Taehyung took a deep breath before walking in Happy Sugar Stop. He hadn't spoke to Jin in a few days which was unusual for the both.
Ever since he had started to hang out with this Namjoon dude there was this awkward friction between them.
In all honesty, it was Taehyung who was slowly pushing Jin away. He just couldn't bare the thought of seeing the man he was in love with being in love with another.
It was truly heart wrenching.
As soon as he walked in he spotted Namjoon. When he got up closer he noticed how buff he truly was. Every time he had seen him he wore baggy clothing that didn't really accentuate his figure. Seeing him in his work clothes was a totally different story.
The simple white t-shirt fitted him very well. His shoulders were big and broad. Not as much as Jin's, but definitely close. The apron around his waist only emphasized his tiny little waist. Then, his black khakis hugged his thighs perfectly.
He was currently making some cookies and Taehyung focused on his slender fingers shaping it. Those fingers had touched Jin. Had they made love already? In the bed he slept in while having a sleep over? In the couch?
The thought made him nauseous.
Taehyung blinked rapidly and swallowed the knot in his throat. This man was everything he wasn't. They were complete opposites and Jin was clearly attracted to his side more.
"Excuse me?" He spoke up with a shaky breath.
Namjoon looked up from the cookie tray. He recognized the deep voice and when he did he confirmed it was Taehyung.
"Welcome, how can I help you?"
"Can I get two lemon flavored cupcakes?"
Lemon flavor was their favorite.
"Sure. Give me a second to wash my hands."
Taehyung tried to find a defect in him and just couldn't. He was handsome, polite, and the information Jungkook had given him was spotless.
"Can I get you anything else?" He asked after handing him the small box with the cupcakes.
Can you please give me Jin back?
"No. That will be it."
"Perfect. The lady in the cash register will cash you out. Have a great day."
"You too." He replied.
After he paid for the cupcakes he headed out. He took one last glance at Namjoon and sighed defeated. When he was in his car he opened up the box.
Taehyung had been committed to confront Namjoon and to tell him he couldn't steal his best friend away. Instead, he came out mentally destroyed.
With tears in his eyes he grabbed both cupcakes and took a bite out of each. He couldn't go see him. Not after feeling so insecure.
Then he wished to have company. Any company. Jungkook's to be precise.
"Shit." Jimin cursed. He had dropped his phone on the carpet when he heard Yoongi sneaking in through the window. He bent over to quickly pick it up.
"That one is not my fault. I ain't paying for it."
He rolled his eyes with a sigh, "Well, you didn't pay for the last one either Yoongi."
Yoongi rushed to him wrapping his arm around Jimin's waist. "I know," he grinned kissing his lips about thirty times.
Jimin blushed midway into the kiss. It was so surreal to be this close to anyone. Literally, every part of their bodies were pressed against each other.
It was sending tingling sensations through all of his nerves. It was sweet and erotic at the same time. Yoongi pulled away before making him uncomfortable.
The attraction was there for sure, but they had just started this. He didn't want Jimin to feel like an object or that he was only using him for sex because he most certainly wasn't.
"How was your day?" He smiled letting go. If he held his sinful body that close any longer he'd definitely explode.
"It—it was great. Uhh...better now that you're here. How about yours?" He wondered with a red face.
"I can say the same. I did the usual you know. Drink shit ton of whiskey, argued with Jungkook about a fancy suit, and umm pretty much it. Being a vampire is not really that exciting."
"Really now? I beg to differ. I think it's pretty exciting. You're like all strong and..." sexy. "And stuff." He finished clearing his throat.
"I mean yeah. I'm pretty fucking strong even though I look like a stick."
"You do not."
"I do. Look at this!" He exclaimed pulling up his shirt.
Jimin nearly gasped at the sight. Pale beautiful skin. He just wanted to touch it, kiss it, and never stop doing it.
"I like you like that." He whispered nibbling the inside of his cheek.
Yoongi nervously put his shirt down again. "Thank you. I like you like that too." Fuck. If Jungkook heard him being this sappy he'd probably rip his heart out. Actually, he definitely would.
"Good. Do you want to mmm..."
Jimin laid in bed and Yoongi laid next to him. They stared at the ceiling unable to look each other in the eye without getting all jittery.
Yoongi occasionally glanced at him and at one point he caught him staring. "What? What's wrong?" He asked self conscious. He had always hated his side profile.
"Can't I look at you?"
"Well...I...I guess so."
"You're beautiful and beauty needs to be admired. That's all I'm doing."
Jimin giggled quickly covering his mouth. Yoongi raised his eyebrows completely in love. "That was so cute! Do it again!"
"Oh gosh no. I laugh so weird!" He whispered screamed.
"No you don't. Do it again or else."
"Or else what?"
He put up his hand and Jimin swallowed hard. "Are you going to choke me?" He wondered quietly. Yoongi's eyes widen.
"Umm...no. I mean do you want to...I...."
"Sorry I..."
"I was going to tickle you silly." He chuckled after a very weird moment.
Jimin embarrassingly nodded, "Right. Right. Please don't."
"I'm sorry. I'm going to have to if you don't giggle." He told poking his side.
"No! Stop that! Stop—!" He squealed pretty loud and instantly glued his lips shut.
He hoped he hadn't waken up his parents. Yoongi smirked leaning closer to him until they were touching noses. Their legs were intertwined with each others.
"They're dead asleep. We can make all the noise we want."
Jimin's heart skipped a beat. He looked down at his lips and pecked them. They felt so good against his own like they were meant to be.
"Yoongi how do vampires..." his voice trailed off unable to finish his sentence.
"How do we what?"
"Umm...do you like..." he looked down and Yoongi hummed.
"Hmm...pretty much the same way humans do. We get boners like normal men."
Jimin quickly laughed while blushing. Yoongi then realized that was probably not what he was going to ask.
"Well shit. You weren't going to ask that, right?"
Jimin shook his head no while trying to contain his laugh. Yoongi ended up laughing too. It was nice to actually be happy. Truly happy.
"Let's forget I even said that. What were you going to ask?"
"I was actually going to ask how do vampires turn a human into one?"
"Why're you asking such things?"
"I'm just curious." He lied.
"Well, there's two ways. I can inject my blood in your vein or you can drink my blood and then uhh...I have to kill you."
"Oh wow."
"Yeah. It's not really romantic. You're going to die anyways. I wouldn't recommend it." He chuckled.
"Yeah. Of course not." He forced himself to laugh.
It stung though. If he had been so willing to turn Nayeon why was it so different with him?
"Does Jihyo know about me?" Yoongi spoke up after a brief silence.
"No. I haven't told her. She knows there's somebody else though."
"How did she take the break up?"
"Actually, she's the one that broke up with me."
"Wow. I thought she was really into you."
"Yes, but she's a very smart girl. She knows she deserves better than my half given love."
"Mmm...you know what I just realized Jimin?"
"What?" He asked keeping eye contact with him. His eyes were the prettiest shade of brown. Earthy and inviting.
"I haven't properly asked you out."
"You want to-to ask me out?" He murmured.
Yoongi grabbed his hand and put it over his heart. "Of fucking course. Do you feel this?"
Jimin nodded his head attentively. "My heart beats although I'm technically dead. You make me feel full of life Jimin. I haven't felt this way for a long time and I'm so in love with you. So, will you please be my boyfriend for the rest of my life?"
"That's a very long time." He whispered with a smile.
"Oh I know it is. That's what I want."
Jimin nodded his head excitedly pulling him in for a kiss. They smiled in between caressing each other's faces. After the kiss ended Jimin laid his head on his chest.
Yoongi kept a smile on his face. Hell, he truly had never felt so alive.
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