chases goodbye
Chase charged at Ryan's face and scratched it so hard it made ryan cry a bit
" YOU STUPID MUTT YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME DOWN " Ryan said charging at chase who moved out the way making ryan crash into a wall
" yes go chase go " Marshall said smiling and protecting Skye
" come ryan you can do it " shade said looking at her hurt owner
After a few more scratching biting and hitting ryan was on his knees maybe about to give up or something
" YOU GIVE UP " chase said looking at ryan with angry eyes
" chase I give up ok but please help me please " Ryan said his voice sounded broken and chases job was help anyone who needed help so being and caring and police pup he was he helped ryan up only to be punched by him
" HAHA CHASE YOU THINK I WOULD REALLY GIVE UP THAT EASY YOUR PATHETIC YOU KNOW " Ryan said laughing while all the other pups had enough of him and all stood together even ryder couldn't take chase getting hurt so he got up to
They all charged at ryan but he was smirking as he grabbed Skye out of the pile of pups coming towards him
" LET ME GO " Skye said trying to get out Ryan's grip
" HEY LET HER GO AND DON'T THINK I WON'T RIP THAT SMUG SMILE OF YOUR FACE BECAUSE I WILL " chase said ready to charge again as he did all the other pups did to Knocking them out the window down on the outside castle floor but ryan still had Skye and they were near water now
" YOU PATHETIC MUTTS YOU DON'T REALISE THAT I COULD THROW THIS LITTLE PUP IN THE WATER RIGHT NOW " Ryan said holding Skye still who looked scared and had tears in her pink sparkling eyes witch chase noticed
" WHAT DO YOU WANT IN RETURN FOR ME TO GET SKYE BACK " chase said practicality begging now
" you to join me chase if you do I won't harm she or ryder even though that's hard not to or any of your friends I'll leave them all alone all you have to do is come with me " Ryan said kneeling down to chases level
" NO CHASE DON'T DO IT " Skye said looking at him she didn't want chase to become a member of Ryan's stupid team
" if me joining you means you'll let Skye go then yes I'll go with you but only to save Skye and you can't hurt my friends right " chase said holding out his paw to shake with ryan as a sign of deal
" you have my word chase " Ryan said putting the small pup down who looked at chase with sad eyes and walked over to the other pups and ryder and Katie
Chase then walked over to ryan and started following him were he was going he did this to have Skye because he loved her so much he'd do anything for her even join the enemy
Hope you guys like sorry I've been slow updating I'll update later on thank you for all your support with this story I love you all peace chase 75
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