Part 7
Sean's heart fluttered in his chest. The thrill of getting caught, mixed with Nate's tender kisses had his adrenaline going crazy. Nate's hands caressed down his sides to hold his hips and leaned over him to place a lingering kiss to his throat. Sean closed his eyes, arching his back like a cat as he lifted his head enough to rest his forehead on his crossed arms. Nate's hand left his side to toss the blanket over them and Sean shivered. He hadn't been under a blanket with a man since Mark. Felix always ended up knocking the blankets off the bed, until after sex. With the blanket over them, Nate's hand returned to his hips to curl his fingers around the hem of his underwear. Sean's breathing slowed down. His whole body was focused on Nate's hands. Nate pulled his underwear down and Sean rose up enough to help Nate pull them down to his knees. Sean's cheeks flushed and he buried his head again in his arms. He couldn't believe he was letting himself do this again.
Nate's hand rubbed his ass, then cautiously slid down his hip to try easing under him. Sean rose his hips up slightly to let Nate seek out what he wanted. Nate's fingers hesitantly moved through his thick pubic hair, causing Sean to moan longingly as those fingers drew closer to his dick. Nate kissed his back as his fingers curled around the shaft. Sean shifted on his knees better, spreading his legs as much as he could with his pants around his legs. Nate playfully started leaving love bites along his hips, making Sean giggle from the weird tickling sensation that provoked. He wasn't sure he liked it... but it had gotten a reaction from him. The feeling forced him up onto his elbows as his cock pulsed in Nate's warm loving hand. Did Nate know he was extremely ticklish? Nate leaned over him better, simply tending to his growing hard on. Sean dropped his forehead to the blanket, running his hands through his long bangs to keep them out of his eyes.
Nate's hand felt amazing. He didn't have to do much to coax him harder, but when he did, it was blinding. The way he let his finger and sometimes his thumb ghost over the tip was maddening! Sean steadied himself to the spot, loosing himself in Nate's embrace. He didn't realize just how badly he had wanted this. He didn't know when sex had become his stress relief, but it was clear now that he needed it. Nate's hand left his cock to slide up his stomach, seeking out his nipple. The second Nate's thumb brushed over it, Sean arched up until he had to rise up on all fours. Nate held him against his chest for a time, then whispered to him sweetly. "Are you ready?" Sean nodded as his response. His lower half ached so badly that he was fighting the urge to put Nate's hand back down there. Nate's hand left his chest, going back to his hip as he purred over his shoulder. "Ease back down for me, Sean."
Sean panted softly, lowering back down across the blanket. A moan broke from his lips at the feeling of the soft fabric beneath his stiff cock. Compared to his burning need, the blanket was cool and even a little wet from how much Nate had teased him. Grinding his hips on the blanket, Sean glanced over his shoulder to see what was holding Nate up. Nate appeared to be lost in thought as Sean asked him huskily. "What's wrong?" Nate's expression fell, upon mumbling out. "I don't have anything on me. If I had known... I..." Sean flashed Nate a wicked grin, stating out in a lusty voice. "Front pocket of my jeans. In my wallet." Nate's hand traveled down his leg, asking him with a devilish smirk of his own. "You always carry condoms in your wallet?" Sean chuckled, mumbling out smugly. "Just one or two for... surprises like this. I learned to be the responsible one after Mark kept surprising me at Pax."
Nate's smile fell a bit and Sean cleared his throat. He shouldn't have brought up Mark... but it just slipped out. Sean faced forward, choosing to bite his arm in regret. He really was rusty at this. Nate laid over his back and Sean released his arm from his teeth. Nate's hands moved slowly up his pale arms to his hands. Sean spread his fingers to let Nate's fingers intertwine with his. A small smile spread over Sean's face upon noticing the veins standing out on Nate's hands. It was something he had never known about him. Nate was even tanner than him, making him look like vanilla ice cream to Nate's smooth light caramel color. Sean blushed, his skin tingling as Nate nestled into the nape of his neck to say a bit muffled. "I guess, from now on, I'll start carrying some around too. That way we both can be the responsible ones." Sean closed his eyes, bracing himself as Nate adjusted over him. Sean didn't have to worry about lube, because the condoms he had were extra lubricated. They had been the best investment he had ever made in times like this.
Nate entered him inch by inch. The gesture was nice. Though for someone as broken in as himself it was just torture. He wanted to reach back and coax Nate in to the hilt, but his arms were wrapped up in his shirt. He even turned his head to say something, only to stop himself. He had never even asked if Nate was a virgin. Had Nate and Mat slept together? If this was his first time... Than he didn't want to ruin the experience for him. Sean's eyes rolled back in bliss as Nate stopped deep inside him. Nate panted heavily against his shoulder, giving him time to adjust to him. Nate was perfect. Squeezing Nate's hands as a hint that he was ready, Nate started to move. Sean buried his head as much as he could to muffle his moans. Nate was setting into a steady rhythm already. Using every thrust to tempt his prostate. Sean couldn't blame him for rushing things a bit. After all... Mark had warned him that public indecency in California meant six months in a county jail and a fine of a thousand dollars.
Knowing that, Sean did everything to keep his moans low. It was harder than he had thought though. He started moving restlessly beneath Nate and since he couldn't bite his arm with Nate's there... He resorted to pressing his mouth against the blanket. Nate's voice sounded strained as he stated out between throaty moans of his own. "Alright. Shall I ~ finish this?" Sean nodded franticly, biting the blanket to suppress a deep moan. Hearing Nate's pleasured voice had been such a turn on. He hadn't expected it and it made him desperate to finish this. Nate did the unexpected though. He released one of Sean's hands to hook Sean's knee. Pulling it up enough that Sean's pants sank to his ankles, he pushed his leg up high and wide. Nate pinned his leg there and sped up his pace. Sean was thankful his arm was free, because this position had brought out his vocals. Sean tried to hold back and wait for Nate... But he just couldn't do it. Not like this. Squeezing Nate's hand and biting his arm, his body locked up on him. Ejaculating a heavy load into the blanket.
He didn't have to worry about Nate though. Nate only needed to see him give in, in order to give in himself. Sean didn't move as his body very slowly relaxed from its tense state. While over him, Nate panted heavily against his back. Sean lifted his head then to scan the area. It was getting more sunny out. Soon people would be venturing in. Nate distracted him from his fear by kissing the back of his ear and mumbling out lovingly. "That was amazing." Sean grinned, shifting enough that Nate rolled off him. Sean sat back to pull his shirt back on. Then winced as Nate touched his over sensitized cock. Nate chuckled, stoking his pubic hair for a moment and telling him casually. "It's a shame you have to cover up. I would have liked to see your front more." Sean moved Nate's hand away in order to pull his pants back up. When they were up enough, he seized the moment to lay over Nate on all fours. Nate's hands ran up under his shirt to hold his sides, while Sean whispered over his lips playfully. "Take me home and we can go again. Only much slower this time."
Nate's cheeks turned a bright pink, moaning up to him in a longing voice. "Mmm, That does sound good. I'll need a few minutes though... I didn't hold myself back." Sean smirked, watching Nate's eyes suddenly avoid his. Sean kissed his forehead through his mess of long bangs. Nate's fingers pressed into his sides from a wanting desire that made Sean chuckle out devilishly. "You won't need a few minutes. I'll top this time." Nate bit his lip shyly. When the sound of voices drew near. Sean jerked up to zip up his pants, then blocked the view of Nate as he removed the condom and stashed it under the blanket. Nate didn't get his pants up in time though as a woman strolled by with her dog. Sean greeted her nicely, trying to be polite and casual. The woman on the other hand, shot them suspicious glances as she past. The moment she wasn't looking, Nate quickly yanked his pants up beneath the blanket. When he finally tossed the blanket off, he let out a sigh, muttering out shakily. "That could have been bad."
Sean waved a dismissive hand at him, saying innocently. "We were fine. She didn't see anything." Sean picked up the bowl of ice cream, starting to eat it. He didn't want to waste it. Nate rolled onto his side, reaching out for his ocarina to play a light tune. Sean smiled, watching Nate play on his back. When he finished the bowl and even the popsicle, he crawled over to Nate. Nate spread his raised legs for him to crawl between them, but didn't stop playing. Sean glanced around and then pushed Nate's shirt up to kiss his stomach. The gesture was enough to cause Nate to slip out of tune. Sean giggled and Nate lowered his instrument, asking curiously. "You wanna go home now?" Sean glanced at the instrument in Nate's hand, mumbling out. "No. Not yet. I wanna hear you play." Nate reached out to brush Sean's bangs back, saying in a warm voice. "What do you want to hear?" Sean thought a moment, then answered with a bright grin. "Well... You were just playing Midna's theme from Zelda, right?"
Nate nodded, so he added out. "So, play me something peaceful and serene." Sean didn't expect Nate to really do it. He thought Nate might make an excuse not to. He was used to disappointment when it came to asking for things. Mark was always busy. Felix was always tired. They expected so much from him, but gave so little in return. Nate didn't hesitate though. Nate sat up, giving his forehead a quick kiss, before getting up as he said happily. "I can do that. I just need my guitar." Sean stretched out across the blanket, while Nate stretched. Sean's eyes drifting from him to Nate's phone. Discreetly picking up Nate's phone, Sean turned it on and hit record. He wanted to have this moment and remember it always. Nate walked over and picked up his guitar, standing close by as he began to play. While Nate played, Sean moved around the field to get better angles of him and to just see how far his voice traveled.
Sean found the song much different than his normal songs. This one was calmer and spoken from the heart. Sitting in the grass, Sean started to feel lightheaded. He didn't want to believe it was possible... but he was falling for Nate. Nate's lyrics seeped into his heart, trying to call him in like a siren to a sailor.
"Now will you take me along?
When you fly away and play your song.
Cause seven years is far too long.
I know, she knows, she gives me everything.
Gives me courage, give me wisdom, gives me strength.
For her, I only hope I'll do the same.
Now I won't ever be the same.
Ever since I've learned this princess's name.
Now it seems there's just no other way.
I'll win her heart by the dawn of the third day.
When I'm high and dry.
She's my song of storms.
When I'm cold at night.
Her Din's fire keeps me warm.
I could feel her since the day that I was born.
When I'm bloodied, battered, beaten, from the longest fights.
She hook shots straight to my heart and holds me tight.
We'll stay up late and share our stories all night.
Now I won't ever be the same.
Ever since I've learned this princess's name.
Now it seems there's just no other way.
I'll win her heart by the dawn of the third day.
Now I won't ever be the same.
Ever since I've learned this princess's name.
Now it seems there's just no other way.
I'll win her heart by the dawn of the third day."
He hadn't realized until this moment, how much Nate loved him. He was so scared of committing himself again though. The love and fear mixed in his heart, causing him to lower the phone at the end of the song in silence. Nate looked up at him with a smile, asking sweetly. "What did you think?" Sean opened his mouth, but closed it. Turning away, he mumbled out neutrally. "It was great, Nate. You are great." Nate removed his guitar strap from around his shoulder, stepping closer to his side and asking more worried. "What? What's wrong?" Sean swallowed, avoiding Nate's gaze. He didn't know how to phrase what he wanted to say. His hands started to shake as his mind swirled with a million things at once. All he felt was his heart twisting. Exactly what he didn't want. Love was painful to a broken heart. Nate placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning in closer, telling him in a pleasant voice. "Sean, it's alright. Tell me. What's on your mind?"
Sean inhaled deeply. Nate was right. He should tell him what was on his mind. Looking over into his eyes, Sean opened his mouth to start. Only to let the words die in his throat as a familiar voice called out nearby. "Nate? Is that you?" Sean's heart clutched his ribs like a child clutches a mothers leg around strangers. That voice was unmistakable. Nate glanced in the direction of the man, his expression turning slightly drained too. Turning slightly, Sean looked for himself. A short distance away, Mark stood with Chica. When Mark's eyes drifted to Sean, even Mark's expression changed to one of complete shock. His voice sounding bewildered as he asked him in a startled voice. "Jack?" To Be Continued...
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