Hidden Feelings, Hurtful Words, and Trouble Ahead
~No One's p.o.v~
Ever since that incident at the Black Market, Legoshi has been keeping Izumi safe since he decided to focus his feelings on her. He would walk her to and from every class even though they have the same classes. As more time went by they slowly started to see that they have a lot in common with each other and others greatly noticed their connection growing. While their friends encouraged the two for getting close, there was only one person his wanted nothing more to ruin it all... And that was Juno.
Juno doesn't know what exactly happened between those two, like everyone else, but she cannot and some mutt taking what is rightfully hers and she was just waiting for Izumi to slip up and Legoshi would be hers.
There has also been some competition between Louis and Kiara that involves a certain male tiger. Bill, bless his heart, has had small crush on Kiara for a while and he was kinda the first guy to give her a warm welcome here at the Academy. He loved to be there to help her out and he loved her shyness and her cuteness, but he already knew she was crushing on Louis hard. He decided to blow off his steam by going out at night to the Black Market to enjoy some "shows".
Louis had noticed how Bill was always flirting with his girlfriend and to be honest it did make him jealous. He knew that Kiara only saw this flirting attempts as compliments, but he knew what was going on and he wasn't gong to let Bill do anything to his sweet panda and he would make sure of it.
It is still early fall and it was time for Cherryton Academy to put on their annual Fall Festival before winter sets in. This was a big event because it was open to everyone in the town and the student's families to come and enjoy themselves while also seeing their children. The heads of the committee, Louis and Kiara, were tasked with making sure everything was set up and find out who wants to do what booth.
~Kiara's p.o.v~
I walked with Izumi as she helped her carry a few files for the event. I was so excited that me and my boyfriend were named head of the planning committee by the headmaster himself. I told my dad and he was so proud plus he said he'll be coming to the event too.
"I'm so excited, Zumi! There's still so much to do! Do you know what booth you'll be doing?" I asked as I looked over to my spotted friend, who was helping me carry everything.
"Either some type of food stand or a game. I can't decide, but I'll figure out with my partner." She said while smiling as we walked into the meeting room.
I smiled as I see the Louis and other students who had their form,s for what booth they wanted to do. Thanks Izumi for the help and watched her take a seat next to Legoshi and the boys from Room 701.
Once I took my seat next to Louis, I hit the gavel onto its block to get everyone's attention.
"Alright everyone, welcome to our Fall Fair Committee meeting! We left off with discussing the dos and donts of this year fair and who would like to run what. As I said before we already have the music and dancing covered, we need the game and food booths, but they must work for both herbivores and carnivores." Louis said to the group as they nodded.
While Louis spoke, I glanced over to Izumi and Leogshi as an idea pops into my head. "Louis, I was personally asked by Legoshi if he and Izumi could work together at one booth since they deiced to make a special treat that will sell handsomely." I smiled as I see the two canines look at me blushing.
"Alright you two will have this booth and for the ones who will be making a food item, the committee and Headmaster will have to see and taste it to make sure it is appropriate since we will have children at this event also. Please have your forms turned in now or at the end of the day. Meeting adjourned!"
I banged the gavel again and watched everyone soon leave once their forms were turned in and some stayed behind to talk to Louis and me about other things. I looked over to see Bill walk over to me with the filled out forms and placed them on the table.
"Here are the forms, beautiful." He flashed a grin as I smiled at him.
"Thank you, Bill."
I looked over to Louis who was glaring at Bill.
~Louis' p.o.v~
I talked to the students as they asked me questions regarding the fair, but my ears caught the sound of a certain tiger talking. I looked over to see him talking to my girlfriend. I growled softly at him and went over to them.
I cleared my throat as I see Bill jump and turn to face me.
"H-Hey Louis." I glared then watched him take off which left Kiara puzzled.
I smiled and kissed her cheek as she smiled at me.
~Sidebar brought to you by the amazing co-writers/authors!!~
~Louis' p.o.v~
Lately I've noticed how Bill has been slipping out to go to the Black Market. He has been slowly loosing his control and I don't want him anywhere near Kiara if he goes crazy....
~Now back to our regularly scheduled program!!~
~Legoshi's p.o.v~
I walked my roommates and Izumi as I listened to them talk about their booths for the event. I had told my grandfather about it and I was hoping he would be able to make it. I soon glanced over to Izumi and felt my tail wagging with excitement. I was ecstatic to be working together with Izumi for a booth. We've made treats together and we've gotten really close.
"What treat are you guys going to make Legoshi?" I hear Jack ask as I looked over to Izumi.
"We are going to figure that out tonight since this has to made for herbivores and carnivores. We have a lot of brainstorming to do" I hear her say while seeing the guys agree.
We soon part ways as Izumi and I walk together. We were going to our favorite and quiet spot on campus... The roof of the academy.
~Izumi's p.o.v~
I walked with the guys as they talked. I thought about what kind of treat we should make. I was in my own world until I see the guys walk off which left me and Legoshi. I followed him to the roof as my tail wagged a bit.
I sat down with him as we talked bout the treat. "Maybe we could do a really unique type of ice cream. It works for both and anyone who's in between."
"That's a great idea, Izumi!"
I smiled happily at his compliment as my tail wagged.
~Haru's p.o.v~
I walked into the drama department to bring something to Legoshi and I also wanted to talk to him. Lately he's looks worried whenever he's around Izumi and me. I wanted to know why he was acting this way.
"Um Legoshi? Could you come down please? I wanna talk to you."
"Huh? Oh sure. Give me a sec." He said as he finished the last light then climbed down to me.
"What's up?"
"Well I've noticed how you always look sad when Izumi and I are near each other. Is everything okay?"
"Y-Yeah I'm okay.. Just um well.."
I walked up to him as he leaned down to my level as I cupped his face in my hands. I looked him right in the eyes so he would know I'm serious.
"If something is bothering you, you can tell me, ok?"
I smiled when he nodded,but jumped when I heard a thump.
"Stay here." I watched Legoshi rush out to see who it was. I quietly followed then saw Juno with Izumi who was pinned to the wall by the female wolf.
~Izumi's p.o.v~
I walked to the drama room with a note in my hand. Today I was going to tell Legoshi how I really feel about him. I smiled as I looked at the note again with my heart fluttering. I had spent a lot of time writing this note as it had my most deepest, passionate feelings inside and I hope he would feel the same way.
"He should still be he-" I felt my heart stop from what I saw.
I saw Haru and Legoshi really close to each other and they were kissing. My heart started to hurt as I felt tears form in my eyes. I turned and ran away from this scene as I couldn't bare to see this anymore.
I ran out, but was grabbed then pinned by Juno to the wall. I tried to get free from her, but her grip with tight and strong.
"Well well well.. The little mutt's heart is broken. Such a shame, but trust me. He wouldn't want a half breed mutt anyway.. He needs a pure blood gray wolf who has curves like me.. You will never find anyone who would love you let alone marry you! Aww are you going to cry?" She smirked at me, but was interrupted by a growling sound.
I was let go as Legoshi stops Juno's abuse.
"Leave her alone, Juno! NOW!!"
I watched her leave then saw Legoshi walk up to me.
"Izumi, are you- Izumi wait come back!"
I took off running from the scene as my tears fell as I ignored Legoshi calling after me.
~Few Weeks Later....~
~No One's p.o.v~
After what happened, Izumi kept her distance from Legoshi and Haru since she was still hurt from what she saw. Juno's words didn't help either. Most of her confidence had disappeared, but she tried to keep a smile since the Fall Festival was today.
Everyone had their booths and decorations set, ready for it to begin. Louis was going over the rules with each vendor and made sure they followed them. Kiara had noticed how Izumi was acting lately and she wad going to talk to her.
As the meeting went on, Legoshi glanced over to Izumi. He had figured out what happened that night and ever since, he's been trying to talk to her and tell her what exactly happened.
Once the meeting was over and everyone was set up, the gates open to the people as many different animals walk in. There were families,couples, and group of friends as they marvel at the sights. Some of the people that came in were Legoshi's grandfather, Gosha, Kiara's father, Gouhin, and Izumi's family and they were amazed at the work that they had did.
~Gosha's p.o.v~
I walked around this festival as I see different families enjoying themselves. I smiled as I had a memory of my wife and daughter going to festivals together. I looked around until I spot my grandson. I saw him working with a certain spotted canine.
"That must be Izumi." I smiled and made my way over to them.
I stopped in my tracks when I see her slip away to get some air. I followed her until I found her sitting alone with tears.
"Excuse me, miss, but are you okay?" I offered her some tissues as she thanks me.
"I'm okay.. I just feel so stupid!"
I take a seat next to her and gently rubbed her shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Soon I hear what is wrong as I see her pull out the note. I decided not to tell her I am Legoshi's grandfather because I didn't want her to freakout or anything.
"I'll toss this note so I don't have to be reminded of these feelings." I heard her say as she was about to rip it up.
"How about I take care of it for you, Izumi." I offered as I smiled at her.
"Thank you, Gosha."
"It's no pro-Whoa!" I stopped mid sentence as I felt her hugs me. I gently hugged her back while smiling.
She soon pulled away and once she was gone, I opened up the nite to read what she written for my grandson.
~Sidebar brought to you by the amazing co-writers/authors!!~
~Izumi's p.o.v~
Dear Legoshi,
I know this is super cheesy, but this is the best option for me.. Ever since the incident, I've felt deep connection between us.. When I'm near you, my heart beats like crazy and my tails wags uncontrollably. My face heats up until my whole body turns soft pink... I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try, but you are always on my mind. I love how you keep me safe, you make me smile, and your always there when I need someone to talk to... I-I love you Legoshi! I really really do! If you do not feel the same, I completely understand, but I didn't want to be filled with regret if I didn't give you this... But I hope you feel the same way and I would like to know where we could go from there...
Love always, Izumi
~Now back to our regularly scheduled program!!~
~Gosha's p.o.v~
"She really does love him...." I said softly before folding it back up and putting it in my pocket. I decided to hold onto this and give it to him when the time is right. Once I did that, I got up and went to enjoy the festival like the others were already doing.
~Later the Night.....~
~Riz's p.o.v~
I could feel them wearing off and that's not good.. My urges were coming back, but they were even stronger this time around.
"S-Stupid p-pills.... I need m-more before they get s-stronger..." I said as I take off running. I stopped when my nose caught the scent.
A sweet... delicious scent.. Mixed breed.
I immediately turned in the direction of where the scent was coming from and stopped once I seen her. My mouth started to water and I swallow3d hard as her scent grew stronger. I stayed calm as I walked up to her.
"H-Hey Izumi. What are you still doing out here?"
"Oh hey Riz. I was just sitting out here looking at the stars and moon.. You can seen them more clearly around this season. What's up?" She looked at me with her big brown eyes.
So trusting... So innocent.. So delicious...
"I actually have a great spot where you can see the stars and moon even better. Want me to show you?" I smiled and offered her my hand as she took it. Inside I shivered in delight when I felt her soft fur in my hand. I had to do everything I could to keep my claws from digging into her hand.
"I'd love to! Lead the way, Riz!" She said happily as she held my hand and followed me.
I felt a little guilty about this.. Over these last few months, I've become really good friends with Izumi. She was sweet and trusting just like Tem. My urges would soon go away once I have something to eat.
After an amazing time at the festival, we are now running into a few problems. Gosha has met the girl his grandson talks about constantly and he can tell she is the right one for him.. We also see that Riz's urges have returned and his cravings for meat are back as well.. Is someone going to save Izumi before its too late? Or will there be another tragic unsolved murder on this campus? Find out next time!!!
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