Scorch Marks
A/N: Man I make it Seán's P.O.V a lot don't I? XD
(Seán's P.O.V.)
I stand up from my chair, staring at the man angrily. "You did that to him! You tortured him! What the hell did he do to you?!" I yell at the top of my lungs, screaming at the man for an answer. He does nothing but sigh, staring at me. And if looks could kill...
The man, the one I've become so familiar with, is suddenly nobody but an evil stranger. I just call him L. He's given me no other name to call him. I've been here eleven years in this weird underground bunker like lab. L, though harsh, has taken care of me to some degree. I mean, food is good right? Food and water? Sure, I live in a small room that's more like a cell then anything else, but at least I'm alive.
L's a scientist, and he's bent on studying me for reasons I'm not quite sure of. I mean, yes, I'm a bit weirder then the general population. But what reason does he have for studying me? And it isn't just me either. There's someone else down here with me. Someone else my age (which is seventeen). He lives in the same room I do, and I love him with all my heart. He's my boyfriend, despite the amount of hate it's brought to L's eyes every time he looks at us.
His name is Mark and yesterday, after his annual session with L, he came back to the room. I was worried right off the bat; I thought I heard screams. I was right. L had tortured Mark. And I don't care about whatever excuse he comes up with. Mark did not deserve that.
"Seán listen to me..." I shake my head wildly at L's words.
"No! No! There is no excuse! Nothing you could say that could possibly make me think any different! You took a scorching hot chisel and burned symbols and weird text into Mark's arm! That is not okay! He's saying it still hurts!" I'm screaming, yelling, hoping that L will show at least a little regret, something. But he doesn't. He just stares with cold eyes.
"Seán you have no reason screaming at me like this. Shut up." He says coldly. I shake my head and I continue.
"No! You tortured him! You hurt him! What did he do to you?! Nothing! Absolutely nothing! He is the best person you will ever know! But instead you hurt him! How dare you! How dare you keep us here! How dare you experiment on us like lab rats! Why?! Why?! How?! How could you?! You monster! I hate you! I hate you! I ha- Ah!" I let out a loud screech as my world goes black.
(L's notes)
April, 1996
Seán and Mark are interesting. Some would say "supernatural beings". Besides being incredibly smart and talented, they have something else. They're eyes glow. It only happens when they're around each other, and no matter how hard I've tried I can never get it to happen any other time.
The two share a special bond, one that must be studied. I have to find the reasoning behind it. I have to know how this happens, why they're so... Special.
August, 2017
Three days ago there was an unfortunate accident with Seán. He was screaming at me, yelling about what I did to Mark. I swear, he would have strangled me if he had the chance. He's certainly capable of it. But he wouldn't shut up. Just yells and screams. I lost my temper. It was nothing but an accident, an unfortunate one that I simply do not care about.
Because of what happened however Seán, regrettably, has lost sight in his left eye and the eye is permanently damaged. After I took him back to his room, where Mark was waiting, I could see that his left eye could no longer glow. Mark was devastated, Seán was no better. I don't know the effects of the glowing eyes and if it has any other effect besides the obvious.
But I've already noticed a definite decrease in Seán's normal happy, energetic personality. He's much quieter, and he doesn't smile as much. The only thing keeping him going is Mark. It's interesting. It seems that somehow Mark being able to glow is actually stabilizing Seán's emotional and mental state. I intend to do some tests on Mark today to see if I can find the source of the glowing and if I can figure out what some of the effects are.
(Mark's P.O.V.)
I watch as L restrains me in a chair, immediately causing me to start freaking out. "What are you doing? Why am I stuck here? What are you going to do?" I ask three questions in one breath. L sighs, obviously agitated already.
"I'm going to run more experiments." He says. My eyes widen. I hate experiments like this.
"On what?" I ask worriedly. He stares at me with cold, dead eyes.
"Your eyes." He says simply. At this I start tearing up and I shake my head.
"No! No! You can't do anything to my eyes! I need to be able to glow! Seán needs me to be able to glow for him! Please! Please! Don't do this! He needs me to..." I stop, realizing that me screaming isn't having any effect on L. "He needs me..."
"I have no intent on harming you or effecting your glowing. If I do, well then, what's done is done. Now sit still and shut up." He scowls. I swallow, biting my tongue and holding back tears.
"But I can't. He needs me. Seán needs me to glow for him." I can't help it and I cry. Big mistake. My cheek stings. He slapped me. Something I'm very used to. I don't say anything more, I don't cry, I don't move. I simply do as he asks, and I hope to god I can still glow for Seán.
(L's notes)
August, 2017
The experiment's went well, despite Mark's freak out. I didn't find much, but I found enough to be able to start something. Something that could possibly be the biggest break through of the year. As suspected, no damage was done to Mark's eyes nor his ability to glow. As soon as I returned him to his room he and Seán cried.
They were both terrified. I took notes on their behavior afterwards, when their eyes glowed and when they didn't. How they acted, what they did. What they talked about, and how they seemed when talking about it. That helped as well. I'm sure I'll have it all soon.
December, 2017
They're gone! Seán and Mark are gone! I have no clue how. I woke up this morning and the two just disappeared. They were no longer in the room. Not only that, all of my research has been stolen and half of my notes. I have no clue where the two brats went, but I know there isn't anyone like them. I needed them and now their gone.
I can't call anyone. Their parents are long gone, and if the police got involved I'd get arrested and the two would be put up in a museum. I can't believe their gone. They left. Someday I'll find them. I know I will. After all... They have to dead give aways. Their eyes... And the scorch marks on their arms.
A/N: And there ya go. I don't know how I feel about this one. It's okay. I mean, yeah... It's based off/inspired by Handplates, an Undertale comic that I really like. So.. Here's the link to the creator:
And here's the comic:
I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will see you all later! <3 =)
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