Yoongi turned around surprised. "Yuta? Umm...hey." He awkwardly said. He was really confused on why he was here.
"That's all I get? Gee, you don't see a friend for a hundred years and you get treated like a stranger."
Yoongi chuckled giving him a hug. Jimin stayed still afraid to move. He kind of knew what to expect from Yoongi, but not from this new dude.
"What are you doing here?"
"Just going by towns you know. I saw you walk over here and told myself it couldn't be you. Then I heard your voice and it totally is you. Do you use this wonderful invention?" He asked showing him a cellphone.
"Yeah. Sort of."
"You have to give me your number then. That way we can keep in contact and meet up."
"Yeah. Totally. Let me type it in your phone." He said. Yuta handed him the device and after adding his contact he gave it back.
"Cool. Namjoon and Jungkook still around?"
"Yep. We've been sticking together for a while. How about Lucas? Do you still move with him?" He asked in hopes that he wouldn't smell Jimin.
It was impossible not to. The smell of his blood was so strong he could be smelled within a mile. Jimin's palms were now sweating. Please don't get a nosebleed. He thought to himself.
"Oh yeah. He's downtown right now in some bar. He has a thing for drunks."
"Yeah he always has. Should we just uhh..."
"Well, now that we've caught up. Who do we have here?" He smiled approaching Jimin.
He held his breath feeling like he could faint. Holy shit. Two vampires behind an old building with no cameras? This would not end so well.
"Yuta I think we can go feed elsewhere."
"But why? Look at him! Precious little thing," he said cupping his face in his large hands. "Look at those rosy cheeks and that beautiful neck." He whispered his mouth salivating.
"Stop." Yoongi said before he did anything.
Yuta raised his eyebrows and let go him. Jimin felt a deep relief fall over his body. He had never seen death be so beautiful before.
"Did Min Yoongi fall in love with a human again? Did you not learn your lesson a century ago? Do you honestly want history to repeat itself? You were in such a bad place after that."
Jimin nibbled his bottom lip. Yoongi was in love with a human? He truly was full of surprises. Well, of course he was he had just learned his name a few days ago.
"Okay. Shut up. Don't bring my horrible past. I'm not in love with him," he scoffed patting Jimin on the shoulder a little too harsh.
"He's my eyes around town. You know three handsome men moving into town raises suspicion. He lets me know whether we're keeping a low profile or not. Do you honestly want me to lose my pair of eyes here? That means I'm going to have to find another guy and ugh...I thought I was your friend."
Yuta grinned, "You sneaky boy. Of course, no, no. I guess I'll save you the torture to look for another person to watch your tracks."
"Great. Want to meet Lucas at the bar? Drunk people are the easiest to fool."
"Awesome yeah. Let's go," he laughed. Before walking away he pulled Jimin towards him once more. Yoongi became alarmed, but relaxed once Yuta kissed his cheek.
"Goodbye gorgeous. I have a habit of kissing my victims. Although you aren't one how can I not kiss this face? Take care. Stay away from Yoongi...well if you can." He chuckled.
"Alright, alright. Enough bullshit. Let's go."
Yuta smiled and continued walking. Yoongi followed him behind. Seconds later they were gone. In a blink. All that was left behind was the cold wind.
Jimin looked down at his grocery bag and furrowed his eyebrows confused. Great. More unexplainable things happening.
Jimin laid in bed looking at his ceiling. The clock beside him kept ticking. His mind was blank at the moment. If only it would stay that way all the time.
A soft noise on the window made him sit up. He looked at his nightstand and saw that it was eleven o'clock.
When he was about to lay back down when he heard another noise. He slowly got out of bed and walked towards the window.
He was scared, but he opened up the curtains either way. There was nothing. His mind was probably playing tricks on him again.
Before he closed them back up someone threw something at the glass. Jimin flinched and looked down.
Yoongi was outside waving his hand like a maniac. Jimin gulped and preferred to close the curtains but stopped once he saw the rock on his hand.
He carefully opened it up, "What do you want? I don't have much blood. I had like three nosebleeds when I got home. Come back tomorrow—"
"Hey! Open the window up all the way up."
"I told you I—"
"I've been throwing fucking marshmallows, but this right here is a big ass rock. Don't test me."
Jimin sighed stepping aside not knowing how he would even climb up. Seconds later Yoongi jumped in startling him.
"How did you...?"
"Easy, I just put all my speed and strength into jumping. It's super simple."
"Must be for an immortal."
"I mean yeah. Not trying to brag but I'm pretty fucking cool. Wait, what are you doing?" Yoongi asked once he saw him pressing scissors against his hand.
"I'm going to bleed so you take blood and let me sleep."
Yoongi snatched the scissors from his hands and threw them out the window. "First of all, I can't suck your blood out of your hand. That's nasty. I don't even know if you wash them. Second of all, I'm full. Yuta, Lucas and I had plenty to feast on."
"Nasty? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know a vampire cared about hygiene considering you sink your teeth in anything that has blood."
Yoongi smiled raising his eyebrows. Jimin felt like he was being mocked and he sighed walking over to shut the window. It was very cold outside.
"What's so amusing?"
"Nothing. You called me a vampire instead of a sociopath, psychopath, demon, bloodsucking—"
"You're still a sociopath and a psychopath." Jimin corrected.
He shrugged laying down on his bed, "Ehh. You're not wrong."
"Hey—hey my—my bed." He mumbled pointing to his shoes.
Yoongi kicked off his boots. "Shit Jimin if you want to see my feet just say so. Are you into feet kinks? I never understood that."
"N—no. I'm not into feet." He blushed.
"Cool so—" Yoongi stopped talking once he heard footsteps going up the stairs. "Ahhh! Mama Park is coming up."
"What? You—you have to hide!"
"How about I say hey? I feel like she's going to like me."
"She can't know you're here!" He panicked picking up his boots and shoving them in his closet.
"Calm down. Aren't you like twenty something? Why're you so afraid of your mommy?"
Jimin's red face got worse. "You wouldn't understand. You have to hide. Please!"
Yoongi rolled his eyes getting up from the bed. He got in his closet and waited. The smell of Jimin's detergent was all over his clothes. He picked a yellow sweater and felt the soft fabric. It was obvious a soft boy would wear soft sweaters.
A knock on the door made Jimin take a deep breath. He opened the door nervously. "H—hey mom."
"What's all that noise Jimin?"
"Oh...uhh...I'm cleaning out some stuff. Sorry."
She looked around the room and nodded, "Okay. Try to keep it down."
"Sure. G—goodnight." He mumbled closing the door.
"Such a momma's boy. She sounds lovely." Yoongi told walking out.
"Why're you here?" He asked quietly.
"Can't I stop by to say hey?"
"I guess. You saved me again today. Thank you."
Yoongi shrugged, "No big deal. I've already told you you're my personal blood bag."
Jimin took a deep breath. What he was about to say was very stupid, but smart in a way. "Yoongi," he whispered.
It was weird to hear his name come out if his mouth. He tried to play it off like it was no big deal. He just didn't understand why it was making him feel so weird.
"Do you...do you want to be my friend?"
"Think about it...we can...we..."
"You said I'm a psychopath and a sociopath. You want to be my friend?"
"Well...you're...the only one that brutally honest with me. You have protected me. I just..." feel so lonely.
"You sound so insane right now. I can't believe you asked that."
"What do you want me to think? You save my life and come over. What—what do you want us to be then? You don't even feed on me enough that it satisfies you. I don't understand why you're here."
Yoongi frowned, "I don't care about you if that what you think."
"I didn't say that."
"Well, you're making it sound like it."
"If you don't then why did you save me? In all honesty. Don't tell me it was for my blood."
Yoongi felt himself get frustrated, "I don't know! Okay? I seriously don't know."
Jimin nibbled on his bottom lip nervously. He got the nerve to ask him the question once again. Even though he was clearly getting worked up.
"D—do you want to be my friend?"
Yoongi groaned pacing around. Being friends meant caring. It meant love. It meat weakness. Could he really let all of that into his life again?
"Can't you fucking see that all I want to do is eat you?"
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