"Where did you learn to cook this?" Taehyung questioned.
"I've been around the world several times. After decades you pick up on stuff. I learned how to cook this in Vienna Austria. Beautiful place with lots of beautiful things to look at."
"Wow. I've only ever been to Japan. When I was younger my family and I took a trip there. I can barely remember it. I just know because of pictures."
"Well maybe one day you can explore the world with me." He shrugged with a smirk.
"Ahh yeah right. I won't even have time to spend time with my shadow once I start working. I'm going to be busy for the rest of my life, but hey I wanted this right?
"Right. Why can't you be an exploring provider? Do you think only people here need medical treatment or something?
"I wish it were that easy. Before graduating I have to apply for a job and do an interview. They say it's for us, but I know it's just so the college looks good. The more people that graduate and get a job the better but looks for them."
"It is that easy. I can make it happen for you."
"Mmm, really now?" He asked taking another bite.
"Yes. In fact we can go wherever you want and do whatever we want."
"That sounds really awesome and yet it's unobtainable. Yuck. I'm tired of this water."
"How about a glass of my blood? I bet that's yummier. Let me make you immortal."
Taehyung nearly chocked on his food. He coughed and Jungkook rushed to hit his back. "Geez! Don't fucking choke!"
"You can't just throw that out there while I'm eating!" He responded after clearing his throat. He took a sip of water and took deep breaths.
"Is it really that crazy? All you have to do is drink my delicious blood and I will rip your heart out. Don't worry you'll come back to life in a few hours."
" I can't be a vampire. I'm going to be a PA. I'm going to be around blood and humans. I will eat them. I really don't want to go to jail. Plus, dying for a few hours sounds scary as fuck."
"I can show you how to control your thirst. It's manageable. I did it. My friends have done it. You won't go to jail because you're going to have powers. You won't even feel when you're dead. It'll be like taking a really good nap."
"No thanks. I think I'm good." He said shaking his head in disagreement.
Jungkook sighed annoyingly crossing his arms over his chest. Taehyung looked up at him and nervously bit the inside of his cheek.
"The fuck you looking at?" He snapped.
"Gee. Your mood swings are no joke. Weren't you just a savior two seconds ago? Now I can't even look at you?"
"No. Not with those eyes."
"They're the only ones I have. Sorry." He grinned with a tease.
"Shut up and finish your food. It's going to get cold." He mumbled walking back to his seat.
Taehyung nodded while looking down at his plate. "Jungkook," he spoke after a while.
"You're not falling in love or something, right?"
Jungkook looked up with a frown plastered on his face, "What? Just because I'm a vampire I'm not allowed to love or something?"
"No. That's not what I meant. What we have—what happened—that doesn't mean...I like you. It was great. I think you're very cute...I just don't..."
Jungkook quickly cut him off by placing a kiss on his lips. This left Taehyung quite startled. He liked Jungkook. He was very attractive and there was definitely chemistry there.
The thing was that his heart still belonged to Jin.
"Good thing I have a lifetime to try to change that huh?"
With that being said he grabbed his coat and walked out the door. Leaving Taehyung with a puddle of questions and mixed emotions.
"Is everything okay?" Yoongi asked. It had been about forty minutes since they got back on the road and Jimin hadn't said a word.
He couldn't tell what was going through his mind at the moment. When Jimin went in he decided to blast music through his earphones to drown away their muffled voices.
A part of him wanted to hear everything and it took all of his strength to not do it. He couldn't violate their privacy. The music definitely helped as well as the fact that his eardrums couldn't bust due to the loudness.
"Huh? Yes. Everything is fine Yoongi."
"You haven't touched your burger. I can stop to get you something else you know. If you want you can eat mine."
"I'm not really that hungry." He replied quietly.
"Oh. Okay. That's fine."
Jimin looked at him. He kept his eyes on the road and though he could only see his side profile he could tell worry was painted all over his face.
"He forgave me. For everything. He's healed and moved on with his life. He has a degree and he's happy."
"That's very good. Do you feel better now?"
"I do. I feel like this weight has been lifted from my chest. I was able to tell him how I felt and how guilt was eating me alive. He told me it was okay to move on and that he was happy for my relationship."
"Oh, you told him about me?" He whispered a bit surprised. He never thought he'd even come up in the conversation.
"Of course I did. If you're wondering if I'm having doubts about our love I'm not. I'm just trying to process everything. He was my lover once and after years I finally got closure. Don't think this is because of us."
Yoongi nodded very relieved, "No I—I get it. I tend to overthink sometimes. It's a hundred times worse when you're immortal. Every possibility is possible pretty much. I don't know if I'm making any sense."
"You totally are. I guess you're right and maybe I'm not cut to be a vampire. I would fry my brain from overthinking."
Yoongi glanced at him and gave him a smile, "Either way I will love you. With a fried braid or not. You have a lifetime to make that decision either way."
"Oh no. Can you imagine me being a sixty year old immortal?"
"It wouldn't be too bad."
"If I decided to become one I have to at least be young and have decent skin." He laughed.
"You're so insecure Jimin. You shouldn't be you know? You're beautiful. You're just so used to looking at yourself you do not admire it enough."
Jimin timidly smiled, "When I'm with you there's no insecurity. You make me feel beautiful."
"I feel the same way about you." He replied in return.
"Hey Yoongi?"
"Take me back to the tree,"
"The tree you took me a while back. I want to go there with you again."
"Okay. Yeah. What for exactly?"
"Just because. I want to be there with you."
Yoongi nodded, "Let's do it then."
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