Ryan returns
Meanwhile ryan who had his own pups was at his house he hated the paw patrol and his twin ryder he hated him so much
His pups were
Name shade
Enemies paw patrol ryder Katie except chase
Bread German Shepherd
LOVE interest chase
Name Melissa
Enemies paw patrol and ryder especially ryder
Bread bulldog
LOVE interest doesn't love anyone
Nane Daisy
Enemies ryder Marshall Skye and rubble
Bread husky
LOVE interest chase
Name Duke
Enemies chase
Bread Dalmatian
LOVE interest Skye
" i hate my stupid twin ryder such a goody goody more like a freak he runs his own paw patrol a team of dogs who help adventure bay gross why did mum always like him better "
Ryan said he had dark brown hair like ryder the same eyes nose slitly bigger than ryder's blue outfit with black shoes and 4 dogs who are nothing like the paw patrol
" master ryan sir we have a problem what if ryder knows your the one who drown chase and beat up rocky " shade said looking at her owner
" shhhhhhhh don't let the paw patrol fans know well even if they do they can't tell ryder or the paw patrol haha " Ryan said smirking evily
" what's your plan ryan " said Daisy curious
" to destroy ryder and that stupid paw patrol especially that chase I hate him and ryder they must die hahahahahahahahahahahaha "
Ryan was horrible and was heartless towards everyone he didn't even look after the pups property and he would bring ryder down
Hey guys hope your loving this story people who are 3456789 10 you shouldn't be reading this so don't ok thank you for your support thank you you guys are my live i love you all so much thank you I love you so much I'LL UPDATE soon because I don't wanna let your guys down 😁
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