Shh, It's Our Secret
(Seán's P.O.V.)
High school has always been hell. It's part of the job. Teach, learn, make friends, OH YEAH! And live in hell. For a lot of people it isn't actually that bad, I'm just one of the unlucky few. Not only do all of my teachers hate me, but pretty much every single student hates me as well. It's not a matter of me being a jerk or anything (much), it's just that I don't like people. I hate being social.
I have my group of friends, that's all I need. That's all I want. So, if someone does try to talk to me, I either walk the other direction as quickly as possible or snap at them and then walk away as soon as possible. So, naturally, everyone hates me. Cause logic. But not only do the students and teachers hate me, but I hate me.
I'm annoying, I'm a jerk, I'm antisocial, I'm careless, I'm loud, I'm a coward, among other things. And that's not all. No, I'm crazy. Literally, I'm insane. How do I know this? Well, I think dark things, I hear a voice in my head, and whenever I look in the mirror I see... Someone. Not me, but he looks like me. Like... A darker version of me.
And he talks to me. And I talk back. We have legit conversations. I only talk back when no one's around though. As crazy as I am, I am sane enough to know that if I'm caught talking to myself I'll probably get thrown in a mental hospital. Doesn't help some of the things we talk about... All of the images in my head...
"Seán, dude, you okay?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts to see Mark in front of me, looking incredibly concerned. I nod, going back to eating my food, no matter how disgusting it is. "Are you sure? You seem to space out more then usual nowadays."
"I'm fine." I say it quickly, probably to quickly. But he doesn't fight me on the matter, he just looks at me with that concerned look. I hate it. I take one more bite, and then I stand up, grabbing my tray. "I'll see you in class." And with that I walk away, throwing the rest of the food away and putting the tray on top of the garbage. I just have to get rid of that gaze...
I walk out of the cafeteria quickly, heading towards the bathroom. That's my normal hiding space after all. No one seems to be there and I always have company, no matter how crazy. The hallways are pretty empty, since everyone's eating lunch. I walk quickly, as fast as I can without running. Once I reach the bathrooms closest to my locker I push the door open, stepping in to the room and sighing.
I put my backpack on the ground by the door, looking under each and every stall to make sure no one is here. And sure enough, no one is. I walk over to one of the sinks, standing in front of it. I put some water in my hands and splash it onto my face, hoping to wake myself up a bit. I dry my face off with a paper towel before returning to the sink.
I stare at the drain, watching the water go down. And then I look up into the mirror and I see him. Dark green hair, smirk, green and blue eye, with a green and black eye... But overall, me. Same clothes, same features. Just... Slightly different. And crazy.
"Hey Seán. You're looking quite well." He chuckles slightly at the sarcasm and I just shrug.
"Yeah well, constantly being told to kill the entire school doesn't help ones mental state." I say, staring at my reflection. He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Please. You know you want too. You hate this place." He says, still smirking. And I can't help but nod. I do hate this place, more then anyone knows.
"Yeah, I do hate it. But I don't want to hurt anyone... Much." I mutter the last part. I know that the thoughts are just him getting into my head but I can't ignore them. After all, he is me.
"Seán..." He says my name in a singsong voice, trying to get my attention again. I look back at my reflection, my face a blank expression.
"Yes, Anti?" I ask, using the name I've given him. He smirks again.
"I know you brought a knife." He says and I shrug. He isn't wrong. I brought a knife to school today... It's hiding under my hoodie, in my back pocket. I haven't used it, and don't plan too. It's just that... Something compelled me to bring it. That something was probably Anti...
"I'm not using it." I state, authority lacing my tone. He just clicks his tongue, shaking his head in a disapproving manner.
"Uh-uh..." He says, smirking. The whispers fill my head again, the whispers of killing the school. Killing them all. The teachers, the jerks, the jocks, the sluts, the bitches, all of them. And I smile. I smile at the thought of the screams and the blood and the death. But then I snap out of it, my smile turning into a frown. I close my eyes, putting my hands to my head.
"Get out of my head!" I yell, and I hear Anti laugh. The images grow vivider, and the whispers grow louder. I whimper softly. I want to, I want to kill them. To feel flesh being cut by my blade. But I don't! They don't deserve to die! That's terrible and wrong! But I want too...
"Seán Seán Seán, when will you ever learn?" Anti giggles, and I open my eyes to see he's still staring at me through the mirror. "I'm you. Everything I say, any whispers I put in your head, it's all you." The images and whispers, they keep getting worse.
"Stop. Please. Just... Just get out of my head! Please!" I yell, tears falling from my eyes. Anti laughs, so I do the only thing I think of. I grab the knife from my pocket, and I stab the mirror, shattering it. But it doesn't shut him up. So I break all of them. Every single mirror, shattered. And only when I get to the last one, does his laughter stop. But instead... There's something else.
"Seán?" I look over with wide, tear-filled eyes, to see Mark standing in the doorway. His eyes are wide, staring at the destruction I've caused and the knife in my hand. "Why the hell do you have a knife? Why the hell were you screaming? Why did you break the mirrors?" He seems to have endless questions.
"Kill him." Anti whispers. I bite my lip, breathing shakily. I shake my head, the knife still clenched tightly in my hand.
"Mark... Just... Just go to class and forget this, okay?" I say breathlessly. His eyes dart down to my hand and he gasps.
"You're bleeding!" I look down and sure enough, I placed my hands on a counter covered in broken glass. Mark rushes over, but I step back, raising the knife.
"Don't!" I yell. He freezes. Tears fall from my eyes, but not because of the pain in my hands. "Don't come any closer, okay? I don't trust myself." I say shakily. He nods slowly, reaching out a hand.
"Then give me the knife." He says, softly, calmly. I shake my head quickly, Anti's whispers growing louder.
"Kill him. Kill him! KILL HIM!" He screams in my head. But I shake my head more.
"No no no!" I scream, closing my eyes. I put my hands to my head, tears spilling down my cheeks. I cry out, shaking my head wildly. "Shut up shut up shut up!" I yell, but Anti doesn't, repeating himself, telling me to kill Mark over and over and over.
"Seán just calm down and give me the knife! Please!" Mark begs, but I shake my head more, knowing he won't come near me. Hoping he won't come near me.
"JUST KILL HIM ALREADY!" Anti screams in my head. I cry out, screaming in anger, and I throw the knife in a blind rage. But as soon as I hear the gasp, I open my eyes and Anti's screams go silent. I look over to see Mark against the wall, gasping for breath, the knife plunged in his chest.
"Mark!" I scream, running over to him as he slips down the wall, sitting on the ground and putting his hand around the knife, gasping for breaths. I kneel down in front of him, tears spilling down my cheeks. "No, no no. Please no..." I cry, putting my hand on his cheek.
"Seán..." He breaths, staring at me with those beautiful eyes. I cry, shaking my head.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Please don't die. Please..." I say but he shakes his head.
"Can't help it..." He says, coughing slightly. He smiles then, staring in my eyes. "You're so beautiful." My eyes widen, and I cry more. He only puts both of his hands on my cheeks, ignoring the fact that they're covered in blood. "Don't cry for me."
"But I love you Mark!" I cry out, not even caring. He's dying, I have to tell him. His smile widens, and with the last bit of strength he has left, he leans forward and kisses me softly. I kiss him back, knowing it'll be the only time this will ever happen. Then he leans back against the wall, and whispers.
"I love you too." And with that, his smile fades and his head lolls to the side, his hands falling from my cheeks. And I cry, and scream, and yell. And Anti laughs. He just laughs, and laughs, and laughs. And when students run into the bathroom asking what the hell is going on, all I can do is grab the knife and start killing.
Cause I lost my only sanity. I lost him. My love. So what else do I have to live for?
A/N: yaaaaaay idk with this one. Also new cover! yaaaaaaaay
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