and chuckled. His cute ,innocent boy is back.His heart melted seeing him again enjoying his life but he also wanted to know what conversation he had with Bella.
Sana:Sidharth can I play some music,I am feeling bored
Sid:but I don't like playing music while driving
Sana:please Sidharth ,please
Sidharth glanced at her and saw her puppy eyes.He didn't had a choice now so nodded .Shehnaaz clapped her hands on her small victory and switched on the music system.
The music rang in her ears and she immediately recognized it.A smile appeared on her face and she increased the volume.
Sana:my favourite song
I love it when you call me senorita
I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya
But every touch is ohh,la-la-la
It's true,la-la-la
Ooh,I should be running
Ooh,you keep me coming ya
Shehnaaz started humming the song and enjoying.It felt like she didn't cared about anyone, she didn't cared that she was probably sitting with two people other than herself. It felt so surreal and lively.
Land in Miami
The air was hot from summer rain
Sweat dripping off me
Before I even knew her name,la-la-la
It felt like ooh,la-la-la
Sapphire moonlight
We danced for hours in the sand
Tequila sunrise
Her body fit right in my hands,la-la-la
It felt like ooh,la-la-la,yeah
Sidharth moved his hand towards the music system to stop it but when he looked at Shehnaaz. He got lost in her .Her expressions, her humming,her swaying her body with the music.He smiled seeing her enjoying like this.
She was with him throughout the week and both were just thinking how to cheer up Sidhansh and bring him back to his original self.They were not related to her by blood,she could have left him alone to deal with his problems. But she decided to stay and be with him throughout.
Seeing her finally enjoying and releasing all the stress,Sidharth was happy.He shook his head smilingly and continued driving.
I love it when you call me senorita
I wish I could pretend,I didn't need ya
But every touch is ohh,la-la-la
It's true,la-la-la
Ooh,I should be running
Ooh,I love it when you call me senorita
I wish it wasn't so damn hard to leave ya
But every touch is ohh,la-la-la
It's true, la-la-la
Ooh,I should be running
Ooh,you keep me coming ya
Shehnaaz swayed her body with the music and kept enjoying with the song.She was so lost into the song that she didn't realized that she was getting filmed .Sidharth turned around and noticed that Sidhansh was filming her.
Locked in the hotel
They're just some things that never change
You say we're just friends
But friends don't know the way you taste,la-la-la
Cause you know it's a long time coming
Don't you let me fall,ya
Sidhansh looked at his dad and gestured him to keep quiet. Sidharth looked at him amused but nonetheless agreed.Sidhansh happily again resumed filming her.
The song ended and Shehnaaz took a deep breath.She relaxed in her seat and closed her eyes.
Sid:you were good
Her eyes opened in a jerk and realization dawned upon her. She was not alone in the car.Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. Shit,I danced infront of them,she thought.
Sana:I am so sorry,I forgot that you both were also in the car....usually I would be alone in the car so everytime I played it and you know-
Sidhansh:danced on it
Sidhansh said cutting her blabbering. Shehnaaz looked at him and her eyes grew wide.Sidhansh looked at her confused on not understanding why her expressions changed.
Sana:I am so careless,you were also in the car and you were not supposed to hear was not good for your age kiddo
Sidhansh rolled his eyes hearing her .Comeon,he has even heard more mature songs than this.
Sidhansh:it's not the first time I have heard it naazu,so chill....and yeah,I hear a lot of English songs
Sana:oh my god and you didn't tell me.....I am gonna see your playlist once we reach home,okay?
Shehnaaz said while trying to say it in a strict way in which she miserably failed.Sidhansh chuckled but nonetheless nodded his head.
Sidhansh:okay boss but I have something for you
Sid:yeah,it's quite should watch it(smirked)
Shehnaaz looked at him in confusion but then her phone beeped.She looked at the message and opened it.Her expressions changed from confusion to embarrassed to amused to finally,giggling and laughing.
Sana:oh my god,it's's kinda funny right and a bit bad
Sidhansh:it's not bad naazu
Sid:it's just you Shehnaaz, the unfiltered Shehnaaz which you were hiding from so long....this is you,the original you....the sweet,carefree,immature and childish Shehnaaz
Shehnaaz froze and looked deep into his eyes processing his words.In his eyes she could only see one thing,truth.She smiled and looked at the phone screen again.Indeed,it's the unfiltered Shehnaaz .
Sana:thank you
Sid:for what?
Sana:for making me meet my unfiltered side......for making me meet the girl who doesn't care about people,she just wants to live her life by her own self without fearing anything
Sid:pleasure is all mine....and I have to accept that I like this unfiltered Shehnaaz more
Shehnaaz blushed and lowered her head.She smiled to herself and thought.He said he likes me but Shehnaaz maybe as a friend he likes you.
Sidhansh:but I recorded it so I made you meet this side of yours so credit should go to me na?
Sid:yeah,that's right....Shehnaaz you should thank him
Sana:thank you so much kiddo
Shehnaaz said while ruffling his hairs to which Sidhansh made a face .
Sidhansh:mention not
Shehnaaz chuckled and then smiled at him.She looked at the video once again before hitting the send button posting the video on her account and kept the caption as
The unfiltered me #chilling #senorita #longdrive
Sidhansh:did you just posted it?
Sidhansh:but it was not that good
Sana:it was good was just me,the real me
Sidhansh:I am tired
Sana:me too
Shehnaaz said and slumped on the couch next to Sidhansh.Sidharth chuckled looking at the two kids and started moving towards his study.
Sana:where are you going?
Sid:I have work to do so I am going to my study
Sana:but you are tired
Sid:it's okay Shehnaaz and btw it's really important for me.....we have the launch of our new collection in the upcoming week,don't forget
Sana:yeah,anyways Sidharth....I am done with my practices so when are you gonna see it,your opinion really matters a lot
Sid:shit,yeah I need to see that....thanks for making me remember it,I will call Jenny and ask when she will be able to come.....she is also kinda busy with this all
Sana:I understand
Sidharth turned around while Shehnaaz sighed and laid back.She looked at Sidhansh and found him staring at her with an amused look.She raised her eyebrow asking what.
Sidhansh:wanna have you a tour of this place?
Sana:hell yes,it's seems like a freaking mansion
Sidhansh:yeah,quite a lot place is here
Sana:comeon ,let's start with our tour or you want me to carry you?
Sidhansh:I am not a baby naazu
Sana:yeah,you are a twenty year old man(whisper)
Though it was a whisper but Sidhansh heard it and laughed.Shehnaaz looked at him confusingly but then realized that he heard it.She smiled looking at his laughing figure.Finally my kiddo is back.
Happy daughter's day to all the daughters❤ all are freaking amazing,don't put yourself down because of some stupid people,you are all strong 💜
Shona Shona completed 200 million views,Congo🥳🎉💃.....I want to share a amazing fact with you,when the first time I saw Shona Shona MV,I was like "ye Sidharth hi haina"😲😱
Man,the way Sidharth acted was completely opposite of his personality but still he acted so flawlessly in that Video also😍.....he was an outstanding actor🤩, I love you Sidharth and I wish you were here🥺❤
But anyways,you are watching us from up and so I will try to smile and be happy rather than crying 🙂❤(Though I did today 🥺🤧 but now I won't 🙂)
Always stay happy Sidharth wherever you are 💕💕
Are you excited for Honsla Rakh?☺....I am💃💃,the first poster of Honsla Rakh 🤩🤩
We have to make it a blockbuster movie for our baby ,for our Shehnaaz💜 just wanna say be happy atleast for our sweetheart, our cutiepie🥺❤.....and support her,she needs us now😊 you my baby and will always support you😘😘
Hope you liked today's part😊.Do vote and comment.
Keep loving and supporting me
Sidnaaz Forever 💕
Bye,take care.Love u all 💜💜
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