Drive By
A/N: The only reason this is called Drive By is because that's what the song this is inspired by is called. XD Also, yes I know Mark can't drink IRL, but this is FanFiction. I'm changing it for one one-shot, mk? Please forgive me?
(Mark's P.O.V.)
It was four nights ago when it happened. I went to the usual bar I hang out at, not to get drunk or anything but to have beer or two then go home and sleep so I can get up and be productive the next day. I walk into the bar, I go and order my drink, and somebody suddenly says...
"Put it on my tab." Now this shocked me, for not only was the person who said it being nice to me... But their voice was amazing. A very adorable Irish accent then just seemed to ring in my ears. I turned to see a man about my age (26) who was smiling at me. He was adorable. Brown hair dyed green, ocean blue eyes, and an award winning smile.
"No, no, please. Don't."
"I insist."
And that was that. He was bent on paying for my drink. So I said thank you and introduced myself. In return he did the same.
"My name is Mark."
"I'm Seán."
"Nice to meet you Seán."
"You as well Mark."
We went to a booth and just started talking. Talking about each other and getting to know one another. We quickly found out we had a lot in common, and I knew a friendship was gonna come out of this. We talked. We drank. Never once did Seán or I have an empty cup. Time flies though.
Soon it reached the stroke of midnight, about four hours since I first walked into the bar. Seán and I were both drunk to hell and back. It's a miracle I remember this much. The conversation stopped and took an uncomfortable silence. Until...
"Wanna come to my place?"
And of course in my drunken state my answer was
...I don't think I need to say what happened afterwards. I don't remember much after saying yes, only bits and pieces of the night. However it didn't shock me that much. Yes, yes, I have done this before. Twice before. Neither of those times did I really mean for it to happen either. Once was with a girl, the other with a different guy.
The night was okay, but I left as soon as I woke up. I know, a jerk move, but it isn't like I really had any connection to those two. Unlike with Seán, I hadn't spent four hours talking to them. So then, morning came and I woke up before Seán, per usual. My mind was a scrambled mess, and I did the first thing I could think of. I got out as fast as I could.
I've regretted that decision since. I really want to find Seán again, and hopefully explain myself. I just feel bad. I don't remember his address, seeing as when we arrived I was drunk as hell and when I left I was rushing to much to check. But... I do know the bar we met.
I sigh. It's around eleven PM and I'm just now getting to the bar. I had a busy day and I couldn't come any earlier. I just hope he's here... I continue walking to the front doors, my hands in my pockets. I look around, searching for him in the parking lot. But I don't see him. I get closer to the door and I pay no attention to when someone walks out.
Until I realize who it was. I whirl around, watching him walk towards the sidewalk. I immediately call out to him.
"Seán!" At the sound of my voice he freezes and tenses up. I run over to him and he turns, staring at me with wide eyes. I go up to him, putting my hands on his shoulders but he pushes me away.
"Get the hell away from me." He says, a mixture of sadness and anger in his eyes. My heart breaks as he says this. But I do in fact take a step back. He realizes I'm not gonna leave and he sighs, crossing his arms in the most adorable way ever. "What the hell do you want?"
"To explain." I say. He shakes his head slowly, looking away and biting his lip. "Look Seán I'm sorry. I wasn't-"
"Wasn't what, Mark? Was it not enjoyable enough for you? Did you just decide to use me and then leave? Have you done this before?" He asks. I shake my head slowly.
"Yes I have but... It hadn't been like this. I-"
"Do you know how hurt I was to wake up and find out I was alone?!" Seán's screaming, tears threatening to spill. "To find out you left me! Used me! Just wanted someone to screw and then leave!" My heart breaks even more with every word. "I know we had only known each other for four hours. But I wanted to give it a chance. I thought you were awesome, and nice. And I enjoyed that night!"
"I did too!"
"Then why the hell did you leave?!"
"Cause I was scared!" I finally yell back. Seán seems taken aback by this. I sigh, putting my head in my hands for a second before looking back up. "I've done this twice before and it was just meaningless drunk actions. But you..." I smile. "I got to know you. That night wasn't meaningless. It was amazing. And I realized that I fell for you. And I fell hard."
Seán's crying by now, emotions obviously conflicting. "Mark..." He shakes his head. "That hurt me so much... When I was alone..." He sniffs. "I don't want to be alone anymore."
I walk up to him slowly, giving him time to push me away if he wanted me too. But he doesn't, so I go up and hug him. He hugs back, crying softly into my shoulder. I rub my hand up and down his back, closing my eyes. And we just stand there, Seán crying and me trying to comfort him. Soon he calms down and pulls away from the hug, nodding slowly.
"Thank you." He whispers. I nod.
"Yeah." I say and it's silent. And then I speak what's really on my mind. "Listen I have an idea." He looks up at me expectantly. "How about we get to know each other. As friends. And see what happens from there." I smile. Seán smiles as well and nods.
"I'd love that." He says. "Just don't ditch me again."
"I won't."
Seán's smile just widens and he grabs a pen from his pocket, grabbing my hand and writing his number and address down. Then he puts the pen away and looks at me. It's silent for a moment more. Then he kisses my cheek softly and whispers.
"Text me, then come over and we can play video games or something." And with that he turns and walks away. I just smile, watching him go as I comprehend what just happened. And what's going to happen. Cause I'm almost positive this friendship is gonna turn into something more in only a matter of months.
A/N: And it did! In a month and a half they became a couple! Yay! Haha. Is it weird I come up with what happens after a one-shot occurs? Anyways, yeah. I wrote this cause I've had Drive By stuck in my head for a while and I was like "OOOOOH!!!!! I totally need to write that!!!!" And so that's what I did. =P Hope you guys enjoyed!
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