"Shit!" Jimin cursed nearly dropping his coffee.
"Your favorite dead guy is back." Yoongi annocunced doing the jazz hands.
Jimin giggled, "Hi. Heading in for some coffee?" He wondered.
"Nope. I'm here for you. Come on." He said holding his hand and walking out of the cafe. Jimin felt his face blush.
They had never really held hands. The feeling was surreal. Jimin didn't really questioned him until he walked to a black car.
"Yoongi I drove her—"
"I know. We're riding in this car now. I'm taking you somewhere."
"What? Where? It's like...five in the afternoon." He mumbled. The sun would set soon and he was an early sleeper. If they were going to be out late he needed to know. He had school the next day.
"Somewhere. Come on. Get in." He said letting go and opening the door.
Jimin went in and waited for Yoongi to do the same. "I didn't know you owned such a nice car."
"Not mine. Jungkook's."
"Oh. Okay." He replied unsure of who that was. He might've heard his name before but couldn't really recall.
"That's one of my friends."
"Gotcha. So, where are we going again?"
"You'll see. It's not that far. You said you wanted to know more about me, right?"
"Well...yes. I'm quite curious. You have walked the earth for two decades. You must have seen a lot throughout the years."
"Yeah. It wasn't always fun."
"I bet." He whispered taking a small sip of coffee. Once the hot beverage burned his tongue he winced making Yoongi smile.
"It's still very hot." He teased.
"I see that." He replied a bit upset. He had a habit of constantly burning himself with foods. Impatience was one of his many flaws.
"How was your day today?"
"It was okay. Taeyong and Johnny invited me to another party."
"Are you going?"
"I don't really like parties. However, it's up to Jihyo. If she wants to go I'll go with her."
"Ahh. How are things with her by the way? Falling in love yet?"
Jimin looked out the window, "What's up with you and that? No. Not yet. She's a great girl."
"Mmm. Remember what I told you Jimin. You can break up with her if things don't workout."
"I—I want it to work." He said impulsively. This was true. The thing was that it was impossible. Clearly impossible.
"You do?" Yoongi asked a bit defeated.
"Yeah. I want to be happy again."
"Do you think she'll make you happy?"
He shrugged keeping his eyes out the window. Yoongi occasionally stared at him waiting for his reply, but he never responded to that.
"Who took your happiness away Jimin?"
Once again there was silence. Yoongi didn't asked further questions. Instead he took a turn down an old road.
Jimin hadn't ever been there and when the car pulled over on the side of the road he was startled. "Why're we stopping?"
"We're here."
"There's nothing here." He said looking at the empty road. The only thing visible to the eye were a ton of trees.
Yoongi opened the car door and began walking. Jimin waited for a few seconds and then followed along.
"You're such a slow walker." Yoongi told as they headed further past the trees.
"Well excuse me for being slow. You just randomly stopped on the side of the road and I—I was confused. You can't do that to people. We get scared that—"
Yoongi stopped walking and therefore Jimin stopped talking. When he finally looked up he saw this big tree.
Jimin's breathing was heavier now. The cold weather and the walk had worked him up. The tree still had some of its leaves, but they were covered with ice.
"I came here in 1863." He pointed to his initials carved on the tree.
"Wow. That's crazy! Well, of course it would still be here it's a pine tree. I read they can live up to five thousand years."
"Yeah. It's pretty interesting huh?"
"It is. So you've lived here before?" He asked. Yoongi sat down on the ground and motioned him to do the same. Before doing so Jimin noted another pair of initials carved right underneath his.
"Somewhat. I've lived all over the world. I came here in 1863 for some distraction. I wasn't in my best back then. I was very reckless and self centered. I didn't care for my eternity. I didn't even realize I was being tracked. Namjoon found me. He told me I was a danger to our kind. I didn't listen. I kept doing what I thought would help me forget my past. Draining people of blood in full daylight, destroying relationships, destroying hope. Then I came across Jungkook. I managed to piss him off and he threatened to kill me."
"Your—your friend?"
"Yeah. I told him to do it because I hadn't had the courage to do it myself. That's what I was seeking. To end my miserable life. Of course Namjoon stepped in and saved me. He knew Jungkook already and talked him out of killing me. Ever since then we've been pretty inseparable. I guess it worked out in the end huh?"
"I guess so. It was definitely in your fate to meet them."
"I believe so. It's only fair, right? To gain something when you lose something?"
"Did you carve this too?" Jimin asked teaching over to point to the initials underneath his.
Yoongi bit the inside of his lip. "Mhmm. That was all me."
"Who's IN?"
"Do you really want me to show you?" He asked looking him in the eyes.
Jimin nodded his head intrigued. Yoongi got up and stretched his hand out. He took it without hesitation and then walked back to the car holding hands the whole time.
"Wow! You live in a mansion!" Jimin squealed impressed. The furniture and decorations were so old time he found it beautiful.
"Calm down. You live in a mansion yourself."
"It's not nearly as big as this. How manny people live here?"
"Three including me."
"Are they home?"
"Nope. They're out that's why I brought you here. Not that I don't want them to see you. It's just Jungkook is...he's different."
"Right. He tried to kill you. I can only imagine what he'd do to me."
"Yeah he's pretty crazy. Follow me. My room is this way."
They went up the stairs and took a left. The first room they went by was his. He opened it up and Jimin wasn't sure what to expect.
The room was a creamy beige color. The curtains were white, the bed was king sized and also with white covers. In reality the room looked quite stunning.
"Did you expect us to live in a swamp and shit?" He chuckled.
Jimin blushed a bit, "I—I didn't think it'd be this nice." He admitted.
"I'm full of surprises aren't I? Have a seat on my bed."
Jimin nodded taking a seat. He kept looking around as Yoongi dug through his drawers. He noticed dead flowers by the window.
"Did you forget to water your flowers?"
"Actually I..." got them for you but never got the courage to give them so they died. "Yes."
"You have so many of them."
Yoongi shrugged. He kept going to get them to the flower shop. He had gotten many different kinds because he wasn't sure which one was Jimin's favorite.
Although he had a guess it was daffodils. He did have one in his phone case. Either way it was pointless to keep getting flowers because he wouldn't give them to him.
"I like flowers. Sort of."
"I can tell."
Yoongi finally pulled out a brown box and took a seat next to him. He set the box on his lap and opened it up.
It was filled with letters, books, and random items. Such as a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a red ribbon.
"These items belonged to my lover. These are letters we wrote to each other."
"Oh. Your lover...the human?" He whispered.
"Yeah. You can touch if you want."
Jimin carefully picked up the necklace. It was silver and had a heart at the bottom with a red stone. He next picked up a notebook which was still in great condition considering it had been over a hundred years.
When he titled the notebook a picture fell out. Jimin remained still looking down at it. It hadn't really hit him until now.
"Your lover..."
"Yes. She was a girl." He finished.
Jimin yet again felt his face turn red. Of course the earrings, the necklace and the ribbon should've gave it away. But since he had seen Yoongi kiss a boy he thought he had different sexual preferences.
"I like both genders. I know that's what your wondering."
"Sorry I—"
"It's okay. Meet IN. Her name was Im Nayeon."
"Oh. She was very beautiful."
"She was. I met her when she was nineteen years old. I was around one hundred and five years then. I was living my best life. I had learned three new languages and been to the places I've always wanted to go. I stopped by in Sangil-dong a small town in Seoul in 1860. Landing eyes on her was love at first sight. Her favorite color was red. I remember that day clearly. She wore a red dress, this exact necklace, these earrings and that red ribbon around her beautiful long hair. We began talking and fell for each other. I told her about me. I was convinced she was the love of my life. She didn't fear me. She loved me too. She saw me for who I really way. We loved each other,"
Yoongi stopped for a brief moment. He felt his chest get heavy. Speaking about her a decade later was still hard. Jimin scoot closer and rubbed his shoulder for support. He never thought Yoongi could be so raw and full of emotions.
"We planned to get married the following year. It was too early, but I wanted an eternity with her. She wanted that too. So we had agreed I'd turn her on her 20th birthday. Her dad wasn't a big fan of our love. We didn't care and proceeded to plan. I...I went away to look for a place to have the wedding. She had this dream to get married in a gorgeous place filled with trees and lights. I was away a few days. Not even a week. During that time she grew sick. Back then there weren't any cell phones and medicine wasn't as advanced as it is now. When I got back she was dead and buried. I didn't even get to say bye. I grew mad. Not just angry mad. I mean mad. It was to the point I dug her out of her grave and tried to revive her myself. I knew it wasn't possible. It was bad times. That's where my reckless years started."
Jimin gulped down nervously. "That was tragic. I—I'm sorry that happened. I don't even know what to say." He whispered sadden by his words. All this time he had thought Yoongi was heartless and selfish.
He was just hurt.
"It truly was tragic. I eventually learned to cope with it. I mean I still miss her. I still look at her picture every now and then, but I think for the most part I'm okay now. I wish things would've been different. I should've turned her sooner. I don't know."
"It's not your fault. You didn't know it was going to happen. You did everything you could. You two lived a beautiful love story and although it was short you were the happiest then. Think about it this way maybe you have another soul mate somewhere out there. I mean, you've lived several lifetimes. Maybe there's another person waiting for you." He smiled sweetly.
Yoongi felt a smile creep up. Every time he looked at him he felt the same exact thing he had felt with Nayeon.
Like he was in heaven.
"Maybe there is."
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