Batman On Roller Skates
(Mark's P.O.V.)
You know those crushes where you don't even know the person but you really like them anyways and you can't help but watch them and smile? Those crushes where you wish you could hang out with them, and talk with them, and be with them, but you can't cause you don't even know them?
Well I do. Cause I have one of those crushes. I don't even know his name, I just know that every time I see him here he's wearing a Batman shirt. The same sleeveless Batman hoodie, and the same black shorts, and black and white roller blades. He wears his glasses too, which look so cute on him, and his hair is dyed green on top, which suits him so well.
I come to this roller rink a lot, seeing as I do really love roller skating. I come once, maybe twice a week, and so far every time I've come he's been here too. I'm a jam skater, or working on becoming a jam skater. I'm not that good yet. I'm in the weird place where I know what I should be doing, but I can't quite do it. Him on the other hand, he's amazing.
I don't know whether he's a jam skater, or a derby player, but he's awesome. Every time he's here, he's here with his friends. A short brown haired girl, a long brown haired girl, and a blonde boy. I've nicknamed them all, since I don't know their real names. The short brown haired girl is Tomboy, the long haired girl is Derby girl (since she is obviously on a derby team) and the blonde boy is Fanboy, since all of the girls here seem to fangirl over him. He is pretty good.
But him, he's... He's the best. I nicknamed him Batman, seeing as I all he ever seems to wear is that Batman hoodie. The same sleeveless Batman hoodie, every time.
I skate off the rink, sitting on one of the benches and watching. I watch as Batman, Derby girl, and Fanboy all talk while skating on the rink. Derby girl and Fanboy skate forward, while Batman skates backwards, on his phone and laughing. They talk for a little while longer before Batman puts his phone away and transitions back around, skating forward at quick speeds.
He just skates, and skates, and when he transitions again and starts skating backwards it's so smooth. He does a sticky skate backwards skating, doing almost a scissor skate but so much smoother and nicer and faster. In only a few minutes he slows down and skates off the rink, heading over to his table and taking a break. His friends keep skating though. Now's my chance.
I skate over quickly and I stop by his table, all of a sudden nervous. My stomach is in knots and my legs feel weak. And that's not just from the speed skate I did ten minutes ago.
"Uh, hey." I say, and he looks up, eyebrows raising. "I just wanted to say you're a really good skater." I chuckle, feeling my cheeks heat up. He blushes a little bit too, and puts one hand on his face.
"Thank you!" He says, giggling, and looking back at his table. Oh god, his Irish accent is adorable. I nod, biting my lip and skating away again. I sigh, putting my face in my hands. Did I really just do that? Oh my god, I must have sounded like an idiot... I immediately skate onto the rink, skating as fast as I can around the rink.
I nail all my crossovers, and I transition at one point and start skating backwards, but I almost fall so I quickly transition back and just skate forwards like I'm comfortable with. When I'm completely out of breath, and feel like I can barely skate without falling, I skate off the rink, sitting on one of the benches yet again to recollect my breath.
"Hey." I look over then to see Batman standing behind me, smiling. "You're really good too." He says, and I can't help but smile and blush.
"T-thanks. You have no clue how much that means to me." I chuckle. He nods, looking out at the rink, before sitting next to me.
"Yeah. You're good. There are a few things you could work on of course, but you've got the basics down." He chuckles, smile widening. Then he hands me a piece of paper. "Text me. I can give you some pointers, and we can skate together sometime." He says, and I can't help but nod.
"My name is Mark." I say. He nods, standing.
"Seán." He says back, before skating back to the rink and once again skating with his friends. Seán. Man, that's so much better than Batman. I look at the paper in my hand again, before looking up at the rink just to see him pass by and wave before speeding off yet again. And I can't help the quiet squeal that escapes my lips.
A/N: As silly as this sounds, this is actually based off of a girl I saw skating at the roller rink out where my dad lives. She was really good, and I complimented her a lot. It didn't go like this though, at all. Guess you could say I also had one of these little crushes =P
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