chases story
It happened before the fight with Connor and ryder
Ryan and ryder and chase were in ryder's bedroom Connor was having a sleep over at the lookout
" should we watch a film " ryder said fixing his hair and smiling at chase and ryan
" yea bro let's watch saw " Connor suggested he thought this film would scare chase
" ok chase you ok with that buddy " ryder said looking at chase again
" I'm fine with that ryder sir " chase said sitting down ready for a horror night but scarey film didn't bother him I mean ryder and chase have watched so many together before
" ok I'll go and get the snacks " ryder said rushing out the room he really loved horror movies so he wanted to be quick
After ryder left the room chase stood up and walked a bit closer to ryan
" so you like horror as well as ryder then " chase said smiling
" yea and I like this film where this German Shepherd got ran over and died it's so funny " Ryan said evily
" wait what " chase said scared yes chase can be scared sometimes
" you heard me mutt " Ryan said angrily looking at chase
Then ryder came back into the room
With pop corn,crisps,milkshake and a bunch of sweets
" hey guys thanks for not starting without me " ryder said smiling
" um chase were are you gonna set buddy " ryder said looking at his pup
" l'll sit next to you sir " chase said sitting close to ryder he was pretty scared of ryan right now
After the film had finished everyone was asleep will everyone but ryan he got out of bed and walked over to chase with a pillow in his hand
" with you gone ryder and me can be best friends again " Ryan said putting the pillow over chases face but after a while of chase struggling ryder moved his hands to hug chase so ryan had no choice to leave chase alone otherwise ryder would notice
End of Flashback
" he tried to kill you " Marshall said shocked
" yes and ryder without knowing saved my life " chase said smiling
" and that's why your scared about Skye being with them because they could do worse to her
" yea and of Skye died in would never be the same ever again and I would probably leave the paw patrol for life"
Chase said with no hope in his voice
Guys thank you so much i hope your loving this story and sorry if it's not that good I am shocked I hit
1.04k readers I'm so shocked and happy to so thank you everyone
icandream05 thank you so much for a your votes and comments I'm glad you love this story
Thank you guys till next time 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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