Let's just get this over with, I'm fucking tired XD
shimshamshoo asked:
"How long have you been writing? Also huge fan of your work!"
First off, thank you! Second, I'm not exactly sure. I'd say for about a year, if you're counting my older account. I started a month or so after getting a wattpad ❤
beckysepticfan asked:
"Fave animal?"
I'd have to say honey badger since they're cute yet furious and I just love 'em.
futuremissClifford asked:
"YAAS, can't wait!!!
Also, what/who is your favorite band/singer and where are u from? Lots of love❤
Shoot that's a hard one. Uh, I'd have to say I'm a big fan of RobertIDK ATM, but also HollyWood Undead. I'm from the mitten of America: Michigan.
FanGirlingWayTooHard asked:
"1) When are you updating next?
I love your work so I want updates!!
2) Will you do a face reveal?
3) Who os your favorite Wattpad author?
Mine is you, skwarlogirlcfc and a couple others, but you two are my ultimate!"
First, I planned to update today, but I got a late notice of my cousin's graduation party that took 5½ hours. I plan to update tomorrow but because of father's day that may not happen, so you may have to wait till Monday. Sorry. Also thanks! Second, I'm not planning on it, but maybe. Third, Dear lord don't make me choose. I'm picking a few: shipper123, hotlinephan, Lynn_Shawe, and starlirious. Everyone should check 'em out! Also it's an honor to be your favorite!! Thank you!!
Lizzy6532 and Bowls_are_great asked:
"Do you have any pets?"
A lot! One dog, one lizard, one frog, and four fish.
septiplier__fangirl asked:
"What is your favorite series of Jack and Mark? Also your work is amazing I love it!!!!"
I have to say I love their Forest series! IDK why, I just do LMAO. Also thank you very much!
jackseptipliergirl asked:
"What made you to start writing and what were your inspirations to write?"
I guess seeing other people and thinking 'Hey, maybe I could do that too!' My inspiration was plenty of people from wattpad bit also just my daily life, which I based my first story (which was Why Him? (syndisparklez). It was,a cringe fest but people liked it as people like this.)
BreanneWilliams4 asked:
"Why is this my favorite septiplier story?
Why is it so good?"
You must've mistaken this for another story and if not OMFG thank you very much!! Also I don't find it particularly good so IDK.
BarbedWire1 asked:
"Is Septiplier your OTP or is there another ship?"
I consider it one of my two OTPs. The other one is Syndisparklez ❤
septiplier_feels_tho asked:
"Do u know creepypasta if so, who is ur favourite creepypasta? Also what's ur fav food? :p"
I do know of creepypasta but I'm not into it like my BFF is. If I had to have a favorite I'd just go with Jeff the Killer. And my favorite food is pork chops.
Aspen_Senpai asked:
"What other youtubers do you watch besides Jack and Mark?"
Get ready for a long ass list. Okay so there's LeafyIsHere, Rhett & Link, SuperMega, Monstercat, PewDiePie, NFKRZ, TVFlithyFrank, RobertIDK, jacksfilms, GameGrumps, GradeAUnderA, AmazingPhil, Boyinaband, CaptainSparklez, CollegeHumor, Cryaotic, CutiePieMarzia, DanAndPhilCRAFTS, DanAndPhilGAMES, danisnotintresting, danisnotonfire, DarkSquidge, Domics, Fine Brothers Entertainment, Good Mythical Morning, GTLive, HoodiePanda, iijeriichoii, jerichoAFK, Kids w/ Problems, Konoira, MandoPony, Matt Lobster, Matthew Santoro, Matthias, Mianite Purge Highlights, Mich L., Mike Inel, Monodream, NateWantsToBattleGames, Nathan Sharp - NateWantsToBattle, Netty Scribble, Ninja Nightcore, OMGitsfirefoxx, PointlessBlog, Pyrocynical, queen usagi, RoomieOfficial, Rooster Teeth, Santoro Gaming, shadypenguinn, sWooZie, SyndicateCentral, The Game Therorists, TheRPGMinx, TheSyndicateProject, TomSka, Tsuko G., Tyler Oakley, and Waglington.
Keep in mind I may be missing some and that side channels are included XD
lolaroseluchchan asked:
"have you ever screamed when watching septiplier"
Yup. I also had to take a five-minute break to fangirl XD
newBazaarTeddyBear asked:
"Yo hello! Does you have a favorite fantasy animal? (Dragon, unicorn, fairy, etc.)
Also, do you watch anime? ^_^"
I have to go with a nine-tailed fox because I just find them so pretty yet powerful, and yeah, I watch all kinds of anime.
SleepingPanda108 asked:
"Do you have ant sisters, brothers, both, or none?"
I have 3 sisters, 0 brothers. My dad is very lonely XD
saro510 asked:
"Who do you ship more: Septiplier or Syndisparklez?"
"ARE YOU MAKING A SYNDISPARKLEZ BOOK *whispers* pls make one~"
Also yes I do plan on releasing one soon ❤
TheTwistedKupkake asked:
"Um... I want to join in, but... like I can ask u rn if I had any questions... which reminds me, I have to turn Skype notifications off.
I'll ask anyways.
What... is... your name? There. XD"
It's Molly. I thought you knew this, man.
ThisYandereIsNERD asked:
"Is there going to be any smut in this story."
I don't plan on there to be but there will be heated moments so I'll give a little warning for those.
Journey_cook asked:
"When is your normal update day?"
Wednesdays and Saturdays.
damblueskittle asked:
"What's your favorite candy?"
I actually don't eat candy that much, but I'd go for a good Hershey's chocolate bar anytime.
Zakani_Donovan asked:
"What was the first youtuber fanfic you ever read?"
Forbidden on fanfic.net. At least I think. It's a Syndisparklez smut. I didn't know what smut was or how sex worked at the time. I still sorta don't ._.
MkBaii asked:
"What's your sexuality?"
I'm straight, and I'm not homophobic because I am. Someone once said to me that if you aren't gay, bi, or pan then you're a homophobic fuck. You can be whatever sexuality you want to be, just please don't force it upon others ❤
That's all I'm tired night
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