Demon or Angel
A/N: Dark x Jack (cause why the fuck not (I also use some CartoonJunkie shit here so yeah)) so you have been warned (also heavy fluff...what is my life)
(Seán's P.O.V.)
When my best friend Mark and I died at Pax West, I didn't know what was going to happen. I had no clue where we'd go, what had happened, if we even existed anymore. And then we both appeared almost on top of a cloud, with bright new wings, halos above our head, and the darker parts of us falling deep below to the pits of hell.
We were told by other angels about the shooting, and how we were the only innocent ones that died thanks to our sacrifice. That was when I remembered jumping in front of that one little girl, the pain of getting shot in the back multiple times. I just wanted to protect her. Ellie was her name. After I got shot, Mark fought off the attacker.
The attacker shot Mark, and then himself, and that was that. I had no chance, Mark died in surgery. And so there we were, welcomed into heaven as angels and heroes. Mark fit in, that was for sure. He made friends with everyone almost instantly, and was happy. I made a few friends, and I continued talking to Mark for a little bit, but I always had a bit of a nagging something in my mind.
But I belong in heaven. I belong here, as an angel, with my halo and my wings. Mark and I are still friends, though we don't talk as much. I've holed myself up in my house more then I used to, because I met him.
It was a while ago now, almost a year. A demon somehow crawled up here, no one really knew how. He wasn't planning on wreaking havoc, but we all chased him out anyways. But the next day, secretly, he came and met me in the garden. He looked a lot like Mark, and I recognized him as Mark's dark side... Dark.
We would secretly meet in the garden every week, and then every day. And then he made secret passages to get from his home in hell to my home in the clouds, so we were meeting every day and hanging out almost every hour. And then he did something that I never expected him to do. He kissed me.
A demon fell for an angel, how about that? And that angel fell for him in return. So now we're dating, and if we ever want to go on dates we fall to the middle ground, an area for both demons and angels, though we try to stay out of sight. Mainly our relationship is just romantic, with peppered kisses here and there, though it's obvious Dark wants more.
But that's not the only disagreement we have.
"You don't belong here Seán!" Dark tries to convince me yet again that I don't belong in heaven. I throw my hands up, shrugging.
"I don't know. I am here, and my dark side is down there. I belong here!"
"You don't have a dark side down there!" He tells me, just like every time. But I saw my dark side fall, I know I did. Not that I don't trust Dark, but maybe my dark side doesn't socialize and that's why he thinks I don't have a dark side down there.
"I know I do, I saw him."
"You saw me and a shadow. That shadow never fully fell." He continues arguing, holding my waist softly. I shake my head a bit, narrowing my eyes. This is new... He never told me this before.
"What do you mean he never truly fell?" I ask, curious more than anything. He shrugs a bit, taking one hand and running it through my hair, trying to stay careful of my halo floating above my hair.
"I don't know. I kept going, that shadow just stopped at the middle ground. I didn't see what happened afterward." He speaks softly, almost as if he doesn't want to hurt me even though he never could. I stare at his crimson eyes, shaking my head a bit.
"I belong here." I whisper and he groans, putting his head on my shoulder for a second as he tries to recollect his argument.
"Seán I..."
"I love you Dark, you know that."
"Then come live with me!"
"I belong here!"
He grabs my halo, making me frown and try to get it back but he just waves it in front of my face, almost tauntingly. I cross my arms, glaring at him as he holds the golden ring.
"Every time we kiss, this darkens. You realize that." He states, and to prove his point his kisses me for a good few seconds, pulling away and pointing at my halo which has in fact darkened a bit.
"That's just cause you took it off my head." I spat, grabbing it back and putting it back in it's rightful place above my head. He groans, squeezing my waist a bit tighter.
"Why won't you just believe me?" He questions, more to himself then to me. I just shrug, not really knowing the answer myself. He stares at my waist, shaking his head a small bit and muttering to himself. His raven black hair falls in his crimson eyes, yet somehow the bright red shines through the sheen of black.
Sometimes I wonder why I never feel physically attracted to Mark, since he and Dark look almost identical, but then I realize that it must be his eyes. Mark's eyes are pretty, that's for sure, but Dark's eyes are beautiful swirls of red, shining when he sees me, captivating anyone that dares to stare at him long enough. I love his eyes. I love him.
His head suddenly snaps up to meet my eyes and he smirks, somehow seeming to have come up with some sort of solution.
"You just haven't felt what it's really like being this way." He says softly and I furrow my brows, chuckling a bit.
"Well no, cause I'm an angel. Not a demon." Dark moves towards me, closer, pushing our bodies together and putting his forehead on mine. We've never really been this close before, but I love it. I love this feeling of it just being us.
"Even if you were a demon, you'd still be an angel." He whispers to me before connecting our lips. It starts out sweet and innocent like normal, until he starts getting a bit rougher, and I make no move to stop him. I'm telling myself I'm just curious, but really I can feel the passion coursing through my veins.
I let him push me against the wall, taking his hands off my waist and instead grabbing my wrists, pinning them above my head. I huff a bit, but don't fight against him. It's weird, I'm not used to him being so assertive. But he has no problem doing it now. He bites down on my bottom lip, making me groan and open my mouth a bit as I taste a small bit of blood.
However, Dark doesn't let up, and instead just slips his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch and every crevice. I moan at the feeling, my cheeks immediately turning bright red afterwards from embarrassment. I've never moaned like that before. Hell, I never even made out with any of my partners when I was alive...
He pushes against me more, our entire bodies touching as he keeps kissing me and kissing me, biting on my lips and snaking his tongue around mine. He brushes his tongue across my teeth, making me shudder and moan yet again as he bites my lip once more. He keeps doing this, reaching up and grabbing the halo off my head. I hear it getting thrown across the room, but I don't care.
After he throws the halo away he parts for a second, throwing his shirt off over his head and doing the same to me afterwards, throwing the pieces of fabric towards wherever he through my halo. I look at his chest as he does this, staring at the black upside down heart on his chest. His soul-heart, the heart shaped gap in his chest that gives a passage to his soul.
He told me about it before, how it's encased with this black...gel is the word he used though he said he didn't really know what it was. All demons have a soul-heart, and it's every demons weak spot. I don't get much more chance to look at Dark though because after he's disposed of the shirts he's back at it again.
However this time he doesn't start kissing my lips. Instead he starts kissing my jaw, and my neck. They're just little kitten kisses at first, but just like it did in the beginning, it gets rougher quickly. Dark doesn't take to long to start biting on my neck, sucking on the skin and undoubtedly leaving marks. I lean my head on the wall, closing my eyes as I just sink into the feeling.
"D-Dark... W-wh... Don't stop..." I didn't even mean to moan that out loud, I meant to ask why he was acting this way, but I honestly don't care. I just want him, I want this. Why had I always pushed this away? He chuckles, his breath hot against my pale skin. I moan loudly as he bites my neck harshly, pushing against me even more. And he just keeps doing this, leaving hickey after hickey on my neck and collarbone.
And I don't know what happened, but something did. A switch was turned on inside me and all of a sudden my embarrassment, my fear, my insecurities, they were all gone. All that's left is a feeling of newfound confidence, and lust. Pure lust for the man in front of me. I push him away a bit, and I stare at him for what feels like forever but is really only a second.
As I look at him I no longer see the intimidating demon he once was, but instead my lover that I want to see begging for me and screaming my name. I turn, pushing him onto the bed next to us. He seems shocked by my sudden change in mood, and even more shocked when I jump on top of him and start kissing him roughly for a change.
I take dominance in an instant, and even though he tries to fight for the dominance back it isn't happening and he knows it. This confidence is overpowering, and I feel like I can do anything. Including fucking the brains out of Dark if I wanted to, which I do. I pull back for air, and he starts panting, gasping for breath. But I'm not done, and he realizes.
I start kissing his neck, doing what he did to me. Sucking and biting, leaving hickeys all over. He tries to fight me back, tries to get back dominance, but I don't give a fuck. This is my turn, not his. And to show him who's boss, I trail my fingers up his chest. He shivers at my touch, but doesn't realize my intentions. Until I had already put two fingers into his soul-heart. He screams, swearing loudly and yelling my name.
I smirk against his skin, taking my fingers out and licking the gel off. It tastes of chocolate and raspberries, and it's addicting as hell. I move to his chest, licking the soul-heart to get more of the taste, moaning when I do get it. He shivers, moaning constantly and it just urges me on more. I continue licking the soul-heart, and he arches his back, accidentally grinding against me which just makes his moan more.
He's an absolute mess, begging, moaning, screaming, as I tease him and mess with him. But when I go to undo his jeans he harshly grabs my wrists. I look up at his flushed face, and he looks back at me, panting.
"No. No more, okay? I proved my point." He says shakily. I chuckle, not fighting against his grip as I lean down and lick around the soul-heart more. "Seán." He says it sternly and I look up at him with fake innocence, and tons of confidence.
"Yes, Darki?" I ask, smirking. He pulls me up so I'm sitting, and then sits up himself, obviously still not recovered from the whole thing.
"I proved my point." He says, grabbing a mirror off my bedside table and handing it to me. And the moment he does my eyes widen as I look at myself, noticing that not only had my mood completely changed but so did my appearance. My skin is seemingly paler, my eyes black with green color. My ears are pointier, and the green in my hair is darker.
I look over at my discarded halo, in which almost all the light is gone. I quickly jump out of the bed and rush over to it, putting it back on. However, the light doesn't come back. It just stays there, dimly shining in the now dark room. I look over at Dark, who is smiling at me.
"I told you you didn't belong here." He says as I look back at my reflection, which has only slightly changed. My skin is back to normal, and my one eye. The other eye is still black and green, and my ears are still pointy. And then I catch it. The heart on my chest, black just like Dark's. Except it's right side up, something no other demons is.
"You're right." I agree, looking over at Dark and putting the mirror down. I sit on his lap, putting my arms around his neck. I'm not as lustful for him, that's for sure, especially as my previous personality starts sinking back in, but I have much more confidence. "Maybe I don't belong here. But I belong with you."
He chuckles at my words, his hands going to my waist. "Yeah well, as cheesy as it is, I agree with you. I belong with you too." He says, taking my halo and putting it on himself. And it somehow seems to grow brighter, as if it has now decided it likes Dark more than me.
"So what are we now Dark? Where do we go? You're not a demon anymore..." I say, nodding towards the halo which glows just as it should. "And I'm not an angel..." I trail off, winking with my one normal eye. He chuckles, shrugging at me.
"I don't know. Maybe we don't belong anywhere but with each other."
"So where do we go?"
"I don't know Seán. All I know is that I love you, and we'll find someplace to go, I promise."
I smile at him, kissing him softly, slowly, passionately. I pull away with a smile, my eyes half closed. "I love you too."
A/N: What has my life become?
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