Part 17
Nate curled his lips back over his teeth, showing off his blushing cheeks and adorable dimples. Picking up his beer, Nate raised it in a toast followed by a wicked smirk. Sean rubbed the toes of his foot along Nate's inner thighs. He just wanted to wait and see what Nate would do. Nate was feeling invincible as the god of D&D. Which only made Sean want to see if he could bribe him off his high horse. Nate took a long shaky swig from his beer bottle, then cleared his throat roughly. Nate focused on a few papers behind the divider. He was trying to distract himself. Sean wasn't going to allow that. Sean scooted to the edge of his chair to give himself more reach. Nate didn't look up, but his blush turned a deeper red and his legs closed on his foot. Sean grinned, sliding his foot farther between Nate's enclosed legs. The second the bottom of Sean's foot was braced against Nate's crotch, Nate curled his lips over his teeth again.
Nate still didn't look up. Though it was clear that his attention was split up now. Nate moved one of his hands off the table, placing it lovingly on the back on his foot. Sean smiled to himself, enjoying how Nate stroked his foot like a pet. For a moment, Sean let Nate rub his foot and innocently slip his fingers between his toes. It tickled a little, but he liked it. With his focus back, Nate straightened up in his seat, telling him in his storytelling voice again. "So... You come to this mossy cave set into the hillside and instantly your senses are assaulted by the smell of decay. The strong scent of wet rotting meat fills your nose. What do you do?" Beneath the table, Nate still stroked his foot and Sean narrowed his eyes on Nate. It was clear to him what Nate was doing now. Nate was playing with his foot to stay in control of the situation. By playing with his foot and making him feel good, he had stopped advancing. So, Sean bit his lip and rubbed his foot across the crotch of Nate's jeans. Nate's breath caught in his throat, leaning forward over the table a little in response.
Even through the thick fabric of his black jeans, Sean could feel Nate's hard on. The more he rubbed his foot over the hardened length, the more it strained at his jeans. Sean couldn't stop the grin from spreading over his face as he asked smugly. "You ok, Nate? You seem to be distracted?" Nate covered his mouth with his free hand, his dark brown eyes flicking up from the table to finally look at him. Sean's heart skipped and practically leapt from his chest to the table. Nate's dark eyes were glazed over with lust and his long dark bangs hung over one of his eyes in the most alluring way. Sean swallowed, trying to focus back on the game. Nate had flipped the tables on him and if he didn't distract himself, than Nate would have control of him. Looking at his character sheet, his eyes couldn't focus on anything written. It looked like another language to him right now.
He wanted so badly to look back up at Nate. He wanted to burn how sexy he looked into his brain. Instead, he forced his eyes closed and rambled out anxiously. "Well... I'll go creep inside as quietly as I can." Nate's voice came out as smooth as butter with a suggestive hint, upon telling him. "Roll a stealth check for me." Sean opened his eyes, reaching out for his twenty sided die with a shaky hand. His fingers had just curled around it, when Nate's legs spread wider away from his foot. Sean hesitated, freezing in place and wishing he could see through the black table. All he could do was feel what Nate was doing. Nate had spread his legs, giving him more room to play with him. However, it also allowed Nate's hand to slide down his foot to his ankle. Nate's hand slipped under his loose sweat pants, fondling as much of his leg as he could reach. Sean's leg tensed up as Nate's hand tried not to stroke his long leg hair in the wrong direction.
However, whenever Nate stroked his leg from shin to ankle... It was intoxicating. It was like Nate was coaxing his foot to come closer. Wanting him to move closer against him. Sean could barely roll as his cock hardened between his legs. His brain was drifting rapidly from the game. He was starting to imagine Nate's caressing warm hand on the length of his cock. Nate was playing dirty! Unable to roll, Sean just dropped the die with a limp wrist. The roll was terrible. Even with his character's strong stealth bonus... he had only managed to total ten. Turning his eyes up to glare at Nate through heavily glazed eyes, he told Nate gruffly. "You son of a bitch... Ten." Nate moved his hand away from his mouth, answering in a throaty purr. "You started it, sweetheart. You want to take a break? We can always play when you aren't so... distracted." Sean shook his head playfully at him, his voice cracking a little as he replied. "I'm fine. I can finish this."
Nate brushed a thumb over his lips seductively, telling him in a husky voice. "I could always kill you now. It wouldn't be hard. Would that make it easier for you?" Sean huffed, pleading out playfully. "Come Nate... Be gentle. I made it this far... Just let me have this." Nate took a deep breath, sitting up in the seat and grabbing his ankle firmly to keep it in place. Sean had no intention of removing his foot though. Nate rolled a die behind the divider, while telling him smugly. "Your stealth fails. The cave is not only so dark that you can't see an inch in front of your face, but the floor of the cave is littered in bones of all shapes and sizes. So as you creep in, your feet crunch over piles of bones and the sound echoes throughout the small dark cave. Now roll initiative." Sean shook his head wearily at Nate, mumbling out as he rolled his die. "Nate... I told you to go easy on me...fourteen"
Nate smirked wickedly back at him. Sean gave Nate his best puppy eyes, pleading with him more desperately. "Nate... No. Don't take it out on my character, please?" Nate locked playfully evil eyes on him, purring back. "You got my attention... Now the only thing standing between me and you... Is your character. I'll try to make it quick." Sean dropped his face into his hands, muttering out to himself. "Oh sweet Jesus..." Nate pet his foot like a villain with a cat, telling him proudly. "From the darkness a form grabs the front of your clothes and throws you father into the cave. It's so dark that the fall disorients you. You can't tell where the exit is and you know now that you are not alone. For slinking in the darkness around you, you hear the soft crunch of bones and a sickening slimy squishing noise that follows it. As the sound circles around you, another reptilian voice bellows out to you in a soft frothy tone. 'Tonight, I ssshall feassst on an adventurer."
Sean rushed through the list of items that his character had and quickly answered. "I'm going to pull out my oil flask and dump it out across the bones that I assume are in front of me. Then I'm going to light it up with a match! I'm going to shed some light on this bastard, Nate!" Nate rolled his eyes, but told him with a small smile. "Alright. You light up the small cave with this little make-shaft fire pit of bones. Allowing you to see the beast that has plagued the village. You know him as a Troglodyte. A common creature for these parts. The Troglodyte raises an arm to try to block out the light from its whited out eyes, letting out a loud hiss of disgust. Looks like this." Nate's hands moved to lift up a book that he had behind the divider to show him the picture of it. It looked like a human sized toad that stood on two legs with sharp talons and dripping slimy skin. Sean shivered with disgust, telling Nate more confidently. "I see. Well, I'm going to draw my sword and attack it!"
Nate set the book down, then shook his head at him in a mocking innocence. Sean gave him a shrug and Nate told him with a grin. "It's not your turn. You used your turn to set the fire and draw your sword. It's the Troglodytes turn." Sean shrank in his seat, mumbling out in a small chuckle. "Oh, shite." Nate picked up his die menacingly, rolling it as he told him with an evil grin. "The Troglodyte isn't going to waste anytime. You're an intruder and he is defending his new home. So, he is going to attack the spot that he last saw you in. Which because you haven't moved... He is going to slam into you and sink his long sharp fish fangs into your shoulder, since he rolled higher than your armor class." Sean winced, but eagerly asked. "My turn?" Nate shook his head, telling him honestly. "Not yet. He has to roll for the damage you take from this bite and... something special."
Sean bowed his head, trying to stroke Nate's cock again in the hopes of making him nicer. It only seemed to make him want to end this quicker. Nate raised his head after rolling again, telling him sickly sweet. "You take four damage and an extra four for the foul stench that is coming off this creature. The smell is so strong and awful that you believe it was HIM that you were smelling from outside and not the remains in the cave. What will you do now, Sean?" Sean gave a playful glare at Nate, saying confidently. "I'll use my assassin dagger on his neck, since he is so close to me." Nate propped his hand up with a fist, saying sweetly. "Roll your attack." Sean rolled, answering proudly. "Sixteen?" Nate shook his head, telling him wickedly. "So close. His armor class was fifteen... but because you are suffering from the smell of him... you have to minus two off your roll."
Sean gapped at Nate, uttering out in disbelief. "You're fucking with me... You're really going to take it from me like that?" Nate nodded with a bright grin, happily telling him. "Welcome to D&D. Now it is his turn. And wouldn't you know it... Because he knows where you are now. He can now attack twice, plus his stench." Sean dropped his head down across his arms, grumbling out. "I fucking hate you so much... Why Nate?" Nate chuckled, rolling his dice as he told him innocently. "You could have ran away. You could have tried recruiting the little Kobolds to help you. You could have baited him with a sheep to come out of his cave. The decision was yours. Don't blame me for your characters life choices." Sean peeked at his already diminished hit points and cringed. Nate finished rolling, telling him bluntly. "Alright, so... You take two damage from the smell and six damage from his first bone club attack to your ribs. Sean shook his head in defeat. He had no life points left.
Nate finished rolling the last attack, casually adding out. "And for his second attack, he will club your ribs again for five damage. How are you looking?" Sean let out a fake cry, whining out. "I died to a blind Troglodyte!" Nate lowered the divider to look at his sheet with a chuckle. Nate double checked all his damage, then told him with a small shrug. "You're not dead. You're unconscious. You only die if you reach your hit point number in the negatives. You might still survive." Sean raised a curious eyebrow, asking him sarcastically. "Oh, really? Who is going to rescue me exactly? I'm in a cave with a man-eating monster who smells like shite." Nate closed up all his books, telling him lovingly. "Let's just say that I know a bard that might save you. That will have to wait until next time though..." Sean brushed his bangs out of his eyes, feeling Nate playfully start tugging on his ankle to pull him carefully under the table.
Sean rolled his eyes, sliding under the table as Nate finally released his foot. Under the table, Sean slid his hands over Nate's thighs. Nate pushed his chair back, taking Sean's wrists to help pull him out. Climbing to his feet, he brought his lips to Nate's in a tender kiss. When he tried to step in to press his hips to Nate's though, Nate stepped back. Nate broke their kiss, leading him back into the kitchen. To Be Continued...
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