When Two Lives Cross Pt.1
A/N: So... I really like making Jack the evil one and/or picking on him. Don't know why. I also like writing in Mark's P.O.V... Apparently. And a lot of these one-shots have been... Interesting to say the least. I promise more fluffy chapters will come up, but we gotta get these non-fluff chapters out of the way first.
(Mark's P.O.V.)
*6 Years Ago*
My name is Mark Fischbach. I am 21 years old and fresh out of the academy. Academy for what you may be asking. Well to answer, let me tell you who I am. I am OFFICER Mark Fischbach of the LAPD. That's right. I am a police officer, and a good one at that. I got highest ranking BY FAR in my class. I was good enough that two years ago I was actually chasing someone down AND I was a student.
Impressive? Yes. I am the only officer to have done that in my whole division. And let me tell you, I'm pretty damn proud of that. I'm sitting in my police car (oh my god I have a police car) on the side of the road, waiting. Waiting for what? That person I said I was chasing down. No one's caught him yet, and I've been chasing him for two years. I want to catch this guy. He deserves to be arrested.
We don't know to much about him, only his real name, age, and looks. His family isn't even in the states, they're back in Ireland. I feel bad though. I mean, this guy is only twenty years old. And he's gotten into some pretty bad stuff.
The guy I'm chasing is named Seán McLoughlin, and he's the number one drug provider in the area, plus there's rumor of him having assaulted some of his clients when they refused to pay the amount asked. I have no clue if he's using these drugs that he's selling, we know he's making it, but we've found multiple clients of his who had no problem ratting him out for it.
This is apparently near one of his hang out spots, meaning I'll probably find him driving here. There was one girl, age 19, who is one of his clients. She came in about a month ago, saying that she saw what car he got into and that she wrote down the license plate number and what the car looked like. Per usual, the chief told me to go watch for him and arrest McLoughlin if I get the chance.
And if I do catch him and arrest him, I'm sure to enjoy it. I look over at the license number and description again. Black Nissan Altima, 2010 model. California license 5UMH719. I look back onto the road, watching and watching.
When finally I see it. A black Nissan Altima. I quickly scan the license plate and when I see 5U-Blank-Blank-719 I know it's him. I quickly pull out, turning on the sirens. This just causes McLoughlin to speed up and before I know it, it's a chase. Not much of one, but a chase nonetheless. I go to call it in, but before I know it, McLoughlin is speeding up even more. I don't have time to grab my radio and I just continue following, the sirens blaring.
I sigh, shaking my head, tired of it already. McLoughlin isn't speeding up enough. I can pass him. Soon I do, and I get right behind his car, ramming into the back. This causes my car to stop, along with McLoughlin's. It really wasn't that much of a hit, so I'm almost positive he's fine. I run out of my car, running to the driver's side, putting my hand on my holster.
McLoughlin rolls down the window, smirking. My face scrunches up at the amount of smoke in the car, and it doesn't surprise me when he throws a cigarette out of the window and onto the ground. I look at him, my eyes cold and serious. His are full of delight and fun.
He looks just the same as his picture. His hair is dyed on top, multiple dark colors. He has many, many tattoos on both his arms and neck. Probably his back too. He's got gauges, and multiple face piercings. Honestly, to me, I don't think it's who this guy really is. But it was his decision. I'm broken from my thoughts when he speaks, his voice raspy and his accent mild from being in America for so long.
"Well well officer Fischbach. You finally caught me." He chuckles, seemingly amused with the days events so far. "Took two years but you did it. How many of my clients did you interview to get this far I wonder?" He laughs, trying to keep up the facade of this being a joke. I grab the door handle, swinging the door open and pulling him out of the car.
Sure enough, he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. I grab his wrists, turning him and holding him against the car. I start handcuffing him, his wrists behind his back. He's still just smirking.
"Seán McLoughlin, you are under arrest for the selling and production of heroine and cocaine. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." I say, having practiced this many, many times in school. His smirk widens and he does, in fact, remain silent. I drag him over to my car, placing him in the back seat, closing the door behind him. The doors are locked on the inside, so he can't get out.
I go to my seat in the front and I reach for my radio. "Dispatch, this is Car #3149, Officer Mark Fischbach. I've got Seán McLoughlin and I'm driving to the station now. His car is on the side of I85 right before the exit to Katon. I repeat, I've got Seán McLoughlin and his car is on I85. Look for evidence and anything useful to us." I finish, and I put the radio down, starting to drive.
McLoughlin is still silent, even when Dispatch responds. "We got it Fischbach. Head to the station. We got a cell waiting for McLoughlin. We're sending people down to his car now." They say. I nod, but I don't answer. I don't need to. However... I soon hear McLoughlin speak.
"You know I can tell you exactly what they'll find in there." He says. I scoff.
"Oh yeah? What's there?" I ask. I look in my mirror, seeing his smirk widen.
"I said I can. Not that I will." He says, still playing this game of his. I shake my head, looking back to the road. The rest of the way is silent and when we get to the station and I walk McLoughlin to the holding cell, people applaud.
A/N: So this is just the first part. There will be a part 2, which'll be in the now. In the present. In the 2016. Etc, etc. So! Yeah! I hope you enjoyed! And remember, don't do drugs, don't smoke and stay in school. =P =)
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