Taehyung dreadfully walked to the door rubbing his tired eyes. It was awful to have six hours sleep combined in the last three days.
Between school and having nightmares about supernatural beings it was tough to get rest. When he opened the door he gasped and immediately tried to shut it.
Jungkook pushed it open with one hand and Taehyung panicked even more. He grabbed a mug from his counter and threw it at him.
The mug broke against Jungkook a neck and face. The pieces of glass penetrated his skin. He sighed pulling them out one by one.
"Rule number one, don't try to kill a hybrid with a mug."
Taehyung watched mortified as all his wounds healed within seconds. "Rule number two, don't get blood in a hybrids suit."
"What the fuck do you wan—?"
"Is everything okay?" His neighbor from the apartment beside asked.
"No! Call the p—"
"Everything is fine sweetheart. Go back to your apartment and mind your business."
"No! No! Hey! Wait!" He screamed as she walked away.
Jungkook shut the door and Taehyung sighed defeated. "Just go ahead and kill me already. Is that what you want?"
"Gross. You humans are so fucking dramatic. Kill me! Kill me! Calm the fuck down. I came here because I'm bored and you're my distraction from boredom."
"I'm glad this is amusing for you, but for me it's not. It's disturbing."
"Aren't you the least curious to know more about me? My name is Jungkook by the way."
"No. Clearly I'm not interested in you. I could really care less about your name."
"Keep doing this and its only going to make it worse."
"What are you talking about?"
"The first day we met you treated me like I wasn't important. I'm used to being the center of attention. For a simple human like you to not notice me and treat me so poorly triggered something inside of me."
Taehyung scoffed disgusted, "Is this what it's all about? I hurt your ego and now you're trying to prove something?"
"Yeah. That's exactly right. Being eight hundred years old and having a nobody like you tell me I'm a weirdo and turn me down is not good for my egotistical personality. I'm used to getting what I want and when I want. That's why I'm so powerful."
Taehyung looked down at his feet. Unbelievable. "So you're here because of a tantrum?" He quietly asked. Can't ever shut the fuck up Taehyung.
"Something like that. I want a date with you."
"What?" He shrieked looking up.
"I think I made myself pretty clear."
"After everything you've done you want me to go on a date with you?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. Don't tell me you're not into boys?" He smirked.
"That's none of your business."
"I'm a vampire lie detector. You like men. I sense it."
"Last time I checked you aren't a man."
"Ouch. The you're-a-dead-vampire-hybrid insult. Guess what? I'm pretty much more alive than you. You always think your so right don't you? You think you're brave and a good person. Let me tell you something...you aren't. You're human and as much as you like to call me a monster we're very alike. Full of sins and lies."
"At least I don't go around killing people." He added with a frown.
"I guess that's true. I have more fun whereas you spend your days wanting to be something you aren't. Anyways, we're drifting from the subject. Want to go on a date with me tonight?"
"No. In your dreams."
"In my dreams it will be then. Don't worry. I have plenty of suits and an eternity. Although, I do recommend for you to accept the date before you start getting wrinkles and grey hair. I don't know if I'll want to go out then." He winked as he walked out.
Taehyung took a deep breath and collapsed on his couch. Not only did he have to deal with medical school, but on top of that him too?
"Ahh!" Jimin screamed as he encountered Yoongi by his car.
"Boo." He teased with a smirk.
"What—what are you doing here?" He asked confused. Some students were getting in their cars, but for the most part they minded their business.
If Taeyong and Johnny saw him here they might ask questions. Of course last time they didn't because they only caught a glance. They wouldn't remember until they saw Yoongi again. Jimin still wondered how that worked.
"Just stopping by."
Jimin's eyes widen as he saw a red spot on his yellow shirt. "Calm down. It's red wine. I'm not a complete monster."
"Yeah. Do you just assume I go around killing people?"
"N—no. I was just going to say my—my scarf and your shirt match. That's all."
Yoongi tilted his head to the side. "If we're going to be friends shouldn't you tell me the truth Park?"
"Two nights ago you made it very clear you didn't want to be my friend." He responded still hurt at his comment.
Now that he recalled that moment it stung because it was true. He was lonely and wanted to replace his loneliness with something. Something that wasn't his fake friendship with Johnny or Taeyong.
Even though this thing with Yoongi was fake it seemed more real than everything else in his life right now.
"Listen, I wasn't trying to be an ass, okay? Did I lie? Was any of that a lie?"
"Well damn if this is your way to apologize it's very shitty."
"But I'm not sorry."
Jimin's face once again showed pain. He tried to play it off and just couldn't. He was so see through everyone could tell.
"You said you wanted my friendship because I'm honest. I'm being honest."
"At least show some empathy." He whispered.
"I don't know how." He admitted.
Jimin looked up at him and saw his blank stare. "Do you really feel nothing?"
"Nope. I'm dead as fuck."
"Is that a vampire thing?" He murmured perplexed.
Yoongi chuckled, "Uhh...sort of. I believe I've told you my senses are always heightened. Last time I truly felt something was a long time ago. Since then I've just felt numb. I don't really want to trigger any emotion back into my life."
"So you just feel...nothing?" He questioned mesmerized. He wonder how that would be like. Would it be easier to move on with life?
"Yeah. I haven't practiced being nice in a while so that's why my attitude is this way."
"Oh. If I were immortal I think I would be the same." He said holding his hands together. He wore black gloves and a puffy jacket. This time instead of a red scarf it was yellow.
"Yeah right." He laughed.
"What? I'm being serious."
"Jimin you wear your heart in your sleeve. If you were immortal you'd be a hundred times more sensitive. It would be hard for you to keep emotions out of your life."
"You don't know that." He quietly said.
"Yeah. I do."
"Why don't you try it then?"
"Make me immortal and let me prove you wrong."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Okay chill out. Fine let's just imagine that if you were immortal you wouldn't be sensitive."
Jimin nodded his head slowly. When he told him that he wasn't necessarily joking. He was just in desperation to stop feeling this guilt and regret that was consuming him.
"There's your girlfriend." Yoongi blurted.
Jimin turned around and spotted Jihyo from a distance walking down the steps. "She's not my girlfriend." He clarified.
He already got enough comments from his classmates about her. Now even Yoongi was annoying him about it too?
"Why not? She's pretty."
"I don't need a relationship right now."
"Why not?"
"You sure are nosy." He whispered under his breath.
"I can hear you." Yoongi smirked.
"I'm busy with school."
"Ahh...right. School. What are you studying anyways?"
Yoongi bursted out laughing earning a frown from him. "Okay, okay! My bad. It's just that you? A lawyer? You?"
"My parents think it's a good career."
"What do you think?"
"I mean it's okay."
"Wow. You sound so confident about it. It's not like you're going to spend the next four years studying for this. Then work for the rest of your life doing something that makes you completely miserable."
"I like it." He lied.
"Sure buddy. Whatever you say."
"Okay are you just here to judge my life choices? Is that even fair? You've lived forever and I'm sure you've had plenty of time to fix your mistakes. I'm human so let me make mistakes."
Yoongi smiled, "Ahhh. You're getting comfortable with me. You're talking more and less stuttering."
"I—I—" Jimin felt himself blush. When he was put on the spot it always made him self conscious.
He chuckled straightened up, "Okay. I better get going. Gotta do some stuff. By the way that girl keeps looking at you. You should really ask her out."
"Why're you so determined for me to date her?" He asked a little annoyed.
"Because you two would look cute together duh. Isn't that what friends are suppose to do? Give girl advice or some shit like that?"
"Yeah but—"
"Ask her out. She's very pretty." He repeated then proceeded to walk away.
Jimin was going to say something when Jihyo called out his name. "Jimin! Hey!" She said enthusiastically approaching him.
"Oh. Hey." He replied sheepishly.
"I like your scarf. Look it matches my skirt." She smiled sweetly.
He looked down at her exposed pale legs wondering how could she wear skirts in the winter. "Yes. It does."
"So, I was watching this show last night and the guy totally reminded me of yo—"
"You're very pretty." He blurted. He quickly covered his mouth unsure of why he had said that. Of course she was pretty, but he didn't like her. Females weren't really his type.
Her cheeks turned a rosy pink and she smiled at the ground timidly. "Why thank you. I think you're very cute."
Jimin didn't know why he couldn't stop himself from speaking. "Will you go out with me?" When the words left his mouth he could've karate chop his own throat. What the hell was wrong with him?
Jihyo grinned excitedly. "I thought you'd never ask." She gushed pulling out her phone and handing it to him.
"Put your number down so that we can text."
Jimin gulped down nervously and took off his gloves to do it. If he broke up with her right now that would just be a dick move. He had asked her out for who knows what reason. Breaking up with her immediately would just be mocking.
"Perfect. I'll text you. Bye." She said pecking his cheek and heading to her car.
He pressed his hand against his cold cheek where she had kissed him. Nothing. He felt absolutely nothing.
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