Part 35
The drive to Pax was filled with tension. Sean wanted to tell Nate every thought that popped into his head, but he couldn't. The things he wanted to say... would have to wait. Parking the car, Nate turned off the engine and told him softly. "I'm sorry that I'm so... scattered this morning... I'm normally not like this." Sean inhaled deeply, answering understandingly. "It's ok. I get it. I'm not feeling much like myself either. I'm so... torn." Nate rubbed his hands along the wheel nervously, telling him. "Sean, whatever happens today... I won't regret anything that we did. I've had fun and... I got to have you." Sean smirked, twisting the ring on his finger anxiously as he mumbled out. "Well... We're still dating, aren't we? Even if I say no, If we-" Nate cut him off to interrupt gently. "Sean, don't. I've gone down this road before... I'd rather you just give it to me straight. If you didn't feel anything between us over the last few days... Then just cut me loose after today. Break my heart quickly. Don't make me suffer."
Nate opened his door to get out, when Sean quickly grabbed his arm to stop him. The second Nate looked at him, Sean kissed him trying to show him how much he loved him. Nate kissed him much briefer than Sean wanted. Breaking the kiss, Nate slipped out of the car, telling him with a shaky voice. "We should check in soon." Sean watched Nate wipe a tear from his eye, before he closed the door. Sean swallowed, trying to hold back his own tears as he climbed out. They walked together toward the building, but inside they paused. This is where they had to part ways. Nate patted his arm, telling him sweetly. "Good luck with your panel." Sean grabbed his hand, holding it for a long moment as he replied with a smile. "I'll be fine. You go give them a show they'll never forget." Nate pulled him closer to hug him, when a familiar voice called out. "Nate! There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to show yourself." Nate released him to hug the approaching man, causing Sean's jealousy to spike for an instant.
Matthew returned Nate's hug as Nate asked Mat. "Hey dude, how's the baby?" Mat inhaled deeply, before straining to get out. "I'm fine... I'm lying. I'm tired as hell and my theory videos are so far behind... but I can't wait for you to see Oliver. He's everything good with this world." Nate smirked, replying honestly. "I'm happy for you, man." Mat squeezed Nate's shoulder, then his eyes drifted to Sean with a slightly shocked expression. Sean felt strangely awkward as Mat stated out casually. "Wow, Jack. I don't see you around our side of the tracks much. How have you been?" Sean shrugged, answering softly. "I've been good. Been taking a break from Youtube." Mat nodded happily, stating out with a smile. "Haven't we all... Well, listen if you aren't too busy with the Youtuber royalty feel free to stop over on our side of the fence. We usually don't bite." Nate swatted Mat playfully and they chuckled. Mat then started to pull Nate away toward the other side of the building, leaving Sean feeling... alone.
Slowly turning around, Sean jumped back with a fright at the sight of Felix. Huffing his shock away, Sean snapped out. "Don't fucking do that. Jesus Christ. How long have you been standing there?" Felix shrugged, mumbling out. "I don't know, man... A few seconds. I came to get you. They'll be starting the signing soon." Sean shook his head, trying to move around Felix. Felix stopped him by placing a hand to his chest, asking curiously. "You've been avoiding my messages. How have you been?" Sean brushed Felix's hand off him, casually informing him in a distant tone. "I've been doing just fine." Felix followed him, prodding him for more. "Jack, have you been hanging around... them?" Sean stopped, shooting a glare over his shoulder as he said. "Yes. Why?" Felix shrugged nonchalantly, answering carelessly. "No reason. I just think you should be careful. You are kind of a Youtube celebrity and the lesser Youtubers tend to cling to those people for views to boost themselves up." Sean rolled his eyes, starting to walk a bit faster as he growled out. "Felix, I'm not in the mood to debate this with you."
Felix shrugged, walking up beside him as he stated out bluntly. "What is there to debate? It's a simple fact. Trust me, I've seen this happen so much-" Sean stopped abruptly to interject a bit sourly. "Felix, just drop it. I'm seriously not in the mood." Felix raised an eyebrow, staring him down a moment before chuckling out a bit forced. "Oh! I get it. That's what you've been doing. You are smitten with one of them, aren't you? Who is it? Tell me!" Sean sighed, shoving passed Felix to continue toward the signing tables. Felix grabbed his arm to stop him, curiously prodding out with fake innocence. "Is it Matpat? Are you into married men now? Cause if that is the case, then I should still be-" Sean smacked him across the face, feeling his emotions starting to buckle. Felix raised a hand to rub his cheek, his humor gone as he stated out under his breath. "So, you are still mad at me. You know. You never gave me a chance to explain." Sean's hands shook as he sneered out in a low voice. "Go fuck yourself! You used me! Your channel had become one big controversial joke and you used me to save yourself... Don't pretend otherwise."
Felix's cold grey blue eyes locked with his as he told him seriously. "Oh, Jack... You still don't know how Youtube works. We all use each other to stay at the top of our field. Hop on the train or get run over by it. Your choice." Sean shook his head, muttering out. "I'm not like that!" Felix raised an eyebrow, cooing out smugly. "Oh, but you are. Mark and I turned you into everything that you are. In a few years, you'll see." Felix turned on his heel but chuckled over his shoulder playfully. "Oh, and Jack... Be careful. You'll destroy your channel if you make your affections for men so... obvious." Sean closed his eyes taking a deep breath to calm himself before walking up to the table. Sitting down, between Felix and Mark, he placed his hands on the table. Staring at the ring on his finger, he let his mind wonder. Mark's hand suddenly touched his hand, asking him curiously. "Where did you get the ring? Did a fan give you that?" Sean curled his fingers into a fist, answering in a dry tone. "No. Nate asked me to marry him."
Felix spit water across the table and Mark shifted in his chair to ask more seriously. "What?! What did you tell him?" Sean lifted his chin defiantly, picturing himself putting up a wall around himself. When he felt impenetrable, he answered defiantly. "That is none of your business." Felix coughed softly, stating aloud. "Well, that is another way to kill your career." Mark frowned at him, saying sternly. "You can't be serious. You barely know the guy!" Sean shrugged carelessly, retorting coolly. "I know a lot more about him than you think." Felix chuckled, leaning back in his chair as he uttered out. "Knowing him sexually isn't the same thing." Sean rolled his shoulders to keep them from tensing up as he told them both confidently. "At least he made time for it." Felix flicked Sean off with a half-smile, while Mark grumbled out. "Of course, he has the time... He doesn't have the same schedules we do. He doesn't do anything." Sean glared at Mark, snapping back. "He does more than you think. He works just as hard for far less leniency than you both get." Felix shrugged carelessly, stating out. "You'll get bored with him. He can't afford you. Hell, that ring was probably a cheap piece of metal." Sean couldn't help looking closer at the ring. It was a bit dinged up and plain looking. Yet, as he stared at it, he found himself smiling.
So what if it was a cheap piece of tin. It wasn't about the ring. It was about the memories tied with it. The ring reminded him of the first kiss he shared with Nate. Of how nervous Nate was to give it to him. The hours of laughter they shared. The ring could be plastic for all he cared. All that mattered was the genuine love Nate made him feel. The two of them spoke on and on, but he drowned them out. They weren't bad people. On some level, they probably did care about him... but in the end. This was his life and he had to decide how he wanted to live it. To follow his career... Or follow the little moments that made life worth living. He barely focused on the signing and his panel wasn't much better. He kept losing focus and forgetting what people had asked him. He felt like he was getting sick. He had butterflies in his stomach and his heart was ready to bolt from the room. His felt terrible that his panel felt rushed through, but as he excited the stage he dashed out toward the door. A woman tried to stop him to warn him about the last signing, but he raced passed her.
Running to the other side of the building, he flashed his VIP pass and dashed into the small auditorium. The music was playing halfway through a song and carefully Sean made his way through the standing crowd. Nate stood on the stage, singing into the mic as the crowd sang along or cheered. Sean stopped by the stage to look up at him, feeling his heart finally calm down. Nate cupped the mic so tenderly in his hands, making Sean wish that his hands were on him. Nate's eyes opened, his eyes drifting down to the crowd. As their eyes locked, Nate grinned down at him. Sean grinned up at him, moving closer to the stage to lean on it and watch him more closely. As the drummer finished up the last of the song, Nate took a kneeled down by him to say over the cheering crowd. "What are you doing here?! You should be at your signing!" Sean shook his head, rising practically on his toes to shout up to him. "Nate, I have to tell you something!" Nate tried to lean in closer, shouting louder. "What?!" Sean yelled as loud as he could to say. "I have to tell you something now! It can't wait!"
Nate squinted at him, shouting reluctantly over the screaming fangirls. "I'm sorry! I can't hear you!" Sean gestured for the mic in Nate's hand and he handled it over cautiously. Sean tapped the mic with his finger to make sure that it was on, before he spoke into it clearly enough for everyone to hear. "My answer is yes!" Nate's eyes narrowed on him as the auditorium fell silent. Nate shrugged, asking perplexed. "Answer for what?" Sean rolled his eyes, flipping his ring finger with a smirk. Nate's expression changed to one of utter silence. So, Sean sent the mic down on the stage to tell him softer. "Like you said... Life gives us very few chances to say how we feel. I don't need you... but I WANT you." Nate extended a hand out for Sean to take. Sean took it, letting Nate pull him up onto the stage. The crowd cheered when they recognized him, but they cheered louder when Nate pulled him in by his waist for a long kiss. Sean wrapped his arms around Nate's neck, holding him in the kiss. He knew this was going to be all over youtube shortly.
He knew his career might tank and that he was risking everything to dothis. Yet, he was lost in the kiss. He felt suddenly free. He felt happier than he had been in a verylong time. Nate made him feel like theperson he always wanted to be. BeforePax was even over, every bit of social media was blowing up with images oftheir kiss. There were even videos ofit... they didn't see them for quite a while. Sean was just too busy with Nate. Together they sat on a rocky wall in his hometown, watching the sun fadedown over the misty fields of Athlone. Nate had never been to Ireland and he was giving him a privatetour. They shared a tender kiss in thefading light, before Sean removed a ring from his pocket. Nate smirked, giving Sean his hand for him toslip it on him. The band was simple likethe one Nate gave him, but it had a Celtic knot design on it with the words'Every day is a gift with you' etched around it. Sean admired how it looked on him, then toldhim sweetly. "It belonged to myGranddad. Now I want you to have it." Nate cupped Sean's cheek, kissing him passionately for a few minutes. As they got up to head back to his parent'shouse with Rylo, Nate intertwined his fingers with his. This was only to be the start of their newlives together. The End.
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