Part 31
Sean had just finished reading the mission statement to the prehistoric mission, when Nate came back with their drinks. Nate pushed a cup of soda toward him, then took a seat as he told him sweetly. "Food will be out shortly. Find out what you wanted yet?" Sean shrugged still undecided as he replied. "Actually, I have been distracted. Do you want to do this one next?" Nate slid the paper closer to read the mission statement, then answered wearily. "Are you sure? The Prehistoric mission is really hard. Not to mention scary." Nate tickled his fingers along Sean's neck, until Sean jerked away with a shiver. Swatting Nate in the ribs, Sean asked him hopefully. "Please? It looks like fun." Nate wrapped an arm around Sean's neck to pull him in for a quick kiss on the cheek. Sean blushed, listening to Nate whisper into his ear after. "Ok. We can do that one next." RumTumTigger made them both jump as she dropped into the booth across from them, asking loudly. "So, what are you going to do next?"
Sean turned the paper to show her and her smile fell. Her eyes rose up to stare at him with a weird look, before she stated out softly. "That one? Why...? It's got jump scares... it's dark... The place is a horror quest." Sean grinned, answering excitedly. "I think it will be fun. I play horror games. I think I can handle it." She rolled her eyes, leaning back as she pouted out innocently. "It's not the same, Jack... Things on a screen don't really come out at you. Those Dinos will." LadyKiller set down the drinks for her and her sister, adding in excitedly. "The Dino mission? Count me in! That one is my favorite!" Nate high-fived her and she dropped into the seat by her sister to tell Sean honestly. "If you do that mission though. You'll have to sign a health form. Apparently, some people don't know what they can handle and had to make it harder on the rest of us... It's no different than a haunted house thing... Just with motion sensors and shit. It's fun." RumTumTigger shoved her sister lightly, grumbling out. "Rude much? I hate those things! The Alien mission was bad enough..."
LadyKiller laughed, telling them with a bright smile. "The Alien mission was a blast. She only went in because Troy wanted to do it. The moment we got in; she was screaming so loud that the other team was freaked out. It was like watching snow white run through the dark forest all over again. They didn't know whether to shoot her or help her." RumTumTigger crossed her arms, mumbling out darkly. "You're such an ass. They looked real, ok... They even drooled slime which made it worse. Those hand thingies dashed across the floor... It was horrible." LadyKiller leaned on her sister, playfully teasing out. "It wasn't all bad. Troy kissed you during that match, didn't he?" RumTumTigger blushed, looking away from them all. Nate chuckled to himself, asking curiously. "Who needs dark theaters with a setting like that?" Sean kicked Nate's foot under the table, giving him an unreadable look. Nate blushed after realizing and took a drink to silence himself. LadyKiller glanced between them before asking softly. "You don't mind if we join you, do you? With Troy gone and Simon joining a different team... we don't have enough people to keep playing." Sean shrugged carelessly, answering happily. "You can join us. You'll probably lose because of me... This is my first-time playing laser tag... but sure." LadyKiller hugged her sister close, informing Sean playfully. "If we lose, it will be because my sister doesn't pull her weight. She only even tries to play this game for Troy."
RumTumTigger snorted, grumbling out. "So, I'm not good at killing people... Sue me. I thought games like this were supposed to be about the fun..." Sean held out a hand for her to high-five, telling her sweetly. "We just do it for the fun." She high fived him with a smile, then told him happily. "Besides, I'm all about collecting the rank pins anyway. They take your vest patch away when you lose ranks, but not your pins. Those are yours to keep. It's a souvenir to how far you got. They even have special pins for certain missions... but those are for the hard ones. Like the Alien and Dino missions. If you play for so many years, they even give you pins for that. Troy has a veteran pin for playing for eighteen years! It's so pretty!" LadyKiller rolled her eyes and Sean chuckled. He loved collecting pins himself. So, he understood her desire to collect them. Part of him hoped that he could win the Dino mission and get a special pin... but that felt like a lot to ask for. The food eventually arrived and as they ate, they all informed him on different tier items that he could pick from.
After listening to their advice, he picked the adrenaline shot, a sniper rifle, and a bow. He liked being sneaky and it seemed to be what their team was missing. Nate was good at infiltrating. LadyKiller was a tank with weapons that blew shit sky high and RumTumTigger was apparently good at defending... when she wasn't distracted. After they finished eating, they made their way to the elevators to take them down to the 'Adult' zone missions. Stepping out, Sean gawked at how big the place was. Even Nate was impressed as he told him. "This is all new. I don't remember a swamp mission... or an underwear mission..." LadyKiller nodded as they passed the large fancy entrances for them, answering casually. "Ya, they keep expanding new play zones to have a little something for everyone. You should see this place on Halloween! It has a special haunted house zone. See?" Sean looked at an entranceway that looked like the door to a haunted manor, but it was taped off with yellow crime scene tape and a sign that read in fake blood; "Closed until October."
Sean shivered, but loved it. They kept walking until they came to a door with a large chiseled rock looking entranceway. All along the rock was fossilized Dinosaur bones and large fake green plants. From the speakers, the roar of different dinosaurs sounded off between sounds of crunching ground and cracking trees. His heart was already racing, and he wasn't even inside yet. RumTumTigger bounced beside him, chanting to herself anxiously. "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die." Sean patted her back, telling her casually. "You're not going to die... You'll be fine." She gave him a nervous chuckle, retorting over the speakers. "Sure! You can tell me that AFTER you've seen these things!" Nate ruffled Sean's bangs, guiding him inside. Inside, a woman dressed as a scientist shook their hands in turn and gestured to the bench seats. Once they were seated, the woman told them happily. "Thank you for coming. You all were chosen for a special mission. In a moment, I'm going to send you all back in time. Once there, your mission is to acquire an egg to a rare species of dinosaur. Once you have it, be careful with it as you bring it back to the time machine."
Sean narrowed his eyes on the women, asking playfully. "What's the catch? Is the mother going to hunt us down?" The woman grinned back, answering just as playfully. "There is that... but no. My former colleague has also hired a team to retrieve the egg. So, you will be competing for it. Since this rare species only lays one egg. You must find the nest before they do. However, our research has revealed another problem. Among the dinos that you could encounter... there is another team you need to be aware of. A team of Utah Raptors are also after the egg. If they reach it before you or the other team... Game over." Sean gawked at Nate, mumbling out. "Holy shit." The woman smirked, then told them sweetly. "Please be careful. There is motion activated animatronics in this attraction. They will jump out at you but will not hurt you. Please try not to hit them or vandalism them. We do have cameras watching them very closely. We understand if you swat one unintentionally... but please try to be careful. These things do weigh a lot and we don't want you getting hurt."
The woman then moved to stand by a TV that showed images of the animatronics and Utah Raptors, adding seriously. "Also please keep in mind that the Utah Raptors are people in realistic costumes that one might see at a theme park. They move, they make loud noises, but they will only 'tag' you. They may chase you for fun, but they will not touch you. They have lasers in their palms that act like any gun when directed at the vest. They have night vision monitors in the suits, but their vision is limited so be careful when sneaking around them. They have LED markings along the suit that act like their own type of vest. When the LED lights turn off, the Raptor is down, and he will retreat to recover. If they tag you, you are dead. Your vest will shut off and you should walk directly back to the time machine as quickly and safely as possible. There you can be revived by only me. Do you understand?" RumTumTigger raised her hand, mumbling out embarrassed. "If this becomes too scary... Is there like a safe word that we scream or something?"
LadyKiller groaned, but the woman respectfully answered. "If at any point you no longer wish to continue, or you simply need a moment to breathe. Simply run back to the time machine. It is a safe zone area. Nothing will happen there. Nothing will chase you. If you can't move, or something is wrong... try to press yourself to a wall out of the way and contact me through your earpiece. If this happens, the area alarm will sound to stop the game and our personnel will come in to get you out. Our Raptors know that if they see someone on the ground to stay away for safety reasons. Their suits are big and as I said, they have limited vision. Now if you go down and can't get to a wall, please try to stay alert and be mindful that the Raptors may not see you. They can only see what the eyes of the costume sees. Which is why telling me where you are is important. This allows me to tell the Raptors where to avoid if possible. Any questions?" Sean sighed heavily to himself, it was a lot to remember and scary to think about, but he finally understood why this was restricted for only those of ages eighteen and up.
Raising his hand, he asked her curiously. "So, can we revive ourselves if hit by the other team?" The woman nodded, answering clearly. "Yes. Normal rules apply, but we had to change some to keep the Raptors from stepping on people. So just get to the side and revive yourself if you have the means to do so. Otherwise, just head back to the time machine." Nate patted Sean's leg, telling him sweetly. "We can do this." Sean shrugged, asking the woman playfully. "By chance... how big is this egg?" The woman chuckled, giving them each a headgear earpiece with a mic as she answered truthfully. "About the size of a child of about five or six. It's about fourteen pounds tops." Sean climbed to his feet to retrieve the stuff he had requested and his starting pistol. Strapping his pistol to his leg with the adrenaline shot, He slipped the sniper over his back and picked up his bow. Adjusting his headset, he made sure that they were all on the same walkie number out of the choices they had. He was told that each team had a different walkie set to keep from picking up the others frequency, which Sean liked. Kept people from cheating that way.
Once they were ready, they climbed into a jeep that looked like an old refurbished amusement ride. The woman dropped into a seat with computer monitors by the door and made sure everything was good to go. Nate tapped Sean's shoulder and when Sean turned, Nate kissed him. Sean kissed him back, forgetting the girls in the backseat, until they burst into giggles. Sean broke the kiss feeling embarrassed until LadyKiller, pipped up casually. "Don't mind us. I do the same thing when I play with my girlfriend. Can't be helped. We are going to war... so to speak." RumTumTigger pouted, grimly mumbling out. "I wish Troy was here..." Nate reached back to pat her knee, telling her excitedly. "Hey, think about getting that mission pin to show him later. You can tell him how you had to brave Dinosaurs to get it. He'll be thrilled." LadyKiller nudged her sister with her shoulder, agreeing sweetly. "Ya. Even if you don't get the pin, you'll show him that you were brave enough to try for it."
RumTumTigger held her shotgun close to her body, nodded as she inhaled deeply. Nate then told them all, casually. "Since we don't have to defend the time machine, you just stay behind us and watch our back. We'll move together as a group. From what I remember the Utah Raptors go after the sounds of gun shots. So, try not to shoot anything or activate anything that makes a lot of noise. The Raptors tend to move in groups themselves to cover more ground. So, if we stay together, we might be able to spot them better." LadyKiller popped out the mag for her assault rifle to reload it, telling Nate seriously. "We'll follow you and watch your back." Nate nodded, pointing at Sean as he said hopefully. "You should lead. With the bow, you will be the quietest." Sean shrugged nervously, causing Nate to grab his shoulder and tell him confidently. "I'll be right behind you." The woman turned to look at them with a smile, informing them all excitedly. "You're all good to go. Have fun in there."
The alarm blared and the heavy metal looking doors opened to reveal a pitch blackness with leaking mist. The car jerked forward along a short track, then stopped just clear of the doors as they closed shut behind them. Nate held Sean's hand to keep him in the car, until the alarm stopped. There was an eerie silence, before the audio for a Dino infested jungle started up. The LED lights turned on around the fake rock looking walls, illuminating the fake hanging vines everywhere. A thick mist hung in the air and Sean swallowed nervously. It really did feel like a haunted house... only worse... because there were things in here that wanted to hunt him down. To Be Continued...
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