"I can't believe this has been here since the 1800's." Jimin mumbled touching the tree.
"Mhmm. Is this why you wanted to come?"
"Well yes, but I actually wanted to spend more time with you. I really don't want to go back home."
"Then don't. You don't have to."
"I guess you're right. I can just go pack up my stuff and leave huh?"
"Yeah. You can. I don't see why not."
Jimin sighed putting his hands back in his pockets. He leaned against the tree. His warm breath was burning his face.
"I don't want to go to law school. I don't know what to do with the rest of my life. I just know it's not that. I'm tired of pleasing others that clearly don't accept me the way I am."
"Very well said. You need to think about you. Your happiness is not selfish."
He nodded biting the inside of his cheek, "It still scares me though. Like what the hell am I supposed to do? Where do I go live? Then again, Hoseok did it by himself. I guess I can too, right?"
Yoongi caressed his cheek. Though it was very cold his hand remained warm. "You can do whatever you put your mind to. You just have to believe in yourself first."
"Thank you."
"No need to. Want to know what would make this tee even more special?"
"What would that be?"
Yoongi grinned pulling out a pocket knife. "I stole it from Jungkook. That dude has a million weapons like he needs them or some shit. He's like stronger than Namjoon and I together. Anyways, I believe we need to make a new carving in this tree. It hasn't had a new one in over one hundred and fifty years."
"What are you going to carve exactly?"
Yoongi smiled, "Our initials of course."
"Oh, no, you don't have to. I know this was something important for Nayeon and you. I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to replace—"
"You're not. You're my lover now and I'm pretty sure she's okay with that. I was miserable and such an asshole for so long. I feel like I've found myself again. This time I get to do this with you by my side. I don't want to regret not doing it before it's too late."
"Too late?" He wondered confused.
Yoongi shrugged, "Life happens Jimin. I might be immortal, but time still escapes from my hands. We have to live day by day like it's going to be our last one. I want my last day to be with you."
"Me too." He gushed with a big smile.
Yoongi started to engrave their initials. He watched amazed at his speed. It would've taken him probably half an hour to do a decent job at it.
Whereas Yoongi did it in five seconds max. It was beautiful and neat. Jimin then ran his fingers through it. This felt better.
"Forever." Yoongi reassured pecking his cheek as he put the knife up.
Jimin let himself fall on his back with his arms open. Before he hit the ground Yoongi caught him, "What the fuck? Why would you do that? Do you have any idea how bad that would've hurt if I didn't have these reflexes?"
"I knew you'd catch me." He giggled.
Yoongi exhaled still clearly confused, "Okay love. What were you trying to do?"
"Lay on the ground silly." He replied calmly. He was still being held by Yoongi which was very comfy.
"It's really cold and there's snow. I don't want you to get pneumonia or some shit. With this weather it's better to take care of yourself."
"Come on. Only a little. I do this all the time. I won't die. I pinky swear."
Yoongi debated it for a few seconds until he finally gave in. He gently laid him on the cold ground. As soon as he did Jimin extended his arms and legs out.
"I'm making a snow angel. Come lay next to me." He suggested with the bright eye smile.
Yoongi stared in delight. Jimin smiling was literally his favorite thing in the world. Living through the shitty years had definitely paid of.
He got to called Park Jimin his own.
The gift of holding his hand and kissing his lips was his. Ever since Nayeon had left him, he felt like he was being punished.
He thought that being immortal was his way of paying for his sins. A life without her seemed impossible to bear. Yet, here he was deeply in love once again.
This time he didn't ever want to let go.
Yoongi eventually laid next to him. They did snow angels even though he had always thought that was stupid. Nothing with Jimin seemed stupid.
"Aren't you cold? Your nose is red." Yoongi commented after a while.
"A little yes, but the scenery is so beautiful."
They looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Yoongi leaned in for a kiss. Fuck. His lips were to die for.
"We should probably get going. Before you get frost bite love." He mumbled against his mouth.
"The cons of being human." He laughed.
"Come on." He instructed getting up and holding his hand out.
Jimin took it and Yoongi effortlessly picked him up. He wiped some snow off his back as as he got lower he stopped. "Umm...I'll let you get that."
"Okay I got it." He said with a light blush spreading over his face.
They held hands as they walked back to the car. Now that Jimin was walking he could definitely tell the cold surrounding him.
"You're shivering now. See I told you," Yoongi lightly scolded turning on the heater. He put a small blanket over him that he carried around with him. Jimin was always cold and being this prepared definitely paid off.
He grinned leaning closer to the vent. "I love the warm air hitting me after being so cold. It's such a relief! Don't scold me. It was fun. Wasn't it?"
Yoongi immediately melted at the sight. "Yes, it was."
After warming up he turned his face to speak to Yoongi again and was met with a pair of lips instead. It took him by surprise, but he did not fight it.
The kiss was very sweet and full of love. Jimin's heart raced at the things Yoongi was doing with his tongue.
He was so experienced and every little thing felt amazing. Yoongi tasted like heaven and he forever wanted to savor it.
Yoongi felt the same to say the least. Their mutual attraction was so powerful. In his eyes Jimin was perfect in every possible way.
The way small wrinkles appeared by his eyes when smiling was sensual. The way he nibbled on his bottom lip when concentrating was carnal. The way his mouth salivated like a sea when kissing was so sultry. It was just the way Park Jimin was so fucking sexy even with clothes on.
A few seconds into the make out session Yoongi started running his fingers down his back. Jimin's breath hitch as he kept getting lower. The thought of Yoongi continuing to touch him was blowing his mind.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to be so touchy." He whispered quickly pulling away. His instincts were wanting to tear his clothes off right now.
"No it's fine. I—I liked it."
"You did?" He mumbled containing himself. The arousal and lust was there for sure. Yet, he didn't want to push boundaries.
"I did. Is there anyone at your house right now?"
"Umm...probably not. Namjoon is at work and I'm pretty sure Jungkook is out. He usually is. Why?"
"Uhh...we can...I can...I can come over if you want me too."
"Jimin, I'd love to. I don't want you to feel pressured into doing this. I know we've been dating for months but you don't have to give me sex. I love you and respect you. I don't mind waiting."
He beamed wrapping his arms around him like a needy kid. Then he plastered wet kisses all over his lips.
"Min Yoongi I've never been so sure about something in my life before."
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