Namjoon annoyedly looked at the scattered drinks everywhere on the table. Being the clean freak that he was he started cleaning it up.
He began stacking the empty cups and gathered the crumbs of food. A girl walked in stumbling tripping on her own feet. Namjoon looked up as she leaned over the counter holding her stomach.
He didn't approach her or it would seem weird. But when a random guy came up behind her that changed everything.
"Want a drink?" He offered whispering in her ear.
Namjoon didn't even know him and he already knew his intentions. He sighed approaching him. "Why're you offering my girlfriend a drink?" He lied. The guy looked at him with a blank stare.
"Your girlfriend?"
"Yes. She's my girlfriend. Why're you offering her a drink?" He repeated holding her hand. The girl was too nauseous to argue. She stumbled her way to him.
"I was clearly trying to entertain her unlike you." He said going by and shoving him. Namjoon would've let it go since he wasn't confrontational.
However, the guy mumbled something disgustedly about the girl under his breath. One thing Namjoon couldn't stand was others being assholes. Especially towards women. It wasn't okay to denigrate either way.
"Hey. Apologize right now." He said holding him back.
"Or what?" He asked pulling away harshly.
"Or I will make you." He sternly said.
"I fucking dare you." He said stepping closer.
Namjoon took a deep breath clearing his throat. The guy shoved him again catching him off guard. He leaned back and smashed a cup with his hand.
He looked down at his bloody hand knowing it would heal within seconds. "What? Does blood make you sick?" He teased.
Namjoon turned to his right and spotted a familiar face walk in. He quickly turned away to avoid being seen by him.
"What are you going to do about your paper cut hmm?"
If the guy kept arguing he would catch attention. That's not what he wanted right now. He had told Yoongi and Jungkook to keep a low profile and here he was arguing with a drunk.
"Not so fucking tough now are you?" He screamed. He tried to swing at him but Namjoon caught it midair twisting his arm.
His arm popped and Namjoon smiled. "I usually don't get pleasure from hurting others but you have pushed my patience to the max."
Before the guy had time to scream or react he pressed his pressure point by the neck. The guy's eyes rolled back as he slowly fell in his arms.
"Very well." He said calmly catching him and sitting him on a chair. "That's what you get for being a fucking asshole and for trying to take advantage of an intoxicated girl." He whispered in his ear.
When he straighten up he looked around noticing that the other guy was gone. He was grateful he hadn't seen none of this.
"I don't feel so good." The girl spoke up seconds later.
"I know. You're clearly wasted. Where's your friends? Who are you here with?"
"I...I don't know."
"What's your name?"
"Mina." She whispered still clenching her stomach.
"I'm going to make sure you're safe, okay? Let's get you out of here."
While Namjoon was taking her through the crowd Yoongi was still keeping his eyes on Jimin. It was quite fascinating to watch him try to fit in.
Poor guy.
Why was it so important to him to be liked? Why would he want to be associated with that annoying crowd? They clearly didn't give a single fuck about him.
"We should really go out next weekend. I heard Jihyo is throwing a party." The blonde said.
"I'm totally down. Maybe I get lucky and get in her bed." The brunette smirked.
"Good luck with that Johnny. Don't you know she's crushing on Jimin?"
Jimin quickly looked up horrified. The last thing he needed right now was to be the center of attention. He already hated being here and now having all their eyes in him was mortifying.
"W-what?" He replied quietly.
"Are you going to stop being a little bitch and hit it?"
"Umm..." he looked down at his shoes with a red face.
"Hey Taeyong! Look at this!" Another guy screamed approaching them.
Jimin sighed relieved. He didn't want to keep that conversation going. "Holy shit. She's so fine." They snickered as they stared at the phone.
"Right. The only reason I like psychology is because she sits in front of me. Shit. Talking about that I have that essay due."
"Jimin will do it. Right?" Taeyong asked.
"Well...I...I'm already writing yours and..."
"You will? If you do I owe you big time." The black haired said.
Say no you idiot. Yoongi thought from a distance. Maybe preying on him wouldn't be as hard. In fact, he'd probably apologize for that too.
Jimin felt put on the spot so he nodded his head defeated. "Okay." He whispered. The guy patted him on the back a little too harshly and then turned back to the rest.
Yoongi rolled his eyes annoyed. "Alright then. Time to make his life exciting." He told himself looking at him intensely.
Jimin got a random shiver down his spine and looked up. Then he saw Yoongi standing in the dark with his arms crossed around his chest.
Yoongi smiled as Jimin's eyes widen. If he looked in his eyes long enough he had the ability to make Jimin see whatever he wanted him to.
At the moment he was giving him a vision of whatever would make him come his way. Jimin felt his eyes get full of tears and he stretched out his hand.
Whatever it was he was seeing was making him very overwhelmed. A person accidentally bumped into him knocking his hand out snapping him back to reality.
Yoongi started walking towards the exit. Jimin hurriedly got the impulse to get out. The room was suddenly feeling too small. His heart was beating so fast and he was sweating.
He didn't know why he felt this way, but he needed to get out or he'd asphyxiate himself here. He quickly walked through the crowd until he was out of the house.
As the cold air hit his face his body went numb. His breathing was heavy and very off. He closed his eyes for a brief second and tried to calm himself.
A sudden noise of the door opening caught his attention. A tall broad shoulder guy walked out. "Excuse me." He mumbled scooting by.
He watched him walk away in hopes that maybe this would take his mind off the nasty feeling in his chest. The guy was calling someone on the phone and was pacing around the parking lot.
It wasn't until he disappeared behind the trees that he stopped looking. Jimin decided to go ahead and walk to his car as well. The guys wouldn't even notice he was gone either way.
Namjoon was also leaving the house. He was still holding the girls hand afraid to leave her. She needed to be protected. They were going down the steps when a girl called out her name.
"Hey! Mina!"
"Is that your friend?" He asked to verify.
"Yes. That's Jeongyeon."
"Where are you taking her?" She asked concerned. She pulled Mina away into her arms.
Namjoon immediately looked up turning his gaze to the parking lot. He could hear and smell Jungkook digging into someone's neck.
"Hello?" The tall girl repeated.
"I was trying to find her friend. I guess that will be you. Please don't leave her alone. A guy tried to take advantage of her. The both of you need to get home now. Be safe."
As soon as he said that he continued his way down the steps. Jeongyeon blinked rapidly and held Mina tighter. "I think we should get home. You don't look too good."
Jimin was walking in the same direction the broad guy shoulder guy went. When he heard him call a name out he stopped.
"Rosé? Hello?"
Jimin wanted to mind his business. He really did, but the guy sounded so desperate to find this girl so he decided to try to help.
"Jimin." Yoongi called from behind.
He turned around paranoid. Once again he saw Yoongi standing a few feet away staring deeply into his soul.
"I think you want to follow me instead." He smiled.
"Is this really you?" He asked with teary eyes.
Yoongi shrugged. He didn't care who Jimin was seeing. As long as he was inside of his head he would make him see whatever to make him go.
Just like Namjoon could predict the future and Jungkook could sense a lie. The only difference was that Yoongi couldn't use his power on everyone.
Only the ones who were weak minded and allowed him to get through. The boy in the red scarf was literally see through.
Yoongi hadn't struggled to control his mind at all. It was the easiest he has ever had. Did this boy really want to die that bad that he didn't try to fight it?
"Sure. I can be whoever you want me to be. Follow me."
Jimin did so wiping his tears. So much was going through his head he didn't know how to control it. Namjoon stopped walking and bit the inside of his cheek.
He could hear both Yoongi and Jimin luring their victims. Would they get caught? Or even worse would they kill them?
Who was he suppose save?
The girl Jungkook was devouring or that boy?
At times like this he wished he had zero abilities. The future was changing right now. They were only suppose to come and enjoy the college party. All of this was not suppose to happen.
And the worst of it all was that his decision at the moment would impact the future outcome.
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