4 Secrets
Jack was standing outside, waiting on Felix. He'd called and said he was going to pick him up in his rental car. He wore his grey skinny jeans, and a black shirt that had the septiceye in the center of the chest. His green hair was fluffy and stylish today, and those blue eyes were vibrant. It was a good idea, coming to L.A. His ex was off his mind, and he had so many things to keep himself preoccupied.
Felix pulled up, shades covering his light blue eyes. Jack hopped in the front seat, closing the door as Felix spoke.
Jack nodded, staying more quiet than anything. Later he carried on with Felix, joking harshly at each other like they'd always done. The two went out to eat, and later went for a bit of sight seeing. Mark had stayed home while Ken went back to the hotel. It was as they walked out of the park that the jokes stopped, and a serious toned Pewdiepie spoke.
"Do have a thing for Mark?"
The words struck Jack, actually somewhat inflicting pain.
"W-what? Mark?"
Jack was flustered, and shaking a bit as he got into the rental car.
"Well, you two always seemed close, and you have a different way with him."
Jack continued to stare in confusion as Felix kept speaking and also started driving.
"You have this way about you Jack. You can be a major tease to me and Ken, but you act more shy when it comes to Mark. Your face even turns red sometimes, especially in your videos with Mark."
Jacks face was red now, and he realized that all of that was true.
"I uh...well...er' I dunno know. I mean...maybe I've thought about it a few times, but Mark's straight, so that wouldn't happen."
Felix smirked a bit.
"Well, Ken and I had some idea's, but we figured you'd never go through with them."
Jack gave a questionable stare as they got out of the car.
"What kinda ideas?"
Felix smiled at the question.
"You'll see."
That tone was almost scary. Still, as he went to open the door Ken stepped out, immediately giving Jack a sweet grin. Why was he there? Ken left to go back to his hotel, he'd heard the phone call between him and Felix. With that twisted grin, both Ken and Felix leaned in, kissing Jacks cheeks at the same time. They both just smiled and left in Felix's rental car after that. It was weird and made Jacks face turn red again. He wasn't upset though. Those two always messed around with him like that and he'd always mess back. It was just weird because they'd never gone as far as to actually kiss, even if it was just on the cheek. Jack turned around, and saw Mark standing not too far from the doorway, brown eyes wide.
"What was that all about?"
The taller man asked, a slight upsetting tone in his voice. Jack just responded as if it was normal.
"They always fuck around with me. Probably just one of their jokes."
He tried to laugh it off, but it was obvious that he was nervous.
Mark responded as Jack closed the door.
"Why was Ken here? I thought he left earlier..."
The pause made Mark smile softly.
"Oh nothing, he just had some interesting things to talk to me about."
Jack curiously tilted his head a bit, this day was full of secrets. Mark only smiled softly and asked one last question.
"How was your day with Felix?"
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