"Do you want to come in?"
Jimin held his breath. There it was. The voice he hadn't heard in years. It still sounded the way he remembered.
Sweet, deep, and loving.
"Yes please." He responded quietly.
Hoseok moved the the side and let him in. Jimin looked around. Everything inside was just as beautiful as outside.
The walls were a creamy brown, there were pairings on the walls and there was natural plants all over the counters.
"Your home is beautiful,"
"Thank you. I moved in about a six months. Do you want some tea? I'm making some."
"Yes please."
"Chamomile, honey, and lemon? Is it still your favorite?"
Jimin nodded while gulping down the bundle of tears that were building up. "Of course. Still is."
Hoseok smiled nodding. That smile tore his heart into a million pieces. Why had he been such a coward to ever take happiness away from this ray of sunshine?
When he walked away Jimin took deep breaths. He pressed his cold fingertips against his eyelids. He hoped Yoongi wasn't listening from outside. He didn't know what to do or what to say.
All he felt was overwhelming feelings crashing onto him. Feelings he had hid for a long time. A few minutes later Hoseok walked back into the living room.
"Is everything okay?" Hoseok wondered out loud.
"Huh? What? Oh yeah. I'm fine Thank you." He whispered taking the cup. His hands were shaking spilling some of the tea on the small little plate.
"You're welcome." He responded sitting in front of him.
He watched his body language and how nervous he seemed. His face was pale and the way he rapidly blinked only emphasized how overwhelmed he was.
"Jimin," he softly spoke.
He looked up with big wide eyes, "Yes?"
"You don't have to be nervous. I'm okay with you being here. I don't mind it at all."
How was he so calm?
Jimin let out a choked breath as tears streamed down his face. Hoseok slowly got up and sat next to him. He took his cup and placed it on the table before he continued spilling it.
"It's okay," he reassured with a softer tone.
Jimin wept into his hands unable to contain the tears in. How was he still so sweet after everything he had done?
"H—Hoseok I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, sorry."
He nodded, "I know."
Jimin continued avoiding eye contact. He was so embarrassed. He had came to explain everything and all he could get out was a lame "I'm sorry".
Like that was enough to make up for the years of pain and the humiliation he went through. I'm sorry did not even come close to it.
He got up from the couch and walked away. Jimin didn't know where, but he took advantage to wipe his tears. It was useless they kept spilling.
Seconds later, Hoseok brought a tissue box pulling one out. He took a seat next to him once again and tapped the tissue against his face.
Jimin froze. Hoseok continued to dry his tears and he finally looked up. He still to had this sweet welcoming smile on his face.
"It's been years Jimin. I've already forgiven you. You don't have to feel bad. We were only kids. We didn't know no better."
Jimin's heart sunk, "I wish I could've had the courage to look for you sooner. I—I tried. I'm just a coward that doesn't stand up for himself. I—"
"Jimin," he repeated placing his hand on his arm.
"I told you we were only kids. I understand that now. I forgave you already."
"Can I at least tell you why I did it? It's been eating me inside since the day it happened." He whispered fidgeting with his nails.
Hoseok pulled his hand away and nodded. Jimin took a breath before speaking, "I was afraid of being rejected by my parents. After I did that to you I felt so horrible. I was so sick at myself. I ended up confronting them and told them I lied and that I loved you. They—they brained washed me into believing it was all in my head. I was so stupid that I actually believed what they were telling me. They said it was a phase. That what we had was nothing. That one day I would fall in love for real and I thought that was true. They said we didn't know what love was. How could they have known that? What we had was love. I don't care that we were so young. We loved each other and by the time I realized we had already moved away. For years I've been meaning to e-mail you. I have so many drafts in my phone. I'm never able to press the send button. I see you in my dreams. You're in the back of my mind all the time. I just needed you to know that I loved you and that I'm truly sorry."
Hoseok looked down at his lap. "Yeah. I knew that," He whispered with a knot on his throat. "I don't hold a grudge anymore."
"Can I know what happened after I left?"
He cleared his throat trying to not sound so chocked up, "Uhh...nothing much."
"Hoseok, please,"
They met eyes for a brief second. Then he agreed proceeding with his speech, "My parents took my phone and computer away. They said I wasn't allowed to contact you or your parents would sue. They didn't send me to school for days. Until they finally did. I hoped you were there. I cried a lot wondering why you denied what we had. I had decided to confront you about it. The day never came. A few days later I heard the news you had moved away. I was heartbroken in so many ways. I didn't get a goodbye. Everyone found out about the scandal at your house and the kids in high school weren't so nice. They constantly made dirty remarks about my sexuality. Eventually, I graduated. Once I turned eighteen I packed my bags and left not looking back. My parents never came to look for me. I don't blame them. The people in our town are so close minded that different scares them. I moved around a few times until I got my Art and Design degree."
Jimin kept forgetting to breath. His toes were starting to hurt from being curled and the skin on his palms were irritated from the digging of his own nails. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. If it makes it any better I didn't have such a happy high school experience either. I was the outcast and had no friends. I'm in college now and only talk to a group of kids who I don't belong with. I'm always trying to pretend who I'm not."
"The only way you will stop pretending is if you fully accept yourself first. Don't let the world tell you who you are and what you can do. You get to make that choice. You have to or you're going to keep drowning yourself in misery."
Jimin nodded as he nibbled the inside of his lip, "Yes. You're right. I've been trying to do that. It's going to take time. It's a slow process."
"By the way congratulations on graduating. I'm happy for you. You've always loved art."
"To the very core. Want to see some of my work?"
"Yes. I'd love to."
He motioned him to follow. They walked down a hallway until they were in a room. As soon as the light illuminated it he saw it was a pretty soft yellow.
There were lots of paintings. Some on the floor, others on the table, and the rest up on the wall. Jimin admiringly looked at the beauty.
Hoseok had always been so talented. Especially in art. He felt a smile creep on his face as he observed it all.
There was a panting of two older people, a fairy, a dog and everything about them were so realistic. It felt like they were actually there in front of his face.
Then he walked to the next one and froze. Hoseok nervously scratched the back of his neck. "I—I hope you don't mind I've used you as inspiration." He commented.
Jimin looked at the painting in front of his eyes. It was his lips and neck. Not sure how he recognized it, but he did. Maybe because he constantly overlooked every feature of his face seeking for an imperfection.
His eyes continued to scan the painting and then he looked beside it. A pair of hands. They were his hands. In high school Hoseok had given him a black ring that he wore on his left ring finger. They use to say that one day they'd get married.
In the painting he included the black band. His heart was starting to race. The next painting were his eyes. He had never felt beautiful and yet Hoseok's paintings made him feel just that.
"They're so pretty. You're so talented." He echoed shocked.
"Thank you. I do have the prettiest inspiration."
Jimin's face turned a shade of red at his words. He continued to feel the sweat forming on his forehead. "Hoseok?"
"Do you live here by yourself?"
"Yes. I do. I'm not dating anyone at the moment. I haven't really looked for love, but if it finds me I won't fight it. I'm very content with myself. I don't need company right now. I think that's the beauty of self healing."
"Good. I'm—I'm glad you're okay. I really am."
"Are you dating?"
Jimin nodded his head slowly, "Mhmm."
Hoseok smiled, "I hope he's treating you right and gives you everything you deserve."
"He is and he does."
"That's good Jimin."
"I...I'm sorry. I don't mean to go back to the past conversation...I...did you really forgive me? Are you truly okay?"
"Yes, I am. I wouldn't lie to you. If you're torturing yourself and feel like you can't be happy because of me then stop thinking that. My happiness is your happiness and vice versa. You don't have to carry that weight on your chest anymore. I'm telling you right here and right now that I've healed. I forgave you."
Jimin sighed relieved. Goodness if he had backed out from coming he would've never heard him say this. Ever. He was glad he did this because now he could finally move on.
"We can still keep in touch. If you want." He added.
"I'd love that. I miss you so much."
"Yeah. I miss you too. Let me get a paper to write my number down. Or can I just put it in your phone?"
"Yeah sure." He replied handing him the phone. Their hands touched for a brief second making them both a little jittery. It was odd feeling each other after years.
"There. All done." He grinned giving it back
"Thank you."
"I just gave you my phone number. It's not that great." He laughed.
"No, I mean thank you for receiving me in your house. Thank you for forgiving me. I'm really happy we got to speak again. I never thought I'd see you again and it's pretty great to be here." He smiled with teary eyes.
"I can say the same. Can I give you a hug?"
He inclined his head in agreement. Both of their hearts were beating very fast. Hoseok carefully wrapped his arms around him closing his eyes for a brief second.
Jimin still smelled sweet like he remembered. He felt the same and like he had never left. He felt like home. Finally, he opened his eyes as fat tears streamed down his face.
"Jimin, I'm so sorry that I hated you for so long."
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