A Different Day
(Seán's P.O.V.)
Every day is different. Now, that's true for everyone. But for me, it's even more different. Because every day I wake up in someone else's body. I don't have a body of my own, I'm always in someone else's, and it's only for 24 hours. Always a guy. Always the age I am (so, 27 now). Those are the only things that stay the same.
I have been in the body of businessmen, and homeless people. I have been in the body of drunks, and addicts. I have been in the body of ill, and healthy. Rich and poor. Everything. It has been going on for my entire life. 9,919 days. Tomorrow when I wake up it will be the 9,920th day. April 13th, 2017. 65 days after my birthday.
I remember every day. I remember being an infant. I remember being a toddler, and a kid, and a teen. I remember every name and I keep every memory. And every day when I wake up in someone else's body I access their memories as to not arouse suspicion. I live their life in the way they would, with some exceptions sometimes.
But ever since 52 days ago, when I just so happened to be in his body, I haven't been the same. 52 days ago I was in the body of a man named Jase. He was honestly annoying and I didn't really like him. But that day he just so happened to have plans to hang out with his boyfriend Mark.
And ever since I met Mark, I knew I broke the number one rule I set for myself.
I grew attached and... I'm pretty sure I love him.
I wake up. It's April 13th, 2017. I don't want to open my eyes. My head is pounding, and the light is already to bright even with my eyelids closed. Hungover. Great. Eventually I do open my eyes, slowly adjusting to the light. I notice a few things first. The fact that I have no clothes on, the fact that I am hungover, and there is a naked girl next to me. I do not recognize her, even after using the memory of the man whose life I've taken over for a day.
Probably a one night stand. Wonderful.
The man's name is Jack. I already know what I should do. Get my clothes and get out of there before she wakes up. This is not the first time he's done this, and it will not be the last. He never waits. He always gets up and leaves, just wanting fun before he goes on to the next unlucky person, boy or girl. But I'm not that heartless.
I quickly dress, writing a quick apology on a piece of paper and putting it by the girls glasses that are placed neatly on the end table. Then, putting on the beanie I found thrown by the front door, I head out. I walk down the street, sighing. What else do I know about this person?
We're in downtown LA (where I normally end up), and he is of Irish origins. His hair is unkept, badly needing to be cut. That goes to show how he probably lives. Without needing to think much I find myself following a familiar path. Probably back to his house. And once I get there, I am not surprised to find glass bottles and a completely untidy living space.
There are no roommates. He has no family. He has no one. His job is crap, and he luckily has the day off. The only thing he lives for is having fun every few nights. That's all he cares about. Sex and drinking. I groan, quickly walking to the cabinet where there is undoubtedly some pain killers. After all, this is not an unusual occurrence.
I take the pills, before grabbing sunglasses and walking out of the apartment. I don't want to be in that place. I want to walk outside. Not like he'll care. Just like the rest of them, he won't remember anything. I can just be myself today. In fact, if I found out a way to do it, I could be myself every day in this body. He wouldn't care. No one would.
No one knows him. No one cares about him. That's why it would be perfect. But it doesn't work like that. No, it just doesn't work like that... "Oh! God, I'm sorry." I look at the man that just bumped into me. I wasn't paying attention, and neither was he. But as soon as I see his face, any trace of annoyance disappears.
Cause there stands Mark. And he looks just as good as he did before, if not a little upset. His brown eyes shine with to many emotions to count, and his smile slowly seems to disappear as I don't say anything. Shit, I should say something.
"U-uh... It's fine. Don't worry about it." I say, staring at him still. He nods, smiling once more. Neither of us move. "Are you okay?"
I didn't mean to ask, I just did. He seems taken aback by the question, but I know it's already to late to take it back. So I just stand there, biting my lip, hoping I get an answer instead of him just... Walking away. And sure enough, he does answer, running his hand through his raven black hair.
"Yeah, I'm just kind of upset." He says, and I have to resist the urge to scoff. I already knew that, I meant what was making him upset? I hate seeing those beautiful eyes upset. I shrug, figuring I have time.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, and I know it's probably really weird for a random stranger to be asking, but I can't help it. He has an effect on me no one else has. "Sorry, you don't have too."
"No! No, I'm... Totally fine with it. I just, need to rant I guess. If you don't mind." He shrugs and I chuckle, smiling.
"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't okay with it." I state and he laughs. God I love his laugh. I hold my hand out then. "The name's Jack." I state simply. His smile grows and he shakes my hand with a firm grip.
"I know." I mutter under my breath. He furrows his eyebrows, still smiling.
"What was that?" He asks.
"Wanna walk to the park?"
And off we go. We walk together to the park, just talking about our interests. And I decide to talk about my interests. Not Jack's, or any other persons, but mine. Cause Mark won't ever see Jack again, that I'm sure of. So we talk about video games, and music, and each other. I tell him about my life to the best I can, and he tells me about his. And then we're at the park, sitting on swings and it's silent yet again.
"So why were you so upset earlier?" I ask, swinging a little bit. I haven't been on a swing in years...
He sighs, and that sad look appears in his eyes yet again. Damn it. "My boyfriend and I broke up last night."
I can't help but feel happy, though I also feel bad for him. "I'm sorry." I say, though I don't really know how it feels. I've been broken up with before, but I didn't know the person. I didn't feel the pain. He shrugs.
"It's okay. It was on my terms. He was being a bitch anyways..." I nod, already knowing how their relationship was. What it was like. I'm glad they broke up. Mark didn't need that.
"What happened?" I try to press further. Mark doesn't seem to mind.
"He was... Not necessarily abusive, but he knocked me down a bit. Verbally mostly. I found out he was screwing some girl every week, and I lost it. He got really mad at me for some reason, and hit me. So I screamed that we were done, and stormed out of there." He shrugs yet again. And I just frown.
"Well you didn't need him." I state, standing up with a smile and holding out my hand. "You got me!" I say, and he chuckles, taking my hand and standing up.
"Thanks Jack." He says, and I shrug.
"Anything for my new best friend!" I say and he laughs that beautiful laugh. And I see that all the pain in his eyes, all the sadness, is gone. And I laugh with him, happy. Happy for this day. I don't care that it'll be gone tomorrow. I have today. "Come on! Let's go to an arcade or something!"
I'm not surprised to find that Jack is broke, but Mark offers to pay for my tokens. I thank him repeatedly, and for the next few hours all we do is just play games and talk and hang out. And he does. He becomes a great friend. And it just helps more, helps prove my point. I love him. I love Mark. He's perfect.
Around six we go out to dinner (which Mark once again pays for), and then we head to his house. We sit around and play games, laughing and joking. We have very similar senses of humor I find, and he seems to find my endless yelling and screaming entertaining. I make sure I keep it up because of how much I love his laugh.
And then, it's late and I have no car. Mark refuses to let me leave, so he starts setting up the couch before just asking if I want to sleep in his room. I shrug, accepting the offer. And before to long, he's laying in his bed sleeping, and I'm laying on the floor bundled up in blankets and pillows. Surprisingly, he did this, not me.
But I can't help it and I get up, walking over to him and laying next to him. He makes no move to get me off the bed, in fact he actually wraps his arm around me. I smile and I try to go to sleep, knowing that this will all be gone in the morning. Jack will just think it was a failed attempt at another one-night-stand. He'll leave. Mark will never see me again. And I fall asleep.
I wake up. I wake up with someones arm around me. I wake up with green hair in my face. I wake up in Jack's body. For the first time in my entire life I'm in the body for a second day. Why? How? I open my eyes more, turning to see Mark still asleep. I look towards the window. It's still nighttime. It must be morning soon though, since the sky is slowly becoming a purple color.
I sit up slowly, only now noticing that Jack's phone is on the nightstand, not in my pocket where I left it. I narrow my eyes, picking it up and unlocking it with the passcode I remember from Jack's memory. And it immediately opens to notes.
I don't know who you are, or what you are, or why you decided to take my body... But I can tell you had fun. And I don't really care about it. So you can keep it! Don't worry, I'll take over your place of going from place to place. I'll just get more fun, right? Anyways, have a good life dude. Treat my body well! -Jack
I smile, chuckling softly. I'm going to have a life. I'm going to be able to be me. And I'll be here with Mark. Oh my god... Thank you Jack. Thank you so much...
"You okay Jack?" I hear a tired Mark mumble. I nod, locking the phone and putting it away. I lay down then, staring at Mark's tired face.
"Seán." I say then. He narrows his eyes, smiling.
"Seán. It's my real name. Jack is just a nickname." I state, knowing that I can get used to having that as a nickname. Mark then smiles more, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Okay Seán."
A/N: This one-shot was based off of the book "Every Day" by David Levithan. I'm required to read it for school, and it's absolutely amazing! I recommend it for everyone, so look it up!
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