"I will have a whole bottle of whiskey." Jungkook grinned.
"Excuse me?" The bartender asked.
Jungkook looked around and then back at him. "I thought I was loud enough." He calmly stated.
"Sorry sir. We do not sell whole bottles. You can go to the nearest ABC store and purchase one." He responded as he kept wiping the table.
"I always found it fascinating that they call an alcohol store ABC. Isn't it funny?"
"Uhh...I guess." He mumbled uninterested. He often dealt with drunk arrogant guys like this one. He wasn't no different from the rest.
"You know what's funnier?"
"That you think you are not going to give me that bottle."
He looked up with a scoff, "I've already told you—"
Jungkook grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. His eyes turned a bright gold tone and the guy gasped.
"Give me the bottle or I will rip your head off."
"Okay. Okay." He said panicky.
No one seemed to notice what happened. They were all too invested in their drinking to pay attention to them.
He shakily grabbed a bottle and handed it to him. "Cool. Now I want you to grab that knife and bring it over to me."
The guy froze feeling his heart beating out of his chest. "Go on." Jungkook encouraged. He held his breath as he picked up the knife.
Jungkook extended his hand out and instead of giving it to him he stabbed it in his chest. He looked at it and sighed pulling it out like nothing.
"Fighter aren't you?"
"Help!" He screamed paranoid.
"Ahh. Help! Help! Somebody help this poor man!" Jungkook screamed standing up.
Not a single soul turned their heads or stopped what they were doing. The bartender started to run once he noticed this only to find Jungkook in front of him.
"Did I mention I run really fast?"
"What the fuck? Why is no one calling the police!" He screeched.
"Oh right. Do you see that gentleman sitting in the corner?" Jungkook pointed.
Yoongi waved with a smirk plastered on his face. "That's Min Yoongi. He's making everyone in this room not see any of this. Isn't it amazing?"
"Please—please don't kill me. I—I have a wife. She's expecting our first child—!"
"Oh you fucking liar. You're gay and have never even had a girlfriend." He said rolling his eyes.
The guy kept breathing heavily. How did he know so much about him? Why had he never seen him before?
Jungkook grabbed the knife and he closed his eyes paranoid. He only poked his finger causing him to bleed a little.
"Nah. I'm actually not going to feed on you. You don't seem so tasty." He said dropping the knife.
The bartender let out a loud sigh. "Th—thank you. Thank you much."
"But you are going to give me two more whiskey bottles. Free of charge of course."
"Yes! Yes! Whatever you want."
"Go on then."
He quickly ran and grabbed two bottles giving them too him. "Nice. Thanks. Now you're going to turn around and wash the cups over at the sink and forget this ever happened."
He nodded doing what he was told. Jungkook then raised his eyebrows at Yoongi as he got up from the table.
"Looks like we have free whiskey." He snickered as they walked out.
"Man, having supernatural abilities is amazing." Yoongi said opening up a bottle and taking a big chug.
"Oh yeah. For sure. I'm glad I didn't kill you that day."
"Me too. Considering I stood up to you."
"You were being foolish." He said taking a chug himself.
Yoongi chuckled quietly. More like in love. He thought to himself. Jungkook suddenly stop drinking and smiled.
"Well, would you look at that?" He asked looking across the street.
Yoongi looked ahead and saw a tall brunette standing outside a store. He was on his phone typing something.
"What about him?"
"He's the liar at the party. I did tell him if I saw him again I would kill him. Jungkook never backs out."
"But Namjoon—"
"Namjoon is not here. Namjoon doesn't have to know. Plus, who's the stronger one here?"
"Exactly. Hold my bottles." He said pushing them onto him.
Jin had just walked in the store. Jungkook also went in and explored the area. He focused really hard on his voice and found him almost immediately.
He made his way down the hallway into the aisle beside the one he was in. He was talking to another person. A deeper voice.
"So she just dumped you, huh?"
"Yeah. I don't know. I have a feeling it was a bad date."
"What the hell? Do you not remember?"
"No. It was kind of a blur after I walked outside. She had blood on her dress. She said it was from a scratch on her arm. I don't know. It was so weird. I've been trying to remember what happened and it doesn't come to me."
Jungkook chuckled. Stupid. He would never know what happened. Well, until he saw him again and the memories came back.
He decided to peek a little and once he did his smile suddenly vanished. A golden skin boy stood next to him.
He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and dressed in such a sophisticated way it made Jungkook take a double glance.
"Were you that fucked up?"
"No Taehyung. I was not. I swear I only had one!"
Taehyung. That was his name.
"Sure. It's okay to admit you got fucked up."
"But I didn't even drink like that!"
"Okay, okay. The question is are you upset it happened?" He wondered raising his eyebrows.
Taehyung smiled, "Ahh. See. Maybe it wasn't too bad that she broke up with you after all."
"You're the one that suggested for me to ask her out."
"Because you liked her."
"Mmm. I guess."
"Can I be honest with you?"
"Of course. You're not best friend. Honesty is a big thing for me."
"I never really liked her for you."
"Oh? Really?" Jin wondered.
"Yeah. She just didn't really seemed your type. Okay. Enough about that. I have the flash cards. Let's go make notes for the test tomorrow." Taehyung said.
"Okay. I need to use the bathroom first. Do you mind checking out?"
"Not at all. I'll wait for you in the car."
Jungkook had the perfect opportunity to go after Jin. This was his chance. But after seeing Taehyung how could he walk away from that?
He watched from a distance as he checked out. Once he went throw the exit he followed. Taehyung hadn't noticed until he took out his keys to open the car door.
Jungkook's reflection startled him. "Umm...excuse me?" He asked confused. Did this guy not understand the meaning of personal space?
"Hey. I'm Jungkook."
"Do you have a partner?"
"What?" He asked confused.
"I said—"
"I heard what you said. I don't even know you. Can you please step away? You're invading my privacy."
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "Do you know who you're talking to?"
"No and frankly I don't care." He said turning around.
Jungkook quickly snatched his keys away. "Hey!" What the fuck?" He screamed clearly annoyed.
"You're talking to a vampire that can literally kill you within seconds."
Taehyung laughed, "Ha! Okay and you're talking to a wizard that will turn you into stone if you don't back the fuck off."
"Listen you little—"
"Jungkook." Namjoon called.
He sighed, "Great. You're here."
"What are you doing?"
Jungkook looked at Taehyung and then walked away. This wouldn't be the end of this conversation. Namjoon's arrival was perfect time since Jin had just walked out of the store.
"Sorry. Some other guy was in the urinal and you know how I feel about peeing in front of others. What's wrong?"
Taehyung scratched his head, "I don't know. I forgot what I was doing."
"Maybe getting in the car." He teased.
"Oh yeah. I guess so. Look I even dropped my keys. I'm telling you PA school is frying my brain."
"Tell me about it." Jin chuckled.
Meanwhile, Namjoon and Jungkook had just walked down the sidewalk to avoid being seen. "You were going to kill him!" He whispered screamed.
"I was not going to kill him in daylight. I was simply going to teach him who's the boss here. Who does he think he is making jokes about wizards and shit?"
"Not him. You were going to kill Jin. I saw it in a vision. He was in the bathroom all bloody and dead!"
"Your vision is clearly wrong because there he goes in that car with the dumb hot blonde."
"If the blonde hadn't showed up you would've—you would've—"
"Yes I would've. You're totally right. What's your deal with that Jin dude? Why're you so up his ass?"
"What are you talking about? I'm only trying to prevent you from killing."
"Yeah right. Don't you think I noticed how you ran to save him at the college party? And now you rushed to save him here because you saw a vision? Did you not establish that you see visions of people you care about? Why is that human so important to you?"
"H—he's not. I came here to save him because if you would've done that we could've been exposed."
"I'm going to need you to get off my dick. Did you forget I'm four hundred years older than you?"
"No. Did you forget I'm the brain of the group? Without me you two would've been long dead."
Jungkook titled his head to the side. It wasn't often that they got into fights. Namjoon knew better than to get on his bad side.
"Fair enough. Can I ask how did I kill him in your vision?"
Namjoon kept quiet. He knew where this was leading to. "So?" He added stepping closer. "Did I really expose us?"
He looked down at his feet. Jungkook patted his back as he walked by. "That's what I thought. In your vision I killed him, but not in a way that would lead it back to us. That only proves I'm right. You have something with that human. I guess I'll have to dig deeper."
Namjoon waited until he had walked away. He closed his eyes for a brief second cursing himself. Why had he been so obvious?
Yoongi was still waiting for Jungkook on the other side of the road. He was half way done with the bottle now. Good thing his tolerance for alcohol was behind human nature.
He had taken a seat on the side of the road and watched people walk by. He had been too focused on the people that he had missed the whole Jungkook and Namjoon argument.
It wasn't until he heard a soft voice that he quickly got up. Jimin was walking down the street mumbling some song lyrics.
Yoongi smirked and was ready to surprise him again when a girl approached him from behind. He decided to not make a move and watch instead.
Jimin gasped looking behind him. A little petite girl in a black skirt and white sweater stood there. She waved her hand frenetically as her short brown hair moved with the cold breeze.
"J—Jihyo. Hey."
"What's up?"
"Nothing. I'm just walking."
"Ahh. I see. So, are you coming to my party?"
"Umm...I...I don't know. I have an exam on Monday. I should really study."
"Oh come on. You have to come. I'm personally inviting you."
"You owe me one."
"I do?"
"Yeah. Why're you telling people I gave you a hickey when I didn't?"
Jimin's face turned bright red. Holy shit he didn't expect her to confront him about it. "I'm—I'm so sorry. I don't know why I said that. I—I got this rash and felt embarrassed so I...I told my friends...."
"It's cool Park. So, see you there tomorrow?"
"I suppose." He nodded slowly.
She grinned and leaned over to peck his cheek. "By the way if you want me to give you a hickey you should ask me out on a date first."
Jimin didn't know what to say next. She giggled and kept on walking. He looked at the ground with a blush still plastered on his face.
Yoongi took another sip of whiskey and turned the opposite way. He wouldn't mess with him today. It seemed like the girl had killed the vibe.
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