"I can't believe I officially told them I didn't want to study that career! You should've seen their faces. They were so pissed." Jimin laughed.
Yoongi smiled pecking his forehead. "I'm proud of you love."
"You don't seem so happy. What's the matter? Have you ate?"
"Yes. I have. It's not that."
"Then? Maybe I can distract you." He said with hopeful eyes as his hand traced down his back.
Yoongi kept smiling with tears brimming his eyes. "Umm...something came up, love."
"I...I have to leave town."
"Huh? Why? What happened?"
"Long story." He mumbled trying to contain his emotions in. The whole night he had thought about how this conversation would go.
Now that he was here in front of him he didn't even know what to say. How do build up the courage to break your lovers heart?
"Can you try to explain? Did someone find out about you?"
"Yeah. Sort of. Jungkook did something that started this fight.'s better for us to leave town."
Jimin nodded, "Okay. That's fine. I can pack up really quick. My parents can't keep me restrained. I'm old enough now. Just give me a second while I gather my stuff. I think I have a suit case around here." He mumbled going to his closet and digging through his stuff.
"I don't know how much stuff I should take. What car are we taking? When are we leaving?"
"Jimin listen to me. You—"
"How far are we going? I don't do really good with trips. My bladder is so small and I can't hold in my pee that long." He chuckled.
"Jimin you're not coming."
He stopped and turned to look at him. "Why—why not? Do your friends not like me?"
"I uhh..." he cleared his throat. Dammit. He told himself he would be cool and collected. He felt like he was disintegrating.
"You have made me the happiest person in a long time Jimin. You're so amazing. I love absolutely everything about you. From the crinkles in your eyes to that tiny birth mark in your ankle. For years I was so miserable thinking I didn't deserved to be loved. Then you came along and showed me that what I was asking for wasn't too much. You're everything the world told me I couldn't have and look at us today. We're here and we're so in love and you accept me for who I am."
Jimin blinked fast and he walked towards him, "What are you doing?" He asked out of breath. It suddenly felt like his air was being snatched from him. His heart was thumping loudly against his ears.
The only thing that came to mind was that he was saying goodbye. Why was he saying goodbye?
"With you all of the feelings I thought were dead were regrown. You watered my sadness and it flourished into beauty. I love you for the simple things such as binge watching a tv show and I love you for far more complex things like spending the rest of my eternity with you...but,"
"But? Where's this leading to?" He whispered with tears spilling from his eyes.
"I'm a vampire and you're human. I can't get you more involved in this hectic environment. You shouldn't be worried about being tracked down by Shownu or his people. You shouldn't have to worry about me getting killed or you being killed for being associated with me. You should be worried about college and finances or where your next job should be. Not this Jimin."
"Are you breaking up with me? I knew what I was getting myself into okay? I made that choice the day I accepted to be your boyfriend. Don't try to act like I'm a child! I picked this! You had nothing to do with my choice. I love you and I accept this life. If me being human is such a burden for you why don't you just turn me? I've been asking you for so long and you don't want to. Just make me like you and I can run away with you!"
Yoongi smiled sadly sitting in his bed. He felt a tear fall from his eye and he quickly wiped it. If Namjoon hadn't told him what he saw in his vision then he would take his offer within seconds.
Hell, he was planning on turning him this very night. Except after being told how miserable Jimin's future would be as a vampire he couldn't do that.
Jimin would hate himself for it.
Every day.
Every second.
Regret every moment of it.
And he loved Jimin so much he wouldn't make him change just to be with him. Yes, he'd be happy while being with him. Then the night would come and he would cry himself to sleep to not feel so disgusted at himself.
"It's better this way," he softly said.
"Don't fucking tell me what's better for me. You don't know what I'm feeling. Does this mean nothing to you? How can you leave me so easily like this meant nothing?" He choked.
His parents weren't home and even if they were he didn't care. He wanted to the world to hear how much he was hurting. Maybe then Yoongi would listen to his cries.
"Look at me," he said infuriated.
Yoongi kept staring at his feet unable to look him in the eye. It hurt so bad it was suddenly starting to feel numb.
"Fucking look me in the eye and tell me that you're leaving."
Yoongi swallowed his pain and looked up. Jimin was in tears, his nose was red, and his face was swollen. He looked broken. That hurt worse than anything he'd ever experience before.
"I'm so sorry. I wish it didn't have to be this way. I have no words to apologize for this hurt that I'm putting you through."
"Then don't leave me." He pleaded. How could he move on with his life without him? In what world would be okay knowing Yoongi wasn't with him? Not because he fell out of love or because he needed a break. It was because they were separated by a lifetime.
Yoongi stood up and pulled him in for a hug. He tightly held him close rubbing his cheek against his messy ruffled hair.
Jimin smelled nice. Sweet. He smelled like love.
They kissed each other while Jimin continued in tears. He was gripping his shoulders as hard as he could to prevent him from walking away. Yoongi did everything to contain himself. If he cried it would only make it worse.
"Jimin you're going to be okay. I promise."
"Don't say that when you don't know." He cried burying his face closer in his neck.
"Can you look at me please?"
Jimin indecisively pulled away. Looking at him only made it worse. This would be the last time he would ever see him. How can you capture every second of this without missing a single detail?
"You'll be fine. You will move on with your life and be happy. You deserve nothing but happiness do you hear me? You deserve the love you think you don't deserve. You're going to live a wonderful human life. It's going to be very hard at first, but then it will get better. I assure you."
Jimin sniffled and Yoongi slowly rubbed his arms. Down until he got to his wrist. Before Jimin could move away he snatched the bracelet off him.
"No. No give it back!" He screamed horrified.
"Hey listen to me,"
"What are you doing? Give me the bracelet back. I don't want to forget you! Yoongi give it back please!"
Yoongi held him back as he struggled to take it. "Listen to me." He said calmly, but Jimin was anything but calm.
It wasn't until he pushed him to the nearest wall that he managed to keep him still. Even then Jimin was kicking his feet trying to fight it.
"You won't forget me, but you will do as I say," he began.
"No! Stop it! Get out of my head you coward!" He wept.
"You're not going to look for me because by the time you try to I will be gone. You're going to live your life to the fullest and do everything you told me you would. From moving out of this shit hole to starting a new career. One that you really love. You won't try to contact me or search anywhere. I want you to never look for me. I'm always going to look out for you. Wherever life takes you. Jimin I will be yours until the end of time. I love you so much."
With one last kiss he disappeared leaving Jimin behind. The cold air coming in through his window hit him like a ton of bricks.
He wanted nothing more but to go after and just couldn't. It felt like he was frozen in time and all he could do was kneel down and cry.
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