A Little Friendly Competition
~Legoshi's p.o.v~
I quietly watched Kiara and Izumi walk into the garden club where I see my crush, Haru. My tail wagged happily as I watched her greet the girls. Without even knowing, I walked into the club as they chatted. I soon froze when I saw how beautiful Izumi was in the sunlight. I saw her kneel down to smell the roses. I tried to shake it off but I couldn't.. She looked so innocent and pure..
I soon snapped out of it when I heard Haru call my name. I crouch and give a smile as the bunny walked up to me. "O-Oh! Um Hi Haru!" I smiled sheepishly at her then looked up to see Kiara and Izumi walk over also.
~Izumi's p.o.v~
I walked in to see the beautiful flowers the surrounded them in various pots. My tail wags happily as I see my favorite flowers; red roses. I kneeled down to smell them as I sigh happily. "So sweet.." "Thank you, Izumi." I jumped and fell as I looked up at the dwarf rabbit. I watched her offer her hand to help me up. "My name is Haru." I shook her hand happily while smiling. "It's nice to meet you Haru!"
~Sidebar for the readers brought to you by the beautiful Co-writers/authors!~
~Izumi's p.o.v~
Haru is so cute and tiny! She's a good friend of Kiara's so that means she is awesome! The school's garden club is so beautiful, but I'm surprised Haru and Kira are the only ones who are in this club, but they have done such an amazing job! I wonder what other clubs they here.
~No one's p.o.v~
All four students start chatting not seeing a certain red deer walk past,but stopped to listen. He looked inside to see them talking. This guy's name is Louis and he was the top student here at Cherryton Academy.
~Kiara's p.o.v~
While I talked to them, but I glanced over to see him.. The most popular student in school. My heart started to beat as I felt my cheeks heat up. He was a tall deer with the most amazing eyes. His voice would make anyone melt and it certainly made me turn into a puddle. I look up to see our eyes meet then watched him quickly leave the room. I give a small sigh, but on the inside I was squealing with joy.
~Sidebar brought to you by the Co-writers/authors!!~
~Kiara's p.o.v~
OH MY LANTA! He looked at me!! Louis is so handsome and perfect! I 've always had a huge crush on him ever since we met and I can't get him out of my head. I try so hard to stay cool, calm, and collected whenever I am around him, but inside, I feel like a bunch of dynamite ready to go off.
~Louis' p.o.v~
I had gotten another glance at her again.. Kiara... She's so cute and beautiful... I can't get her out of my head.. I would very much love to talk to her or even ask her out, but I can't because of what I'm involved in...
~Back to our regularly scheduled program!~
~Legoshi's p.o.v~
I shot up when I heard Haru called my name as I see them walk over. "H-Hey guys. Sorry for hiding in the shadows.." I gave a shy smile as they tell me its okay. I look over to Izumi who was holding a flower pot with roses which made my cheeks heat up.
"What brings you here Legoshi? I heard Haru ask me.
I look over to her with a smile, but had to think of a quick lie. "I came to see if you needed any help."
"Aww that's very sweet of you! We were just about to plant some lemon trees if you liked to help." I hear Kiara say as she was holding shovels.
I nod happily as I roll my sleeves up to help them plant. I see Izumi walk over to me as her tail wags. "I'll help you dig the holes, Legoshi." "Thanks Izumi!" I smile happily as we start digging the holes for the trees. As we dug, I look over to Izumi who was humming. I smiled at her while taking a moment to look at her features.
~Sidebar brought to you by the best Co-writers in the world!~
~Legoshi's p.o.v~
Izumi is a very pretty dog.. And Haru is very beautiful too... I really like both of them... HOLY SHIT!! I think I migt have feelings for Haru and Izumi!
~Juno's p.o.v~
I walked around the hallways as I tried to find him.. My Legoshi. He's been hiding from me lately, but I always manage to find him. I followed his scent to the garden club which made my tail stop wagging. I know he was here too see that rabbit... I look inside to see my handsome Legoshi digging. Even when he's doing work, he looks hot. I stopped when I see that mixed breed talking to him. I dig my sharp nails into the wall as I give a small growl. "Who the fuck does she think she is?!" I whisper angrily. I watched the two of them as my blood starts to boil. "Now I have to deal with Haru and her... If they ant to battle then.. I'll give them war.." I soon walked away from the garden with a evil smirk on my face.
Now Louis has brought up his feelings for our little panda and Juno has begun to plot her revenge.... However, there is still more to come for these students! The only thing is what will happen next?
Chapter idea and Kiara belongs to NayeliStark2026
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