That One Role-Model
(Seán's P.O.V.)
I sigh, watching his newest video. I can't help but laugh and smile when watching the videos. I can't help but get inspired and noting techniques that'll help me improve my channel. I can't help but being in love with my role-model. Of course, it's just a platonic love. A love saying "you inspire me and you're important to me. I look up to you and I hope that one day we could be friends". As pathetic as that sounds.
I don't know. Markiplier's videos just always do that to me. I like almost all of them, and I comment on almost all of them. I constantly express my love for my role-model on twitter and my own videos. Letting my fans know who they have to thank for this. Cause if it weren't for Mark, I wouldn't be doing this. I wouldn't have had the courage too.
I mean, sure, I had the thought about it. I had a few videos I recorded for fun. I had the thought "maybe I can... Maybe I should..." but I couldn't do it. I was to insecure, to scared. But then I saw his videos and I realized that I can be who I am and surely some people will like me. Plus, I had fun recording those videos. I wanted to do it more.
So here I am, with only a thousand subscribers, but a thousand subs I'm proud of nonetheless. They comment, they like, they interact, they watch. They're happy. I'm happy. And that's all that matters to me. The numbers don't matter. They just make me feel more confident in what I'm doing, letting me know that people do appreciate and do care and that what I do makes people happy.
So sure, Mark may have a million (or 5), and I'm here with a thousand (1,459 to be exact), but those thousand are as important and special as every single one of Mark's five-million. To me at least. It's still inspiring though. Watching his videos. Cause not only do they make me happy, but it shows me how I can improve, and it's given me a community.
A community other than my own. At the moment I'm on Omegle, going through and just chatting with fellow Markiplier fans. I've run into one of my subs as well which was cool. I wouldn't have thought that would happen, but it did. I've been in a text channel for a while now so now I'm planning on going back to the video chat.
I click and wait for the next person to pop up. And when they do, I can't move. On my computer screen, smiling at me, is my role-model himself. Eventually (after about ten seconds) I realize what's going on and only one thing goes through my mind.
"Holy shit." I breath. Mark just laughs at this reaction.
"I think that's the most laid back reaction I've gotten all day." He says. I shake my head a bit.
"I...Wha... You're... Hi!" I say then, chuckling. My hands start shaking and I can't stop the quiet giggles from escaping my mouth. Mark waves at me.
"Hey! What's your name?" He asks. I stutter once more.
"Uh-S-M-Seán." I say finally. He smiles, that wonderful smile that brightens my day.
"I like that name. And I can already tell you're Irish, yes?" He asks. I nod wildly, making him laugh once more. A laugh I've grown used too. "Glad I didn't mess it up."
"Well, you're one of the few." I say. It's true; most people guess I'm Scottish. "I can't believe it. Dude, you're my role-model. I look up to you for so much, and your videos make me so happy. You're so talented and funny. The fact I can talk to you right now is just... Amazing. Thank you."
He smiles, seemingly taken aback by this. "You're welcome. Thank you for all of those nice words. It makes me happy to hear that."
"For probably the millionth time."
"It doesn't matter," He consoles "I'm just happy that I can make you happy." I smile at his words, nodding. I always knew he was as genuine as he seems.
"So, what's up?"
He sighs, running a hand through his signature floof. "Not much. Just decided to do this and interact with the fanbase more. You?" I nod.
"Similar. I thought I'd do this to find more fan-peoples like me." I chuckle at the word I use. He chuckles to, making me so much more happier.
"Well that's really awesome." He says and we talk for about ten more minutes, just about whatever pops into our mind. But as is life, all good things must come to an end. "Aw, man. I gotta go record."
"Have fun." I say, laughing, hiding my disappointment. He smiles, nodding.
"Thanks. I will. It was really cool talking to you Seán." He says. I nod, and then I make a daring move.
"Can I send you a friend request on Skype?" I ask hesitantly. Surprisingly, Mark seems to brighten at the suggestion.
"Totally! Here." I hear typing and soon a username appears on screen. "That's my username. Send me the request now so I can accept it."
I do so and he smiles, quickly accepting it. "Awesome. I can't wait to talk to you more Mark."
"Me too Seán." He says, smiling still. And so, after goodbyes, he leaves and I log off Omegle. I still can't believe what just happened. I just met my role-model, and became his friend on Skype. Oh my god! AAAAAHHHH!
I squeal into my hat, seeing as I don't want to be TOO loud. Then I look back up at the Skype notification sound.
"I'd love to play together sometime! I have to record now, but we can play when I'm finished :D"
Before I can get a hold of myself, I squeal again. Immediately answering with a "Yeah! Sure!" I still can't believe it...
A/N: So, first off, YES I know it's different. This isn't the normal Septiplier I write BUT I have a reason.
This whole chapter was kind of based off of my meeting my role-model. You guys probably know who she is, and if she's reading this, she knows who she is. Basically, for her 5k milestone she opened a Discord chat, and since I was one of the first on and the other four who were on refused to un-mute their mics, it was just her and me talking for an hour. It was amazing.
And then she accepted my Discord friend request and we talk on a somewhat regular basis, which is just... Amazing. I love her work so much, and it makes me so happy. I love talking to her and goofing off. I love being able to look at her work for being able to improve MY work, and then having a good laugh afterwards. She's quickly becoming a really, really good friend and that makes me so happy you'll never even know.
And the first few paragraphs I wrote in Seán's P.O.V (when he was talking about his channel and numbers and stuff) is actually how I feel about this. There aren't a ton of people here right now, but I know that at least some of you guys are happy with what I put out and that's all that matters to me. So thank you guys, the readers, as well.
So yeah. To you guys, the readers, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you will continue to enjoy what I put out for you.
And to my role-model @Septiplier_Away13, thank you. For everything.
Alright. I know it got sappy in the end but whatever! I'm a sap! Live with it! Lol. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you later. <3 =)
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