Part 24
The ride continued to go on for a while longer as did their silent kisses. Sean just couldn't get enough of the way Nate kissed him. Every kiss reflected his deep love for him. He never wanted to stop kissing him. He wanted to stay lost in this moment with him. Eternally spinning around on a carousel with only Nate at his side. When the ride slowed down to a stop, Sean broke their endless kissing with a deep mournful sigh. Nate played with Sean's long bangs for a little bit as the rush of people made their way to the exit, telling him sweetly. "What do you want to do now?" Sean rolled off the sleigh stiffly to stand up and glance around. He didn't see anything that stood out to him right away, but he shrugged and told him with a smile. "Let's just wonder. I'm sure we'll find something to amuse ourselves." Extending a hand out to help Nate out, Nate took it and hopped from the sleigh. Together they made their way down the steps to the exit, where Nate asked him curiously. "You want to go shopping or get something to eat?"
Sean hopped excitedly into Nate's path, giddily saying aloud. "You know what we need? Coffee!" Nate snapped his fingers with a smile, before pointing to a little café. Making their way over, they ordered their hot drinks and Nate casually walked him around to show him the stores along the first floor. Just outside of a little spa shop, Sean stopped to admire a small wishing fountain made from smooth white stone. The little fountain was circular in design with clear tubes that showed water going up into a thin circular roof with fake vines hanging off the sides and bright flowers on the top. The best feature was the fact that the roof let water rain down into the pool below it. Sean stood close to it and simply listened to the gentle sound of falling rain. It was the one sound he never got tired of hearing. It was so peaceful. Nate's hand tapped his shoulder, breaking him from his trance to get his attention. Glancing at Nate's hand, he smirked. Holding his hand out, he let Nate give him the quarter he was holding out for him.
Sean clenched his hand around the quarter, thinking hard about what he wanted to wish for. He thought about wishing for things that others he knew needed. Cures for cancer. World peace. There was so much he could wish for. Nate moved up behind him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he asked close to his ear. "You look undecided. Do you need more quarters?" Sean chuckled, leaning back against Nate as he honestly told him. "It's a lot of pressure. What if this one wish is the one that changes everything. I will have had a chance to help people... Or just myself." Nate kissed his shoulder, whispering to him sweetly. "Sean... You help so many people just being the way you are. It's good to be selfless... but you're selfless to a fault. You give so much that you forget to give yourself a little love." Sean took a deep breath, telling Nate truthfully. "I'll be alright without it. I know there are people that need it more than me out there." Making his silent wish, Sean tossed the coin into the pool.
He watched the coin sink to the bottom, when Nate suddenly tossed one of his own in too. Sean looked over his shoulder to look Nate in the eyes. He was curious what Nate had wished for. Only to have Nate tell him softly. "If you won't wish for yourself. Then I will." Sean bit his lower lip as a blush warmed his cheeks. Nate kissed his cheek, holding him in a tight hug. It was only when people started to move around them to get into the spa that forced Nate to release him. Continuing up to the next floor, Nate threw out his empty coffee cup, while asking him curiously. "I think I'm going to get myself a new tank top for the summer. You wanna join me?" Sean tossed out his empty cup, answering honestly. "Sure. Why not." Nate led him into the clothing store and scanned through the men's section. Sean glanced at a few things himself, before asking Nate with a blushing face. "You know... I'd love to see you in shorts." Nate let out a laugh, then shot back playfully. "No. I will never wear shorts and you'll never catch me dead in shorts."
Sean leaned on the shirt rack, asking in a playfully pained voice. "Why, Nate? Who hurt you? What did they do to you?" Nate rolled his eyes, chuckling out as he pulled a shirt off the rack. "Nothing. I just don't feel like I have the legs for it." Sean glanced at the tank top in Nate's hands, before his eyes drifted to Nate's arms. His eyes followed his colorful tattoos up his arm, watching his muscle flex underneath the sleeve of his t-shirt as he looked over the tank top. He got a strange urge to give Nate a love bite right along those tattoos up his creamy pale arm. Instead, of acting on it though, he just licked his lips. Nate suddenly looked up at him like he could feel his eyes on him. Sean averted his eyes quickly and bit his lower lip guiltily. It was hard not to want him, when he knew that he could have him. Nate cleared his throat, then chuckled to himself as he uttered out smugly. "See something that you like?" Sean let his eyes drift back to Nate with a guilty smile spreading over his face.
Nate smirked, beckoning him over with a seductive finger. Sean shyly moved closer, avoiding Nate's sexy stare. When he was close enough, Nate took a shirt off the rack and pressed it to Sean's chest. Sean blinked in confusion, looking down at the simple red tank top. Nate tilted his head, clearly imagining him in it. Sean pushed the top away, mumbling out. "No. I'm not wearing that." Nate looked at it, asking curiously. "Why? You don't like the color?" Sean shot Nate a sarcastic look, stating out dryly. "You don't want to see a scrawny pale Irishman in a tank top. I don't have the guns you have to show off." Nate snorted, wrapping an arm around Sean and guiding him toward the dressing room as he purred close to his neck. "Oh, but I do." Sean stopped in front of the open dressing room door, mumbling out. "Nate..." Nate gave him the top, telling him seriously. "I already know what you look like naked. Just humor me." Sean accepted the top and dragged his feet into the dressing room.
Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he pulled it up over his lean frame. Setting his shirt down on a chair, he stared into the mirror for a minute. His eyes took in how pale he was. He wanted to be happy with the way he looked... but he wasn't. Compared to other men, he just felt scrawny. Sighing heavily, he turned away from the stupid mirror and slipped on the red tank top. It fit him just fine, but really that had never been his issue. Rubbing his bare arms, he reluctantly opened the door and told Nate grimly. "See? It just makes me look thinner..." Nate rose from the bench he was sitting on and moved up to him. His expression was unreadable, making Sean feel anxious. He wanted to take it off now. He took a step back, when Nate's hands slid around his stomach and pulled him closer. Nate's hands rubbed up and down his ribs, whispering close to his ear. "It's all in your head, Sean. That's not what I see." Sean flexed his arms, grumbling out. "Look then. I go out like this and I'll get the worst sunburn you've ever seen."
Nate pushed him into the dressing room, kicking the door shut with his foot. Sean lowered his arms, feeling paralyzed. Nate pushed him up against the wall, burying his head in the nape of his neck as he purred out to him. "Gives me an excuse to rub suntan lotion all over your beautiful body. And besides... I didn't ask you to put on this shirt to see your muscles. I wanted you in it so that I could see more of your silky skin." Sean pressed himself into the corner of the dressing room, tilting his head enough that Nate could playfully bite his neck. After a little nibble, Nate lifted his head to tell him sweetly. "I'm glad you look the way you do, because it means that I can do this." Nate grabbed the hem of Sean's top and pulled it over his head, before throwing it aside to lift him up. Sean yelped as Nate pinned him higher up the wall, pressing his whole body into him when he kissed him. Sean wrapped his arms around Nate's neck, returning the kiss while his thighs tightened against Nate's hips. Nate's hands slid up Sean's bare back, making him moan unconsciously.
The moan was loud enough that the woman in the next stall let out an embarrassed chuckle. Which instantly snapped them both out of it. Sean's hand shot to his mouth and Nate slowly lowered him to the floor, mumbling out just as embarrassed. "Ya... We should go... before..." Nate cleared his throat awkwardly and Sean nodded, reaching for his shirt. Nate snatched up the tank top and as they stepped out of the dressing room... Nate stumbled and fell to his knees. A few girls that were sitting on the bench, giggled amongst themselves trying to hide their blushing faces. Nate recovered quickly, jumping to his feet and winking to the girls with a gorgeous grin. Sean shook his head, rolling his eyes as he pulled his shirt back on and tried to sneak out behind Nate. Nate discreetly patted Sean's thigh as he snuck past, encouraging him to keep going. Then gave the girls an innocent bow as he chuckled out to them. "Good day to you, ladies. I'll be going now." A few of the girls whined as Nate quickly backed out to join him out of their sights. Sean led Nate back to the rack of shirts, mumbling out to Nate with a burning blush on his cheeks. "That was embarrassing."
Nate leaned on the rack, laughing away his own embarrassment. Which was contagious enough to make Sean laugh with him. When they settled down enough, Nate patted his shoulder playfully saying with a bright smile. "Look at the bright side... At least we weren't caught with our pants down. Right?" Sean scoffed loudly, shoving Nate playfully as he chuckled out. "Ya, sure. Let's get out of here before security shows up." Nate took a few tank tops he had previously looked at off the rack, along with the one he had Sean try on. Taking them up to the counter, Nate paid for them. Then as they were leaving the store, Nate turned to face him, asking him excitedly. "What do you say? You wanna lay low in the movie theater? Share some popcorn. Sit in the dark. Maybe hold my hand if you get scared?" Sean glanced at the movie theater entrance across the way, letting himself think about. It felt like ages since he had enjoyed a movie in a theater. The smell of buttery popcorn wafted over to them, filling his nose and making his stomach growl. So, when he turned back to Nate, he nodded. To Be Continued...
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